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Essential Components for Performing Portfolios. Why Titan ?. The Titan Team was set up in 2005 to bring innovative funds to the market. Our logic is simple: There are some great fund managers out there doing a fantastic job of maximising returns for investors.
Essential Components for Performing Portfolios
Why Titan ? The Titan Team was set up in 2005 to bring innovative funds to the market. Our logic is simple: There are some great fund managers out there doing a fantastic job of maximising returns for investors. However, their offerings are not always packaged in the way we want to use them, or optimised to our personal needs. Moreover, times change: key personnel move on; sectors go in and out of favour; managers can go off the boil or get in a rut; better alternatives appear... There are a whole host of reasons why just sitting and holding may not be the optimal strategy. Some tweaking here and there can enhance returns.
Why Titan ? Whilst we can't offer one solution to suit all needs or tastes, by focusing on the best managers in the best sectors, and adjusting exposure as and when necessary, we can take advantage of talent that clearly exists and better focus it to your needs. Managers do go off the boil – we are there to remove them if this happens, or appoint new talent as it emerges. This has a direct and positive affect on both volatility and performance Titan Fund Management is an independent company set up and regulated in Mauritius as a Category 1 Global Business License holder, and able to best optimise the offshore benefits such a location brings.
Why Titan ? Putting this into context: JP Morgan for example has one of the best performing India funds. But their broader ‘Emerging Market’ fund includes capable but less impressive Latin American talent. Emerging Europe is 50% Russian. BlackRockhas a good Eastern European fund but not the best Russian managers. We monitor which teams consistently outperform and focus on their talents. If, or when, a sector becomes ‘bad news’ we underweight or exit it. All the time we focus on individual strengths and bring them together in one simple fund. You of course could do this yourself, but it needs day to day monitoring and hands on management. Use our scale and institutional rates and be confident that the best teams and lowest terms are working to your benefit.
Why New World ? Despite superior economic growth rates that look set to continue, if at a more sustainable pace, most of us are under invested in the vibrant emerging market sector. One reason of course is the greater market volatility. This is totally normal in the higher growth sectors. However it can bring a degree of discomfort, combined with our feelings of being remote from all that is evolving. That should not be a reason for avoiding the sector given its potential. Yet we know that if we turn our backs, investments can bite our hands - Russian shares fell 80% from May 2008 to October 2008! Furthermore, you have probably noticed that some fund managers seem to be great in their market sector but their expertise is fairly specialist.
Why New World ? A fund company often rolls up its talent into a broader fund that never quite seems to achieve what you bought into. Sometimes the manager does well. Later, after you have been sidetracked by other demands, you discover they have moved on and your investment has begun to languish. Often a manager is excellent but they focus on a sector that falls out of favour. So how can we put more money to work, only with a greater degree of confidence? At Titan we monitor the best managers and the most appealing sectors. We blend them together to optimise individual talent and sector exposure to achieve the best growth, with decreased risk.
Why Titan Commodity? The World is witnessing the early days of the biggest, most global economic revolution it has ever seen. During the next two decades the number of western style consumers is likely to quadruple to perhaps five billion due to the growth in demand from the emerging markets. Given the more dynamic economic growth rates in these areas, that continues today to exceed those in developed economies, it is almost inevitable that demand increases for all kinds of raw materials. History has shown us that despite a massive increase in demand for natural resources the obvious beneficiaries have not always made for great investments.
Why Titan Commodity? So you need good natural resources managers. Furthermore, the sector’s performance has tended to come in waves. This means you needed to have been heavily exposed at the right times and out of the market as much as possible through the bad times. The rises and falls of the last few years have proved this very succinctly! There have also been periods when the commodities themselves have been the best place to be, and other times when it made more sense to own the companies. The fundamental story of long term demand has not gone away. So, looking ahead it would be great to make money from the sector’s swings and cycles as efficiently as possible. So how can we put more money to work with a greater degree of confidence?
Why Titan Commodity? Most funds tend to be ‘long only’ and tend to focus on either the commodity or the stock. The Titan Commodity Fund adjusts exposure between strategies to optimise performance. This means that not only are you enjoying diversification into the best managers rather than relying upon one, but that the normal downside risk is also managed by a combination of hedge strategies. This means you can be more comfortable that your needs are being addressed even as you tend to other demands.
Performance Clearly an underlying criteria of performance is the absolute returns, and how that return ranks against its benchmark. But additionally it is important to understand the volatility associated with the pursuit of that return. For a fund of funds there is always the question, why not chose the underlying big name fund manager and invest directly into that fund. At Titan we like to answer those questions with out performance on absolute returns, coupled with lower volatility than the underlying assets individually.
Should be part of all Clients’ asset allocation Regardless of the risk weighting there should be at least a small percentage of a client’s asset allocation in New World and Commodities. Clearly the higher the risk profile of the client the more allocation could be justified, but due to the historic low volatility and absolute returns of the funds even low risk clients should have at least their toe in the funds. For full information go to the website, www.titanfundmanagment.com
Institutional Acceptance Both the Titan Commodity Fund (MC128) and the Titan New World Fund (MC129) are available via Hansard International and Hansard Europe in Mirror Class form.Titan New World is also accepted by Generali International, Royal Skandia International, Friends Provident Isle of Man, Canada Life Isle of Man, Irish Life, Aegon Isle of Man, Victory Life and others.Titan Commodity Fund is accepted by Generali International, Royal Skandia International, Canada Life Isle of Man, Irish Life, Aegon Isle of Man, Victory Life and others.
Summary • Exposure to supply and demand of the new world order (Commodities and EM). • Diversification amongst best managers and investment approaches. • Volatility managed by utilising hedge strategies and ETF’s to control downside risk. • Tremendous concentration of manager skills, beyond scope of any individual manager (knowledge, research etc). • A proven model, 6 year track record in EM, 3 years in Commodity. • Liquid, accessible, excellent performance - from the most exciting sectors available.
Titan Funds • Superior Performance for both returns and reduced volatility • Access via all the major life companies • Access via all open architecture platforms • Direct purchases available if required