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STATUS OF 2000 SOTA ISSUES. Urgency and priority of multi-sectoral programming Clarify HIV guidance vis-a-vis commodity procurement . Completed: Guidance issued by PPC. Please see copy of guidance on diskette Completed: Test-Kit Waiver MSH “Mission Toolkit on Waivers”
Urgency and priority of multi-sectoral programming Clarify HIV guidance vis-a-vis commodity procurement Completed: Guidance issued by PPC. Please see copy of guidance on diskette Completed: Test-Kit Waiver MSH “Mission Toolkit on Waivers” Need field test site CPFund
Finalize IAA between USAID, State and CDC Scaling up in low HIV Prevalence Countries Completed: between CDC and USAID Funding for basic country programs maintained Regional strategies & structures focus resources on “hot spots” where epidemic is expanding & addressing cross border issues FHI handbook on programming in low-prev settings Access to CP Fund
Policy guidance needed for introduction of ARV Guidance on approaches for integrating HIV/AIDS with FP, RH, CS and Health Reform Activities Guidance under development; fact sheet available on synergy website Completed:Website available and running at www.synergy.com
Contraceptive Security Dual protection guidance Istanbul Conference held; other donors engaged; CS coordinator position established in GH. A report of the results from the Open Forum was sent out to missions. Nomi Fuchs will address this issue in further detail – draft of guidance for reaction only will be circulated
AFR/SD allocation of own program funds Lack of competitive pay scales for professional staff HIV/AIDS Test-Kit procurement/waiver Completed: Website available URL www.afr-sd.org Sharon Carney will discuss this issue in further detail Completed
Review guidance on use of CSD funds Missions should increase attention to improving routine immunization coverage Completed: 2002 Guidance issued Through the Agency’s Boost Initiative, 11 USAID Africa missions increased their support for existing immunization programs or designed new ones with 2000 funds
Clarification of respective roles of AFR/SD, G/PHN and Regional Offices to ensure more coordinated planning and resource allocation Need for increased OE for FSNS and USDHs to respond to AIDS crisis Due to reorganization and staff reallocation, GH, AFR, REDSO still need to work out roles & responsibilities for backstopping and meeting field needs. In response to the AIDS crisis, Operation Plan lays out a mandate for increasing staff in missions.
Need for guidance on and training in specific HIV/AIDS interventions Office of HIV/AIDS committed core funds in FY01/02 for the implementing Human Capacity Development (HCD) activities. Purpose of HCD Initiative is to strengthen human capacity to lead, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate expanded HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support programs. Estelle Quain has recently joined HIV/AIDS Office to focus on HCD training activities. REDSO training needs assessment underway.
Missions encouraged to review Tiahrt guidance and request assistance to evaluate compliance Actions Completed: Assessments of Tiahrt vulnerabilities have been conducted in Peru, India, Indonesia and Bangladesh. GH staff has also reviewed the situation in Bolivia, Senegal, Uganda and Kenya. Results have been encouraging, indicating USAID FP projects place a premium on quality.
GH Core PHN prepared a report which was sent out to missions. Washington requested to provide greater transparency and accountability in defining and implementing budget development and funding allocations
Field Support Database and the Phoenix Accounting System track and report allocation and obligation data, respectively. Obligation data available at the end of the fiscal year 9/30. No Agendywide system to collect expenditure and accrual information for Field Support. Phoenix relates expenditures to fundcite only by formula. Regular and timely tracking of accrual data to reduce pipelines and more timely allocation of FS funding
However, within the PHN arena, there is an informal method to collect this information by country and agreement, which still depends on the good will of CAs to continue voluntary expenditure reporting. Expenditure data are collected and reported once a year and includes accruals. For an intermediate snapshot on your project pipelines, missionsneed to contact CAs directly. Regular and timely tracking of accrual data to reduce pipelines and more timely allocation of FS funding, cont’d
State has approved policy that permits but does not require U.S. mission to provide ARVs to FSNs -- this decision is made by the Embassy. Approval document provided on diskette. Implication of HIV/AIDS for USG workforce abroad
GH has a Professional Development Manager who is working on distance learning initiatives. Eight CDs have been produced and sent to the field that focus on: AIDS, TB, child survival contraceptive technology and security, MAQ, maternal health, and health sector reform. PHN SOTA courses continue every 2 yrs. Other professional development activities being explored that focus on supporting mission staff development. Great demand for the State of the Art training
Notwithstanding authority obtained. HIV/AIDS redlight/greenlight fiscal flow and obligations monitoring system. New CORE and REACH mechanisms Explore with OP the possibility of additional, more flexible procurement and obligation mechanisms that would enable direct funding to district and community levels.
Senegal & Uganda finalizing 5-year malaria plans, Zambia in progress. Guidance cable for ID M&E in draft; will seek mission comment; expected in final in 3-4 mos. Mission encouraged to undertake long-term ID strategic planning and monitoring
Guidance on SWAPS Proportional consistency in mix of earmarked funds Information and guidance on evaluation of health reform activities UNRESOLVED ISSUES