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Management Training. ELC Counseling Disciplinary Actions Suspensions and Terminations Performance Appraisals Security Outprocessing checklist Leaves Subs Timesheet keeping (Amy) Reporting Injuries, accidents and “No shows” Shared Drive (HR email acct). Management Training.
Management Training • ELC • Counseling • Disciplinary Actions • Suspensions and Terminations • Performance Appraisals • Security • Outprocessing checklist • Leaves • Subs • Timesheet keeping (Amy) • Reporting Injuries, accidents and “No shows” • Shared Drive (HR email acct)
Management Training Leadership Philosophy "Leadership is all about people. It is not about organizations. It is not about plans. It is not about strategies. It is all about people--motivating people to get the job done. You have to be people-centered." Colin Powell
Management Training Leadership Philosophy "The day your employees stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership."
Management Training To apply this model, the Human Resources department encompasses the employee life cycle (ELC), ensuring a smooth transition for employees into the organizational structure. The ELC approach is magnetic and open to imbibe and execute into the organization, providing an organizational impetus.
LAI Interview Process RECRUIT
LAI Interview Process Once a candidate is identified and notified of a pending interview the following will help systematize our process for hiring employees Identify who will sit the interview panel. Human Resource Manager (no exception) Director, HR or Appointed rep (no exception) SME (Hiring Manager) for the position being interviewed - technical qualifications (no exception) Preparing for the Interview 1) SME must provide their written questions to the HR department NLT day prior to the beginning of the interview process for that particular position and these questions must be used for each candidate being interviewed (verbatim). These questions will ensure consistency between interviews and create supporting documentation as to the hiring decision, which was made. 2) HR department will setup the interview (time and location) and notify the candidate and the SME (Hiring Manager).
LAI Interview Process . The Day of the Interview The HR departmentor On-site Rep will ensure the location is prepared to conduct the interview. Set up the interview area (each panel member will be given an Interview Summary Sheet/ a copy of candidate’s resume). HR Director or Appointed Rep will initially meet and greet the candidate and escort the interviewee into the interview area. Once everyone is seated, the HR Director will introduce the panel. HR manager will give a brief overview of the company and position and then follow-up with our customized questions. Then the SME will begin asking his or her technical questions. At that time, the floor will be open to the interviewee to ask any questions they may have. The HR Director or Appointed Rep will close out the interview process with thanking the candidate for coming and provide a copy of the company’s benefit package and an application (if applicable). 9)Upon completion of the interview, the SME (Hiring Manager) must immediately complete the “Interview Summary Sheet” and provide to the HR department for review and determination.
LAI Interview Process - What arrangements are you able to make for child care while you work?- How old are your children?- Are you a U.S. citizen?- Will you need personal time for particular religious holidays?- Are you comfortable working for a female boss?- There is a large disparity between your age and that of the position’s coworkers. Is this a problem for you?- Have you experienced any serious illnesses in the past year? Inappropriate Job Interview Questions Age Race, ethnicity, or color Gender or sex Country of national origin or birth place Religion Disability Marital or family status or pregnancy
LAI Interview Process It is important for LAI to incorporate risk management into our interviewing process to assist in minimizing exposure to employment practices liability. The 6P’s will help prevent LAI from being accused of asking illegal interview questions or making discriminatory statements or comments that reflect bias or from making assurances or promises during an interview that can be interpreted as binding contracts.
Management Training HIRE - Selection and Contingent Offers Upon candidate selection, a contingent offer is sent and the Facility Security Officer begins initial background checks, schedules drug- testing, and reviews the candidate’s Standard Form 86 (SF86 - Questionnaire for National Security Positions), if applicable.
Management Training HIRE cont. Background Checks FSO begins the initial background check, schedule drug- testing, and review the candidate’s Standard Form 86, if applicable. After the FSO received the confirmation that the candidate has met all requirements, HR schedules a new hire orientation. During the initial employee orientation, security training is conducted, then repeated annually as required by the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). This is the first phase of training which occurs on or before the first day of employment. This orientation assists new employees to become socialized to the organization, understand the agency’s mission, learn priorities and become more proficient in their job.
