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Eighteenth Century Architecture

Eighteenth Century Architecture. Architectural History ACT 322 Doris Kemp. Topics. The Eighteenth Century The Palladians Colen Campbell Robert Adams. The Eighteenth Century. Eighteenth century developments encompassed several elements Late Baroque work predominated

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Eighteenth Century Architecture

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  1. Eighteenth Century Architecture Architectural History ACT 322 Doris Kemp

  2. Topics • The Eighteenth Century • The Palladians • Colen Campbell • Robert Adams

  3. The Eighteenth Century • Eighteenth century developments encompassed several elements • Late Baroque work predominated • Emergence of new styles • Decorative aspects of the Baroque • A curiosity of earlier times, places, and cultures

  4. The Eighteenth Century • Eighteenth century was part of the “Age of Enlightenment” • An era in which scientists and mathematicians laid the foundation for modern achievements in their fields • Philosophers proposed rational forms of government that were put into practice by the American and French revolutions

  5. The Eighteenth Century • Three major developments of the eighteenth-century that would eventually give way to twentieth-century architecture • Neo-Classicism • Romanticism • Industrial Technology • Neo-Classicism and Romanticism gained their influence through the revival of the English Palladio

  6. The Palladians • The Palladians • Group of architects that favored a simpler approach to architecture • Found in the works of Paladio • Leaders included • Colen Campbell (1676? – 1729) • Scottish architect and editor • Richard Boyle (1694 – 1753) • Third Earl of Burlington • William Kent (1685 – 1748) • Painter, architect, and landscaper • Robert Adam (1728 – 1792) • A architect of Scottish decent

  7. The Palladians • Colen Campbell • Illustrations of classical English buildings brought him fame and the attention of Lord Burlington • Commissioned Campbell to undertake major reconstruction of the Burlington House in London • Key Structure • Mereworth Castle in Kent

  8. The Palladians • Mereworth Castle (1723) • Designed a near-replica of the Villa Rotunda at a slightly larger scale • Contains several practical devices including the incorporation of fireplace flues in the ribs of the dome

  9. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  10. The Palladians • William Kent • Became very friendly with Lord Burlington during his Grand Tour of Europe • Lord Burlington used Kent’s work to design his own variation of the Villa Rotunda at his Chiswick House outside of London

  11. The Palladians • Chiswick House • Located outside of London, England • Smaller version of the Villa Rotunda • Drew on several sources in its design • Features obelisks placed at the edge of the roof that contain chimney flues

  12. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  13. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  14. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  15. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  16. The Palladians • Robert Adams • Created several drawings of ruins in Yugoslavia • Were later published as Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalato, in Dalmatia • Décor and furnishings were very important to Adam • Major contribution • Adelphi scheme on the River Thames near London

  17. The Palladians • The Adelphi • Consisted of houses facing four streets • Two parallel and two perpendicular • Houses were of brick with stone and terra-cotta trim • Featured central end pavilions without incorporating the giant pilasters or columns of earlier times

  18. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  19. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  20. The Palladians http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html

  21. References • Sullivan, Mary; http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/ • http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Cities/wld/wdpt1.html • Trachtenburg/Hyman; Architecture: From Prehistory to Postmodernity • Wodehouse/Moffett; A History of Western Architecture

  22. Eighteenth Century Architecture Architectural History ACT 322 Doris Kemp

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