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July 13, 2011 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Room 2-334 Green Room

To Embrace Change… Stop Procrastination – NOW!. July 13, 2011 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Room 2-334 Green Room. Patrick Fleming, Student Leadership Development Anthony Webb, Counseling Services. Agenda for the Workshop July 13, 2011 – Wednesday. AGENDA ITEM: Embracing Change

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July 13, 2011 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Room 2-334 Green Room

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  1. To Embrace Change… Stop Procrastination –NOW! July 13, 2011 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Room 2-334 Green Room Patrick Fleming, Student Leadership Development Anthony Webb, Counseling Services

  2. Agenda for the WorkshopJuly 13, 2011 – Wednesday • AGENDA ITEM: • Embracing Change • Stop Procrastination – Now! Exercise • What Causes YOU to Procrastinate • Look at Procrastination • Reasons for Procrastination • Fear of Success? • Cost of Procrastination • Goal Setting Process • Make Wise Choices • The Power of Focus and Focus Action Plan • Today Matters

  3. Embracing Change

  4. Embracing Change • Change is inevitable • Economy, technology, how we do business, how we communicate is changing • Resist change and potentially be swept away by it, or • Choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and benefit from it • Two kinds of change • Cyclical change • Stock market, weather, holiday spending, travel in the summer • Accepted as a normal part of life • Structural change • Computers • No going back to the way things were before

  5. Embracing Change To embrace any change, ask yourself the following questions: What’s changing in my life that I’m currently resisting? Why am I resisting that change? What am I afraid of with respect to this change? What am I afraid might happen to me? What’s the payoff for my keeping things the way they are? What’s the cost I’m paying for keeping things the way they are? What benefits might there be in this change? What would I have to do to cooperate with this change? What’s the next step I could take to cooperate with this change? When will I take it?

  6. Stop Procrastination NOW! Exercise

  7. Look at Procrastination • Life is about effort, not excuses! • Be intentional • Bottom Line • Procrastination is lack of action to resolve a situation

  8. Four Simple Reasons for Procrastination • Difficult • Task seems too hard to do. • Avoid difficult things in favor of those which seem easy to us. • Time-consuming • Task will take large blocks of time. • Large blocks of time are unavailable until the weekend. • Lack of knowledge or skills • No one wants to make a mistake. • Wait until you learn how before you start. • Fears • Everyone will know how you messed up. • I can never be successful.

  9. Four Complex Reasons for Procrastination • Perfectionism • Everything must go completely right. • Long on criticism and short on praise. • Anger/Hostility • Unhappy with someone, we’ll often withhold our best efforts. • Delay a project as a way of “getting even.” • Low Frustration Tolerance • You find situations radically intolerable and terribly unfair. • Characterized by whining and complaining. • Self-Downing • Minimize your own skills and abilities. • Express doubt about your ability to succeed.

  10. Fear of Success

  11. Fear of Success “Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “someday I’ll’ philosophy.” Denis Waitley, author

  12. Fear of Success • Being afraid to achieve the very things that we want. • Self-defeating thinking, such as: • “I don’t deserve it” • “If I achieve what I set out to do, everyone will know that I don’t really deserve it” • “If I get it I won’t be able to sustain it. Why try?” • “If I am successful, someone will come along who is better than me. Then, what will happen to me?” • “If I am successful, my relationships will change and I’ll have to make new friends. My current friends would never accept a more successful me.”

  13. Fear of Success • Self-defeating thinking leads to self-defeating actions • Doing the wrong thing even when you know the right thing to do • That way, one can avoid having to deal with success. • Minimizing your accomplishments so they are ultimately negated • Then, you don’t have to live up to being all that you really are. • Feeling guilty when you have a success. • Creates a slowdown in momentum, hesitancy to act, and a self-fulfilling inability to move on to another success. • What to do differently • Act in a way that will help build a sense of self • Find ways to encourage and acknowledge accomplishments of those around you • Seek people who have your permission to provide feedback – positive and negative – about your progress. • When someone compliments you, respond with a firm “Thank You!”

  14. Cost of Procrastination

  15. Cost of Procrastination • Your health • Evidence of compromised immune systems • More colds, flu, and gastrointestinal problems • Insomnia • Shifts the burden of responsibilities onto others, who become resentful • Destroys teamwork in the workplace and private relationships • Other costs?

