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T he F orbidden S ide of H igh-z U niverse

Roberto Decarli. Fabian Walter, Jackie Hodge, Elisabete da Cunha, Bram Venemans , Livia Vallini , Jorge Gonzalez, Axel Weiss, Dominik Riechers , Roberto Neri , Pierre Cox, Chris Carilli , Roberto Maiolino. T he F orbidden S ide of H igh-z U niverse. ISM PROBES at low-z.

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T he F orbidden S ide of H igh-z U niverse

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  1. Roberto Decarli Fabian Walter, Jackie Hodge, Elisabeteda Cunha, Bram Venemans, LiviaVallini, Jorge Gonzalez,Axel Weiss, DominikRiechers,Roberto Neri, Pierre Cox, Chris Carilli, Roberto Maiolino The Forbidden Sideof High-z Universe

  2. ISM PROBES at low-z [OIII] (5008 Ang) Orion, z=0 [OII] (3727 Ang) Flux [NII] (6584 Ang) [SII] (6731 Ang) [OI] (6300 Ang) Wavelength

  3. ISM PROBES at high-z [OIII] (40064 Ang) Orion, z=7 [OII] (29816 Ang) Flux [NII] (52672 Ang) [SII] (53848 Ang) [OI] (50400 Ang) Wavelength

  4. ISM PROBES AT mm wavelengths PdBI [OI] [OIII] ALMA [CII] [NII] [CI] Band 4 Band 7 Band 6 Band 3 Band 2 Band 3 Band 1 CO

  5. ISMPROBES AT mm wavelengths HDF850.1 [CII] Himiko IOK-1 ID141(2011) J1120 GRB090423 BRI1335(2010) J1148(2005) BRI0952(2009) BRI1202N(2006) J033229.4(2011)

  6. HDF850.1 RD, et al., in prep. Full scan of the 3mm band on the HDFN Blind CO search 11 “high-quality” line candidates

  7. HDF850.1

  8. HDF850.1 One of the highest-z [CII] detection in a SMG: z=5.183 Walter, RD, et al., (2012) Nature

  9. HDF850.1 Neri et al., in prep. [CII], blue [CII], red 0.3” = 1.8 kpc 0.3” res [CII] image reveals an on-going merger at z=5.2

  10. J1120+0641 Mortlock et al., 2011 Redshift record holder (among QSOs): z=7.085

  11. [CII] @ z=7.085 Venemans et al., 2012 Continuum [CII] Most distant [CII] detection • SFR~160-440 Mo/yr • Mdust ~ 7-60e7 Mo • Mdyn < 1.4e11 Mo

  12. [CII] in LAEs and GRB hosts No continuum / [CII] detection SFRFIR < 40-70 Mo/yr (3-s) ~ 2-3 x SFRUV (uncorr.) Walter et al., 2012; Gonzalez et al., in prep. Himiko (z=6.595) IOK-1(z=6.960)

  13. [CII] in LAEs and GRB hosts No continuum / [CII] detection SFRFIR < 40-70 Mo/yr (3-s) ~ 2-3 x SFRUV (uncorr.) Walter et al., 2012; Gonzalez et al., in prep.

  14. Not even with alma?? ALMA observations of IOK-1 (PI: Ota) (see also Ouchi et al. 2013 on Himiko) Line Continuum Himiko (z=6.595) IOK-1(z=6.960)

  15. GAS PROBES AT mm wavelengths PSS 2322 APM0827 [NII] MM18243 ID141 GN20 BR1202-N/S HDF850.1 Cloverleaf(2011) SMMJ02399(2011) J033229.4(2012) HLSJ0918(2012)

  16. [NII] at high-z Targeted [NII] where feasible [NII] detected in 5 sources (out of 8) Decarli et al. 2012,13

  17. BR1202-0725 Carilli et al. 2013 LAE-N SMG Bridge QSO LAE-S Decarli et al. 2013

  18. [NII] COOLING Decarli et al. 2012,13 L[NII]/LFIR ~ 0.0001

  19. [NII] in MM18423+5938 1mm continuum [NII] [NII] vel gradient [NII] – cont – CO

  20. [NII] in MM18423+5938 Decarli et al. 2012 First resolved Schmidt-Kennicutt law at high-z!

  21. Conclusions • [CII] is now “routinely” observed in FIR-bright, high-z galaxies – but not (yet) in more “normal” galaxies • [NII] is also detected for the first time in high-z galaxies • [NII] / [CII] << 10 in SMGs and QSOs, up to ~0.5 in LAEs • Need to increase sample sizes and line coverage

  22. A blind line detection … ID.18

  23. … with no counterpart … ID.18 0.44 mm 0.61 mm 0.85 mm 20” 1.25 mm 1.60 mm 3.6 mm 24 mm 100 mm 5.8 mm

  24. CO(3-2) at z=2.07 in an otherwise “dark” galaxy • (or [CII] at z=15.87 – ask Fred)

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