a. Background Screening Flowchart FSO receives employment application from HR FSO enters applicant information in ADP Screening services FSO sends form to employer via fax FSO contacts former employer via telephone OR ADP gives FSO order number after entry for processing FSO receives info form from former employer ADP provides following information to FSO Crimlink, Sex Offender, SSN check, Name Check and 2 local Police offices Negative results FSO can review Sex Offender database to review files FSO reviews Crimlink & Local Police checks If applicant's picture appears in dbase FSO reviews Crimlink & Local Police checks If applicants picture does not appear in dbase FSO reports results to HR Applicant not eligible for employment FSO reports results to HR Applicant eligible for employment
d. Drug Screening Flowchart *Forms include Concentra Authorization for Exam and Treatment form and LabCorp Custody and Control form. Applicant also provided instructions to nearest clinic. Employees tested on an annual basis will have forms sent to PM on employee’s birth month. Employees tested randomly will have forms sent to PM. FSO receives application from HR with SSN FSO prepares & sends forms* & instructions to applicant via email Employee reports to Concentra for testing Positive results Applicant not eligible for employment Concentra via LabCorp sends results to LAI on web FSO reports results to HR Negative results HR informs employee of results Applicant eligible for employment FSO reports results to HR FSO reports results to HR
Management Training TRAIN
Management Training TRAIN The Human Resources (HR) team provides training on HR fundamentals to all employees and has the following high priorities currently in place. • New Hire Orientation • Diversity training • Safety (HR- overview) • Information Security • Management/Leadership Training New Hire Orientation This orientation assists them in becoming integrated into the organization and understanding the overall mission statement.
Management Training TRAIN Diversity Training Benefits (Importance) of Diversity Training in the Workplace - Higher employee retention rates - Improved employee (individual and team) performance and morale - Reduced harassment incidences, charges, and discrimination lawsuits - Improved workplace staffing (recruitment)http://www.diversitybuilder.com/diversity_training.php Ethics and Compliance http://www.rmplusonline.com/ Sexual Harrassment http://www.rmplusonline.com/ - Discrimination http://www.rmplusonline.com/ Conflict resolution Train the Trainer (Peers and Managers)
Management Training TRAIN Safety – Accident prevention and safety are integral tenets of the Program Manager’s quality assurance plan. ALL new employees are required to complete safety training classes before they can actually begin work. These classes consist of: - Basic Lifting Techniques - Hearing conservation - Hard Hat safety - First Aid - Fire Safety Our goal is to produce excellent quality while operating accident-free, on time, and economically. It is essential that workplace hazards be identified, evaluated, and controlled. Our Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) will take on the responsibilities of training our staff in basic safety techniques. The SSHO will also be responsible for preparation of the Accident Prevention Plan which will identify and eliminate safety hazards, provide a set of safety rules and policies, define employee safety training, and provide a plan for emergencies. http://www.logapp.com/new/content/employees/employees.html
Management Training TRAIN Security –
General Security Information Edmonds Enterprises Services (EES) and Logistics Applications Inc. (LAI) as Defense Contractors are required by the Defense Security Service (DSS), in accordance with our Security Agreement, to give security briefings to all personnel before allowing them access to classified information. • As a Government contractor... • We are bound by Executive Order 12829, National Industrial Security Program, which establishes rules and regulations to properly protect and control all classified material in our possession or under our immediate control. • We have been granted a TS Facility Clearance by the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office – a division of the Defense Security Service (a.k.a. Cognizant Security Agency) • Employees and to some extent consultants requiring access to classified information in order to perform work on classified contracts are granted “eligibility” by DSS and “access” by the Company (in conjunction with the needs of our government client). • Background Investigations are conducted by OPM (or their contractors) based upon the employee’s “Need to Know” and the company’s security requirements imposed by contract.
Example: Joe Snow Hire - 1 Feb 2011 Initial – o/a 1 Mar 2011 90 days - o/a 1 Jun 2011 - o/a 1 Sep 2011 - o/a 1 Dec 2011 Annual - 31 Jan 2012 Management Training NOTE: Counseling's will remain confidential between the manager and employee; however, must be available if requested by HR. Only derogatory counseling's must be forwarded to HR for review prior to presenting to employee for signatures or discussions. Evaluate. Counseling Initial (30 days) every 90 days/Quarterly (total of 3) (Developmental Counseling) Annual Performance Evaluations
Management Training Counseling Reception and integration counseling should begin immediately upon arrival so new team members can quickly become integrated into the organization • As the manager, you must counsel new team members when they arrive at your company. This reception and integration counseling serves two purposes. • First, it identifies and helps fix any problems or concerns • Second, it lets them know the organizational standards and how they fit into the team. It clarifies job titles and sends the message that the senior management cares. Reception and integration counseling should begin immediately upon arrival so new team members can quickly become integrated into the organization
Reception and Integration Counseling cont. Possible topics to discuss: • LAI and the customer policies and SOP's • Review job description, area(s) of special emphasis and additional duties and outline the expected standard • LAI’s mission and vision statements • Expectations in job performance and individual bearing • Work schedules that they can expect to be on • Personal and organizational goals - short term and long term • Give an Orientation of the company and specific work location (customer) • Provide a copy of the employees direct Chain of Command • Promotion, PTO, personal and professional growth (school) • Training • Problems (identify and concerns the manager or employee may have)