  16. Goal Setting Process • Goal setting gives you the opportunity • to create your future in advance. • Goals + Commitments + Action Steps/with Dates and Times = • Priorities • Priorities Create Focus

  17. Talent is Never Enough CHOICES That Maximizes Your Talent • BELIEF lifts your talent • PASSION energizes your talent • INITIATIVE activates your talent • FOCUS directs your talent • PREPARATION positions your talent • PRACTICE sharpens your talent • PERSEVERANCE sustains your talent • COURAGE tests your talent • TEACHABILITY expands your talent • CHARACTER protects your talent • RELATIONSHIPS influence your talent • RESPONSIBILITY strengthens your talent • TEAMWORK multiplies your talent

  18. Focus Directs Your Talent

  19. Focus Directs Your Talent The Power of Focus Focus Action Plan “Guard your focus, because your focus is your life.” - Shawn Harper, NSLS Speaker

  20. Focus Directs Your TalentThe Power of Focus • Focus Does Not Come Naturally to Most People • Focus Increases Your Energy • Focus Lifts You • Focus Expands Your Life • Focus Must Be Intentionally Sustained

  21. Focus Directs Your TalentThe Power of Focus • Focus Does Not Come Naturally to Most People • Maintain your focus in the moment • “Wherever you are, be all there.” – Jim Elliott, Missionary • Ask yourself… Am I vigilant about how I spend my time, with whom I am spending it, how it fits into the bigger picture, whether it produces results • Focus Increases Your Energy • If you lack focus, you will be all over the place • Narrow your focus and set goals • Mind doesn’t reach toward achievement until it has a clear objective • Attempting everything, like attempting nothing, will suck the life out of you

  22. Focus Directs Your TalentThe Power of Focus • Focus Lifts You • Knowing what you want and making an effort to pursue it • Focus always has an impact • You can’t shoot for the stars and remain unaffected by the effort • Focus Expands Your Life • “What you focus on expands.” – Mike Kendrick, Author • Narrowing your view widens your perspective – Example: buying a car • If you expand your view, it simply wears you out • To expand your capacity, FOCUS • Focus Must Be Intentionally Sustained • Success - progressive realization of a predetermined worthwhile goal • Success is not an event; it is a process • When you engage in a process that takes time, FOCUS is essential

  23. Focus Directs Your TalentFocus Action Plan • Be Intentional – Make Every Action Count • Challenge Your Excuses • Don’t Let Yesterday Hijack Your Attention • Focus on the Present • Stay Focused on Results • Develop and Follow Your Priorities • Focus on Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses • 8. Delay Rewards Until the Job Is Done

  24. Focus Directs Your TalentFocus Action Plan • 1. Be Intentional – Make Every Action Count • Focus on doing the right things, moment by moment, day to day, and then following through with them in a consistent way. • “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” • - John F. Kennedy • Challenge Your Excuses • People who don’t know what they’re doing soon become frustrated • What are some of your excuses? • Time, resources, help, problems, shortcomings, distractions, etc. • Should we let excuses get us off track? NO!!

  25. Focus Directs Your TalentFocus Action Plan • 3. Don’t Let Yesterday Hijack Your Attention • “Don’t let yesterday take up to much of today.” - Will Rogers • Learn from the past and let go of it • Make what your doing now your focus • Striving for achievements is a lot like driving a car – rearview mirror • 4. Focus on the Present • If you focus on today, you get a better tomorrow • You can’t change yesterday or count on tomorrow. But you can choose what you do today • Giving it your focus will pay dividends • Look at Today Matters

  26. Today Matters 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success • Today’s ATTITUDE Gives Me Possibilities • Today’s PRIORITIES Gives Me FOCUS • Today’s HEALTH Gives Me Strength • Today’s FAMILY Gives Me Stability • Today’s THINKING Gives Me an Advantage • Today’s COMMITMENT Gives Me Tenacity • Today’s FINANCES Gives Me Options • Today’s FAITH Gives Me Peace • Today’s RELATIONSHIPS Gives Me Fulfillment • Today’s GENEROSITY Gives Me Significance • Today’s VALUES Gives Me Direction • Today’s GROWTH Gives Me Potential

