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EPOCA Consortium Organisation

EPOCA Consortium Organisation. EPOCA Consortium Bodies. General Assembly (MGA). Composition: One representative from each partner institution any major change in the scientific plans any major budget reallocation between partners any alteration of the Consortium Agreement

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EPOCA Consortium Organisation

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  1. EPOCA Consortium Organisation

  2. EPOCA Consortium Bodies

  3. General Assembly (MGA) • Composition: One representative from each partner institution • any major change in the scientific plans • any major budget reallocation between partners • any alteration of the Consortium Agreement • the acceptance of new Contractors as well as any exclusion of Contractors • any premature completion or termination of the project

  4. Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) • Composition : Theme and WP leaders + Christoph Heinze • acting on the initiative of the Executive Board (EB) on issues related to fulfilling the scientific objectives • assessing scientific progress against the objectives and, when necessary, making recommendations to the EB • approving all reports and implementation plans to the European Commission • providing advice on any call for and evaluation of new contractors, participants or partners that might be needed to finalize the project’s objectives • linking with the International Scientific Advisory Panel and approbating any recommendation from this panel

  5. Executive Board (EB) • Composition: Theme leaders + Coordinator • ensuring that adequate management is in place to monitor the science and perform quality control of deliverables • enforcing decisions of the MGA • ensuring the preparation of reports and work plan • informing the SSC about project progress, any problems and risks encountered and any change in strategy • ensuring that the Coordination executes the distribution of funds as required to reach the objectives of the project

  6. Decisionmaking on scientific matters

  7. Key meetings • Kick-off Meeting • General Assembly: once a year • Scientific Steering Committee: at least quarterly • Executive Board : at least twice a year

  8. Coordinating institution • An ordinary Beneficiary of the EC grant • But additional obligations

  9. Coordinating institution (2) • Tasks: • Financial Management: • EC contribution allocation • Preparation of financial reports • Project Management: • Daily management • Monitoring progress of work • Preparation of the periodic reports (every 18 months) • Creating and updating EPOCA website

  10. Advisory Panels • Advisory Panel on Dissemination & Exploitation of Knowledge • Gender Panel • International Scientific Advisory Panel • Reference User Group

  11. Specific responsibilities Each partner • to perform and fulfill all of its obligations under the GA and the CA • to notify the Coordinator and the appropriate Work Package Leader(s) promptly of any significant information, fact, problem and delay likely to affect the success of the Project • to ensure the accuracy of any information or materials it supplies to the other Parties • to inform other Parties of relevant communications it receives from Third Parties in relation to the Project • to abide by the decisions of the MGA and the EB

  12. Specific responsibilities WP Leaders • coordination and delivery of work within their WP • checking the quality of WP deliverables and reports • report to their respective theme leaders Theme Leaders • coordination and delivery of work within their Theme: ie : coordinating all activities and WP within their Theme, checking the delivery and quality of deliverables, integrating all work within their Theme and ensuring communication • contribute to the planning, integration and fulfillment of their Theme research tasks into overarching and transversal WP so as to fulfill the overall EPOCA integrated scientific objectives

  13. Requirement for any dissemination activity All publications or any other dissemination relating to foreground shall include the following statement to indicate that said foreground was generated with the assistance of financial support from the Community : The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 211 384.

  14. Questions?

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