Management Training The counseling process: - Identify the need for counseling. - Prepare the counseling: • Select a suitable place. • Schedule the time. • Notify the subordinate well in advance. • Organize the information. • Outline the components of the counseling session. • Plan counseling strategy. • Establish the right atmosphere. - Conduct the counseling session: • Open the session. • Discuss the issue. • Develop a plan of action (to include the manager’s responsibilities, list employee short-term goals and long-term goals you have for them and they have for themselves. In 90 days you go back and identify the progress) • Record and close the session. - Follow up
COUNSELING What are the characteristics of effective counseling - Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of the counseling. - Flexibility: Fit the counseling style to the character of each subordinate and to the relationship desired. - Respect: View subordinates as unique, complex individuals, each with a distinct set of values, beliefs, and attitudes. - Communication: Establish open, two-way communication with subordinates using spoken language, nonverbal actions, gestures, and body language. Effective counselors listen more than they speak. - Support: Encourage subordinates through actions while guiding them through their problems Purpose of the Counseling - Process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate's demonstrated performance and potential and state the reason for the counseling (e.g. Performance, Profession, or Event-Oriented). What are the three major categories of developmental counseling? - Event counseling - Performance counseling - Professional growth counseling
COUNSELING cont. Effective Managers avoid common counseling mistakes. Managers should avoid: - Personal bias. - Rash judgments. - Stereotyping. - Losing emotional control. - Inflexible counseling methods. - Improper follow-up. What are some examples of Event counseling? • Instances of superior or substandard performance. • Reception and Integration Counseling. • Crisis Counseling • Probation Counseling • Termination Counseling
What are the 7 steps to problem solving? - ID the problem - Gather information - Develop criteria - Generate possible solutions - Analyze possible solutions - Compare possible solutions - Make and implement the decision Is performance counseling limited to bad performance? - No. Counseling may also be for good performance Is it a requirement that a manager counsel his/her subordinates? - Yes. A leader who neglects to counsel his subordinates is negligent in his performance of duty Leaders should seek to develop and improve what three manager counseling skills? - Active Listening - Responding - Questioning
COUNSELING cont. • What course of action should a supervisor take when a subordinate has been performing below his/her usual standards? • Counsel about substandard performance. • Attempt to define the problem with the soldier. • Afford opportunity and time to solve the problem. • Make a written statement of counseling • What are the qualities of an effective counselor? • Respect for subordinates • Self-awareness • Cultural awareness • Empathy • Credibility
COUNSELING cont. 1) Sometimes counseling is tied to specific instances of superior or substandard duty performance. The leader uses the counseling session to convey to the subordinate whether or not the performance met the standard and what the subordinate did right or wrong. 2) Successful counseling for specific performance occurs as close to the event as possible. Leaders should counsel subordinates for exceptional as well as substandard duty performance. The key is to strike a balance between the two. To maintain an appropriate balance, managers keep track of counseling for exceptional versus substandard performance. 3) Although good leaders attempt to balance their counseling emphasis, If the employees performance is unsatisfactory due to lack of knowledge or ability, the manager and employee can develop a plan for improvement. Corrective training helps ensure that the subordinate knows and consistently achieves the standard. 4) When counseling a subordinate for a specific performance, take the following actions: - Explain the purpose of the counseling—what was expected, and how the subordinate failed to meet the standard. - Address the specific unacceptable behavior or action—do not attack the person’s character. - Explain the effect of the behavior, action, or performance on the rest of the organization. Actively listen to the subordinate’s response. - Remain neutral. - Teach the subordinate how to meet the standard. - Be prepared to do some personal counseling, since a failure to meet the standard may be related to or be the result of an unresolved personal problem. - Explain to the subordinate how an individual development plan will improve performance and identify specific responsibilities in implementing the plan. Continue to assess and follow up on the subordinate’s progress. Adjust the plan as necessary.
Management Training Evaluate Performance Appraisal – Evaluations are opportunities to discuss strategies for improvement and promotion and to give encouragement and praise. Benefits for both the company and the employee result from a positive evaluation experience, such as establishing the platform for open communication.
Management Training BLANK SLIDE
DISCIPLINARY ACTION ACTIONS: Termination Hire Promotions Demotions Resignations PMs/Manager - Documentation HR Department -Process Action OPS - FYI CEO/VP - Approval LAI FSO - Process Action Finance (Change Form) - Process Action COR
Management Training .Disciplinary Action Process Verbal Written PIP Suspension Termination (Provide blank copy of form to go over)
Management Training DISCIPLINARY ACTION STEPS: • Before any action can be initiated, HR needs to review all documentation that would justify a termination/suspension. • Termination/Suspension Process: 1) Oral Counseling 2) Written Counseling - (forward to HR for review prior to administering to the employee to ensure all areas have been covered and etc). 3) Once significant evidence is justified it is forwarded to HR for action. HR Director determines and then to CEO/VP for final decision (termination, probation, suspension).