  27. Focus Directs Your TalentFocus Action Plan • 5. Stay Focused on Results • You will find it easier to stay positive and encourages • Helps you stay grounded • Encounter five types of individuals… • Refreshers – Inspire your dreams and energize you • Refiners – Sharpen your ideas and clarify your vision • Reflectors – Mirror your energy, your energy level stays the same • Reducers – Reduce your vision and efforts to their comfort level • Rejecters – Deny your talent, efforts, and impede your vision • 6. Develop and Follow Your Priorities • If you chase two rabbits, both will escape • If you want to develop your talent, you need to focus • Focus requires knowing your true priorities and following them

  28. Focus Directs Your TalentFocus Action Plan • 7. Focus on Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses • What you commit yourself to become determines what you are • What are your commitments? • Where are you going? • What are you going to be? • Go with your greatest assets, don’t waste your time • 8. Delay Rewards Until the Job Is Done • Pay now and play later • Make every action count – be intentional • You know you have talent, are energetic and active, but don’t see concrete results – lack of focus is likely your problem

  29. Focus “I think what separates a superstar from the average ballplayer is that he concentrates just a little bit longer.” - Hank Aaron

  30. Preparation The best way to improve your team is to improve yourself.

  31. Practice “One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you gat it.” - Sidney Howard

  32. Responsibility “My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” - Oprah Winfrey

  33. The End

  34. Extra Items of Interest

  35. Thoughts Just for Today … “The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there’s only one other choice.” - Doug Larson, Cartoonist Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems. - Brian Tracy, Success Coach and Author Nothing will work unless you do. - Maya Angelou, Poet

  36. The 3 F’s • Faith • Overcome doubts • Focus • Single mindedly work on the task at hand • Concentrate • Directs your efforts and energy • Follow-through • Take responsibility and act • Carry-out task, event, etc. to completion • Execute on your plan • Other ideas • Education is FREEDOM! • Raises your level of expectations Ethel Washington-Harris Sinclair Graduate, DP&L Official, and Former Sinclair Board of Trustees Member Sinclair Commencement June 12, 2009

  37. Today Matters 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success • Today’s ATTITUDE Gives Me Possibilities • Today’s PRIORITIES Gives Me Focus • Today’s HEALTH Gives Me Strength • Today’s FAMILY Gives Me Stability • Today’s THINKING Gives Me an Advantage • Today’s COMMITMENT Gives Me Tenacity • Today’s FINANCES Gives Me Options • Today’s FAITH Gives Me Peace • Today’s RELATIONSHIPS Gives Me Fulfillment • Today’s GENEROSITY Gives Me Significance • Today’s VALUES Gives Me Direction • Today’s GROWTH Gives Me Potential

  38. Just for Today … • Just for today… I will choose and display the right attitudes • Just for today… I will determine and act on important priorities • Just for today… I will know and follow healthy guidelines • Just for today… I will communicate with and care for my family • Just for today… I will practice and develop good thinking • Just for today… I will make and keep proper commitments • Just for today… I will earn and properly manage finances • Just for today… I will deepen and live out my faith • Just for today… I will initiate and invest in solid relationships • Just for today… I will plan for and model generosity • Just for today… I will embrace and practice good values • Just for today… I will seek and experience improvements • Just for today… I will act on these decisions and practice these disciplines, and • Then one day… I will see the compounding results of a day lived well

  39. Results – Commitment – Education “Quotes” “Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count.” Dr. Robert Anthony www.drrobertanthony.com “There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." Art Turock www.turock.com “Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done whether you like it or not." Thomas Huxley Educator (1825-1898)

  40. Procrastination can affect your success. Overcome procrastination by enhancing your personal leadership growth and understanding the importance emotional intelligence plays in the process.

  41. Definition of SuccessJohn C. Maxwell – “Talent is Never Enough” “Success is the progressive realization of a predetermined worthwhile goal” Success is not an event; it is a process When you engage in a process that takes time, focus is essential Only people capable of remaining focused can expect to direct their talent and achieve a level of success

  42. DWYSYWD: DoWhatYouSayYouWillDo Say – Clear about your beliefs, know what you stand for Do – Put what you say into practice, must act on your beliefs, and “do” “The Leadership Challenge”, 4th Edition Authors: Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

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