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purposes and Essential components

purposes and Essential components. Purposes of the AIR Model. continued services. IEP. Mild MI. LD. EBD. OHI. OI. 10-5+2=7. Reading. Math. Positive Behavior Support. Premises.

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purposes and Essential components

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  1. purposes and Essential components West Virginia Department of Education

  2. Purposes of the AIR Model West Virginia Department of Education

  3. continued services IEP Mild MI LD EBD OHI OI 10-5+2=7 Reading Math Positive Behavior Support

  4. Premises • Students with disabilities can receive guaranteed services, the protections of IDEA, and appropriate instruction without a label. • Labels often bias persons in a student’s life and may add an emotional burden • Instruction should be based on student learning characteristics and needs, not disability labels • The traditional language of special education, in and of itself, creates barriers to meeting the educational and social needs of students.

  5. AIRProcesses AIR schools will use a model that does not assign a category of disability but selects students for instructional supports that continue beyond those described in Tier III , include the protections of IDEA, and are included on an IEP West Virginia Department of Education

  6. Instruction In AIR schools The response to intervention Model provides data For decision making as a few students may be considered and selected for continued services through an IeP

  7. West Virginia Department of Education

  8. AIR Continued services for students with low response to intervention Intensive Targeted Universal Three Tier Instruction Model

  9. Selection Data Analysis and Decision Making

  10. Selection

  11. Instruction following selection for IEP Services • Students’ academic needs will be met non-categorically. • IEPs will not reference a disability. • Areas requiring specially designed instruction will be identified by the IEP Team, and this instruction will be provided by special and general educators who have the knowledge and skills to meet the student’s needs. • A student with an IEP is a student of the school first with a right to all the services the school offers students without IEPs. West Virginia Department of Education

  12. Reporting

  13. Reporting • A summary of student characteristics and educational needs and documentation of decision will be completed by the Selection Committee and submitted to the county special education director. • The county special education director will make a determination as to the category within which the student will be reported for federal purposes. • As of May 2009, students being re-evaluated may continue to be designated as a student in need of IEP services but without a disability label. West Virginia Department of Education

  14. Characteristics of continued services through an IEP often reflect those in the three tiers of instruction and intervention. They encompass also, however, the guarantees of, e.g., related services, accommodations, procedural safeguards, and parental notification and collaboration. Continued Services Through an IEP West Virginia Department of Education

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