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Toulouse, 5-6/05/2004 Cesare Pertot - Environmental Studies, CESI Milano pertot@cesi.it. Mobility and Environmental Agency of Milan. CESI Research Centre. D.E.A. Università degli studi di Brescia. D.S.T.A. Università degli studi Amedeo Avogadro. Modeling System. ARPEGE/ALADIN
Toulouse, 5-6/05/2004 Cesare Pertot - Environmental Studies, CESI Milano pertot@cesi.it Mobility and Environmental Agency of Milan CESI Research Centre D.E.A. Università degli studi di Brescia D.S.T.A. Università degli studi Amedeo Avogadro
Modeling System ARPEGE/ALADIN Cloud cover and precipitation fields Topography Land Use ECMWF /ARPEGE/ALADIN Wind, Temperature, geopotential and relative Hum. profiles ESCOMPTE hourly gridded emissions RAMS EMISSION PROCESSOR MOCAGE model concentrations 3D wind and temperature fields turbulence parameters Emission fields Initial and boundary conditions CAMx or TCAM VOC profiles BOUNDY NASA data ozone column density, turbidity 3-dimensional pollutant Concentration patterns
Model Description CAMx v. 4.03(Environ International Corporation, Ca) Eulerian photochemical transport and dispersion model • grid configuration: horizontal - geographical and cartesian projections vertical - generic (w is internally computed) nesting allowed • horizontal advection scheme: Bott(Bott A., 1989) orPiecewise Parabolic Method (PPM)(Colella & Woodward, 1984) • vertical advection and diffusion scheme: fully implicit • chemical modules: • gas phase: SAPRC99 / CB-IV and CMC / IEH integrator • Thermod. Equilibrium: ISORROPIA • SOA: SOAP (Strader et al., 1998) • dry deposition: Resistance scheme • wet deposition: both gas and particle; within and below cloud • Plume in Grid (Pig) submodel implemented
Model Description • TCAM • transport and deposition: • terrain-following coordinates system • variable vertical spacing • advection-diffusion scheme (Chapeau function) • resistance-based dry deposition algorithm • chemical module: • lumped molecule approach (SAPRC-90, SAPRC-97, COCOH-97) • lumped structure approach (CBIV-90) • aerosol module: fixed moving approach • condensation/evaporation • termodynamic equilibrium • nucleation • acqueous chemistry • numerical integrator: qssa, Implicit-Explicit Hybrid (IEH) • time resolution: one-hour temporal resolution • wet deposition: yes
Meteorology RAMS v.4.4 (Colorado State Univ. - ASTER Div. of Mission Res. Corp.) Regional Atmospheric Modeling System • prognostic model based on: • nonhydrostatic, compressible equations of atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics • conservation equations (water vapor, liquid and ice hydrometeor mixing rateos) • may operate from global to sub-microscale scale (Two-way interactive nesting) • includes: • parameterisations accounting for turbolent diffusion, solar/terrestrial radiation, moist processes, kinematic terrain effects, cumulus convection (Weissbluth), sensible/latent heat fluxes • LEAF-2 model (John Lee) storage and vertical exchange of water and energy in multiple soil layers • TOPMODEL, hydrology model based on Darcy Law for lateral downslope transport • automatic seasonal variation of SST and vegetation parameters • allows parallel computation on a MIMD computer architecture
Model configuration ESCOMPTE free run - IOP2 - from 21/06 to 26/06 • 3 nested grids: • 30 km cell size, covering the whole France • 10 km cell size • 3,3 km cell size covering Escompte domain • input data: 3D six-hourly ECMWF analysis fields • no data assimilation • convective analysis performed only on largest grid • nudging performed only on boundary and top domain
Results - wind field (50 m a.g.l.) • Sea/land breeze regimes • Terrain features effects
Results - wind field (500 m a.g.l.) • Synoptic wind rotation
Results - temperature field (50 m a.g.l.) • strong temperature gradients at coastal boundaries • influence of Camargue
Comparisons - Temperature Profiles - RS IMK • Good agreement between obs. And mod. profiles • Good agreement between obs. and SST data during nighttime, differencies during day time • Inversion even during daytime in RAMS profile over water
Comparisons - Wind Speed Profiles - RS IMK • Wind variability correctly reproduced • Overestimation of WS in lower levels in some cases
Comparisons - Profiles - RS 4M • Over land ground temperature correctly reproduced