Management Training Retain XXXXXXXXXXXX - Awards and Recognition programs - Promotional opportunities to employees who demonstrate exemplary job progress and self-motivation - Compensation to performance - Provides our employees a balanced program of benefits - “company sponsored” Short and Long Term Disability - Life, and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurances - Enrollment in health, dental, vision and supplemental life insurances - 401(k) program - Tuition reimbursement program, - Career development and work life balance.
Management Training BLANK SLIDE
LEAVE REQUEST FORM • PAID TIME OFF (PTO) Managers are subsequently obligated to track employees’ time off and the reasons for their absences. An employee is given a cumulative number of paid days off that employees use as they wish for sick days, vacation and/or other personal needs. Eligibility – An employee’s eligibility to use paid time off (PTO) is based on the employee’s anniversary date. ALL employees may use their accrued leave once they have completed 3-month introductory period. Accrual - Eligible employees accrue PTO credit for each hour of service (not including overtime hours) in which the employee is actively in LAI employment and paid in full status. Time off requests must be submitted in writing at least 10 days prior to the leave start date, unless otherwise approved by the supervisor. The supervisor will confirm or disapprove each request. If employee’s leave is disapproved, for any reason, a justification must be submitted to HR for final approval. NOTE: Starting Dec 31, 2010, a maximum of 80 hours for Exempt Employees may be carried over on 31 Dec of each year (use or lose status). There is NO MAXIMUM carry over for Non-Exempt Employees.
LEAVE REQUEST FORM • PAID TIME OFF (PTO) Security - OCONUS leave If an employee possess a security clearance he or she has to submit any OCONUS leave at least 30 days prior to start of PTO/LEAVE. • If you are planning a trip abroad for business or pleasure, please take some time to look at the two links below—State Department Foreign Travel Tips and DSS Foreign Travel Vulnerability. • State Department Tips for Traveling Abroad • http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/tips/tips_1232.html • DSS Foreign Travel Vulnerability • http://www.dss.mil/isp/count_intell/documents/Foreign_Travel_Vulnerability.pdf • Remember that all cleared employees are required to report foreign travel to their FSO. Please get with Jerome Smith (FSO) to obtain the LAI/EES Foreign Travel Reporting Form.
LEAVE REQUEST FORM • LEAVE WITHOUT PAY (LWOP) Employees should be advised that falling into leave-without-pay category warrants disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees and managers are expected to manage the PTO balance. The following should be considered by the employee. - If an employee calls in sick, and has no PTO available, the employee must return to work with a doctor’s note, or the absence will be unexcused, and disciplinary action may result - Employees requesting leave the day prior to or following a holiday, must submit a request in writing and must have PTO available to be approved. If an employee who has not received prior approval for PTO (does not show or call out) the day before or after a holiday, must provide sufficient documentation for the absence in order to avoid disciplinary actions… Also, if an employee does not work the day before or day after a holiday they will not get paid for that holiday. - During an employee initial probationary period, the employee’s supervisor must approve all LWOP or the employee will be subjected to disciplinary action up to an including termination.
LEAVE REQUEST FORM cont. • MILITARY LOA • An employee who enters active military duty in a branch of the US Armed Forces will be granted an unpaid military leave for that period of time in which reemployment is protected by law. Such an employee will be eligible for reemployment to the same or equivalent position being held prior to the leave. During a military leave of absence, employees will be responsible for either maintaining or discontinuing any employment-related discretionary insurance benefits. Employees belonging to the National Guard or Reserve will be granted unpaid leave to participate in their annual training requirements Employees are required to provide at least two weeks notice to their supervisors, and should submit for leave form with a copy of their orders attached.
LEAVE REQUEST FORM cont. • JURY DUTY • Employees who are required to serve jury Duty and provide advance notice of this duty will be eligible to receive jury duty pay, provided the appropriate documentation is produced. Employees will be eligible for up to three days of jury pay. To receive this compensation, employees must turn in their jury check.
LEAVE REQUEST FORM cont. • FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE (FMLA) The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted to protect the jobs of employees who require time off to address medical or family emergencies. The act requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees who have worked at least one year, and have worked 1250 hours over the previous 12 months. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify his supervisor in advance of his or her desire to use FMLA leave. It is within the rights of LAI to request certification to support a request of leave. During a leave of absence, employees will be responsible for either maintaining or discontinuing any employment-related discretionary insurance benefits. An employee who fails to report promptly for work at the expiration of a leave of absence, or who applies for and receives unemployment insurance while on leave, will be considered to have voluntarily resigned.