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Malaria Control. Jody Collinge Global CHE Network. Where does malaria occur?. Areas at risk:. How does malaria spread?. Source: Roll Back Malaria. What is malaria?. What determines the spread of malaria?. Malaria spread depends on: Rainfall pattern
Malaria Control Jody Collinge Global CHE Network
Where does malaria occur? Areas at risk:
How does malaria spread? Source: Roll Back Malaria. What is malaria?
What determines the spread of malaria? • Malaria spread depends on: • Rainfall pattern • (How does this affect mosquito breeding?) Female Anopheles mosquito What do you notice about it? • Types of mosquitoes in the area • How close are people to the breeding sites? • Some areas constantly have a high rate of malaria. • Other areas have “malaria seasons” or occasional epidemics of malaria.
How often does malaria occur in your area? • Is it common and frequent throughout the year? • Young children and pregnant women are at highest risk in these areas • With frequent exposure, adults develop some immunity to malaria • Or is it seasonal, occurring in bursts during rainy season or times of flooding? • Who is at risk in these areas?
What problems does malaria cause? • Every 30 seconds, a child dies from malaria. • Nearly one million people die from malaria every year. • Most of those dying are African children. • About one half of the world’s population is at risk of malaria. • Malaria also hurts the economy. • That sounds pretty bleak. • What hope do we have? Source of statistics: WHO. 2009. Malaria Fact Sheet.
Malaria is preventable and curable. • The focus of this talk will be on preventing malaria. • But it is also important to stress early and effective treatment of malaria.
Main Symptoms: • Fever • Headache • Chills • Vomiting • These usually start about 10 to 15 days after the mosquito bite.
There are 4 types of malaria. One of them, falciparum malaria, can cause severe malaria. How common is falciparum malaria in your area? Severe malaria can cause: Coma Breathing problems Anemia Jaundice Kidney failure Shock Death Severe Malaria
The spread of malaria depends on the life cycle of the mosquito. Adult mosquitoes lay their eggs on water. The eggs hatch to become larvae and then pupae, before turning into adults. Adult females mosquitoes only live 2 to 4 weeks. So you can reduce malaria by attacking any of these four stages of the mosquito. Mosquitoes and Malaria
Where do mosquitoes breed? Irrigation water Tire tracks Any place there is water! So what is one way to reduce malaria? Rice paddies Rice paddies
Describe what is happening.How does this reduce malaria? Source: Health Education Program for Developing Countries. 2009.
Some fish, such as mosquitofish, carps, and Tilapia, eat mosquito larvae. Dragonflies, and perhaps also birds, bats, and lizards also kill larvae. Larvae can also be killed by surface films or by some chemicals such as methoprene that are toxic to mosquitoes. Check with your local health department to see what steps they are taking. How can you kill mosquito larvae?
The main strategy for malaria control: Attack the adult mosquitoes, or prevent them from biting people. • What is happening here? Can you think of any risks to these approaches? • Some risks: • Toxicity of DDT • Resistance of mosquitoes How does indoor residual spraying work?
What are ways to prevent mosquito bites? • Use mosquito repellants. • Wear long pants and long sleeves. • Wear light-colored clothes. • Use window screens • Use bed nets.
Traditional bed nets Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) What are different types of bed nets? Which type of nets do you use? How do nets that are treated with insecticides work?
Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs) • What is happening here? • What needs to happen within six months? • Can you think of any practical challenges? Source: HEPFDC, 2009.
These are pretreated with insecticides. They last about 3 to 5 years, and do not need to be retreated. They are an effective and inexpensive way to prevent malaria. They are recommended by the World Health Organization Are you using them? Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs)
Other Ways to Prevent Malaria Who is at the highest risk of malaria? • Travelers to an area high in malaria • Travelers often take prophylactic (preventive) medicines to prevent malaria. • Pregnant women (especially those with HIV) • Pregnant women are given intermittent preventive treatment. They are given at least 2 doses of a malaria drug during their pregnancy. • Young children • How can you protect young children?
Malaria Vaccine • Scientists are working on a new malaria vaccine. • The vaccine would help protect children from deadly malaria. • The vaccine boosts the immune response against malaria. • However, the vaccine is still being tested.
Early and effective treatment • Children are at a high risk of malaria. • They have little immunity or defense against malaria. • So be sure to: • Diagnose malaria early. In malaria areas, any child with a fever may have malaria. • Treat children with malaria promptly. • Use a combination of medicines, so there is less resistance to the treatment.
Suspect malaria when a child in an area of malaria risk has a fever. Source: World Health Organization/ UNICEF. Integrated Management of Childhood Disease chart booklet.
What can you do? • What are some ways that your CHE teams can work to prevent malaria? • What are practical steps that you can take? • What can you do? • Make a list:
1. Find out about malaria in your community • Do PLA activities focused on malaria. • Visit families to ask them about their experiences with malaria. • Ask about bed nets. • Check for standing water. • Visit the local health center. • Use KAP surveys.
Teach about malaria and malaria prevention. Use health stories for malaria teaching. You will enjoy the malaria comic book. Do skits; make posters; tell stories; be creative! Where can you teach about malaria? During home visits In community meetings At the health center and local school 2.Teach about malaria Go to our Global CHE Network site for stories and lessons about malaria, for both adults and children.
3. Do community cleanup • Check with your health center. They may work together with you on this. • Get rid of any sources of standing water (old tires, cans, jars, pools of water). • Cover any water containers.
4. Encourage the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets Ask: • Where can you buy them? • How much do they cost? • How can you distribute them? • On home visits? • During vaccination campaigns? • On another heath campaign? • How can you teach about them and encourage families to use them?
5. Investigate indoor residual spraying Who is doing it in your community? • What chemical are they using? • Are there any problems or side effects? • What does it cost?
6. Know how to recognize malaria and where to go for malaria care • CHEs should know when to suspect malaria and when to refer people for health care. • Check with your health center: How is malaria diagnosed and treated in your area? • Don’t wait! Be sure to get treatment right away. • Learn how to use the IMCI chart. (IMCI is Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.) • CHEs can help families get health care and also do follow-up visits.
7. Do home visits • Has anyone been sick with malaria? • What are they doing to prevent malaria? • Are they using bed nets? • Is the area around the home clean and free of standing water? • Do a KAP survey. • Teach about malaria. • Help the family get medical care when needed.
Resources on the Global CHE Network website Go to: http://chenetwork.org/member_resources/malaria.php You will find: • Malaria lessons for adults and children • Malaria stories for adults and children • A malaria comic book • A movie on the Malaria Initiative
In conclusion • Malaria is a serious disease that kills up to 1 million people a year. • But malaria can be prevented. • And malaria can be treated. • We need to work together to prevent malaria and to encourage prompt and effective treatment. • What steps are you taking to prevent malaria? • Have you taken our malaria survey yet? • Join the Global CHE Network in our malaria campaign.
References • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2010. Anopheles Mosquitoes. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/biology/mosquito/index.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2010. Malaria. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/ • Health Education Program for Developing Countries. 2009. Available from: http://www.hepfdc.info/ • Wikipedia. 2010. Malaria. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaria • Wikipedia. 2010. Mosquito. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosquaito • Wikipedia. 2010. Mosquito control. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosquito_control • World Health Organization. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness chart booklet. • World Health Organization. 2009. Malaria Fact File. Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs094/en/index.html • World Health Organization. 2010. Ten Facts on Malaria. Available from: http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/malaria/en/index.html • World Health Organization. Roll back malaria. Available from: http://rbm.who.int/cmc_upload/0/000/015/372/RBMInfosheet_1.htm