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Chp 8 Test Essay:

Chp 8 Test Essay:. Compare and contrast Lewis & Clark’s expedition with Zebulon Pike’s expedition. Chp 9 DbQ. For each section: Quick lecture by yours truly! Answer 5 content questions (for a grade) Look at 4 documents and answer questions (for a grade)

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Chp 8 Test Essay:

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  1. Chp 8 TestEssay: • Compare and contrast Lewis & Clark’s expedition with Zebulon Pike’s expedition

  2. Chp 9 DbQ • For each section: • Quick lecture by yours truly! • Answer 5 content questions (for a grade) • Look at 4 documents and answer questions (for a grade) • You will then choose to do an essay about the Monroe Doctrine (9.1) OR the Missouri Compromise (9.2) • You will complete a pre-writing worksheet using the documents • You will use your documents and pre-writing to write your essay!

  3. Essay Questions • You will choose ONE! • Do you support or oppose the Monroe Doctrine? • Could either side (north or south) be considered the winner of the Missouri Compromise?

  4. Due Dates • 9.1 content questions due Tuesday • 9.2 content questions due Thursday • 9.1 document questions due Friday • 9.2 document questions due Friday • Pre-writing due Friday at the end of class • Essay due NEXT Wednesday, March 19

  5. 9.1 Foreign Policy 10 March 2014

  6. Settling Disputes with Great Britain • The Treaty of Ghent failed to resolve any of the issues that occurred between GB & the US. • Both wanted access to the Great Lakes region –US full control over the Great Lakes from the War of 1812 • Rush-Bagot Agreement: limited naval power on the Great lakes for both the US and British Canada • 1-2 vessels per country on each lake

  7. Settling Disputes with Great Britain • Convention of 1818: set the border between the US and British Canada at 49N latitude as far west as the Rocky Mountains • Gave US fishing rights off of • Labrador & Newfoundland coast • Marked the beginning of • cooperation between the US & GB

  8. US gains Florida • US and Spain disputing over Florida • Monroe sent troops to secure the border (knew that Spain was weakened by Napoleonic Wars) – led by Jackson • At the same time, Seminole Indians from Florida were at conflict with Americans • First Seminole War: Jackson invaded Florida to capture Seminole Raiders • During the war, Jackson took over most of Spain’s military posts in Florida & overthrew the governor

  9. US Gains Florida • Jackson was praised by Americans and Adams – believed that Spanish weren’t doing a good enough job controlling the Native Americans • The First Seminole War convinced Spanish leaders to negotiate with the US over Florida • Adams-Onis Treaty (1819): settled border disputes between Spanish & US • Spain gave Florida to US • US gave up claims to Texas and paid $5 million to Spain

  10. Monroe Doctrine • Simon Bolivar led Spanish colonies in their struggle for independence • Mexico broke free from Spain in 1821, worrying Monroe • Felt that European powers (such as Russia or Spain!!!) would try to take over Latin American countries • US claimed some control of Latin America – intervened in matters when US interest was at stake. • US motive: GB & US issued joint agreement that would warn the rest of Europe to stay out of Latin America

  11. Monroe Doctrine • Adams and Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 • 4 basic points: • US would not interfere in the affairs of European nations • US would recognize, and not interfere with, European colonies that already existed in North and South America • Western Hemisphere was to be off-limits to future colonization by any foreign power • US would consider any European power’s attempt to colonize or interfere in the West to be a hostile act

  12. 9.1 content Questions (due tomorrow!) • Explain the Rush Bagot Treaty and why it was even created in the first place. • What was decided at the Convention of 1818? • Why was the First Seminole war started? What was its outcome? • The Monroe Doctrine dealt with what countries? • What were the 4 main points of the Monroe Doctrine? (in your own words)

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