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INK AND SOLVENTS. Q uestion. What solvents (tap water, Rave hairspray, r ubbing alcohol, white vinegar, or Ecos detergent) removes ink the best?. Purpose.
Question • What solvents (tap water, Rave hairspray, rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, or Ecos detergent) removes ink the best?
Purpose • The purpose of this investigation is to determine which solvent best removes ink from a piece of fabric. This is important to know because if you have an ink stain on your shirt, you want to know which solvent would remove it without damaging the fabric.
Hypothesis • I hypothesize that Ecos detergent will remove ink from a piece of fabric the best. I believe this because when I use detergent it removes most of the stains to be found on the cloth.
Materials Twenty-five 4x4cm pieces of cloth. One bottle of liquid ink. Five spray bottles Tap water Rave hairspray Rubbing alcohol Ecos detergent White vinegar Timer Toothbrush Tin-Foil Data chart
Variables Manipulated variable: The different solvents. Responding variable: The ink remaining. Constants: Type of ink, amount of ink, type of cloth, size of cloth, rating scale, amount of solvent, scrubbing method, scrubbing time, rinsing time, rinsing method, time ink sits on cloth.
Directions • Gather materials • Lay out five 4x4 cm pieces of cloth. • Label one cloth A, one B, one C, one D, and one E. • Drop two drops of ink on each square of cloth. • Spray three sprays of solvent A on cloth A, B on cloth B, C on cloth C, D on cloth D, and E on cloth E. • Scrub each cloth for thirty seconds with a toothbrush. • Leave cloth pieces on a pieceof tin-foil under the shade for three hours. • Rinse each cloth piece in water for fifteen seconds. • Rate each cloth piece for the amount of ink remaining with one being all ink remaining, and ten being no ink remaining. Record. • Repeat steps two through eight four more times.
Conclusion • My hypothesis was correct. Ecos detergent (A) does remove ink stains the best. The Ecos detergent average was 7.8. Tap water (B) got an average of 5.4. Vinegar (C) Got an average of 1.8. Alcohol (D) got an average of 2.4, and hairspray (E) got an average of 3.0. If I had to do this experiment again I would try using bubbly water instead of tap water, fabric softener instead of detergent, peroxide instead of Alcohol, Baking soda in water instead of vinegar, and a different type of hairspray. I think I would also change the size of the cloth, because 4x4 cm is too small. I would use 4x4 inch instead.