2. Presented by:
Speakers Name
3. Before We Watch Gilbane Gold, Lets Consider: How Engineering Addresses Public Needs
The Importance of Ethical Leadership
Characteristics of Ethical Leaders
4. Public Needs
5. What is Important for Ethical Leaders? An effective ethical leader will
6. Effective Ethical Leaders? An effective ethical leader will
7. Characteristics of Effective Ethical Leader An effective ethical leader will:
8. How Do We Develop Ethical Leadership Skills?
9. Understanding
10. Communication Skills
11. Ability
12. Appreciation
13. Awareness
14. Comprehension ...
15. The Desire
16. Ability
19. Answers to ethics questions? Sometimes there are several right answers to ethics issues...
Sometimes there are no right answers...
20. Resources for Leaders Text Books and Articles
Ethics Centers & Institutes
Ethics Newsletters
examples ?
21. Where Can We Get Guidance?From:- Rules of Professional Conduct -- Codes of Ethics -
22. Rules of Professional Conduct Expectations of Company
Licensing Boards
Professional Societies
Technical Societies
23. Board of Ethical ReviewOver 200 NSPE-BER Cases on the Internet at www.niee.org
24. An Interesting Thought
25. If the Ethics Rope Breaks
27. Gilbane Gold is the name given to dried sludge from the city of Gilbane wastewater treatment plant. It is sold to farmers as a commercial fertilizer. The annual revenue generated saves the average family about $300 per year in taxes.
28. Z CORP, a computer components manufacturer, discharges wastewater containing small amounts of lead and arsenic into the city sewers. By current city test standards, the discharge meets allowable levels.
29. Z CORP environmental engineers know of a newer test which shows that the discharge may still meet the letter of the law, but exceeds the spirit of the law.
30. Protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public is the principal concern.
31. DAVID JACKSON: Environmental engineer working for Z CORPTOM RICHARDS: Engineering consultant fired by Z CORP PHIL PORT: Manager of environmental departmentFRANK SEEDERS: Z CORP's engineering managerDIANE COLLINS: VP in charge of Z CORP's Gilbane plantLLOYD BREMEN: Former commissioner WINSLOW MASSIN: Professor emeritus, Hanover UniversityMARIA RENATO: TV reporter
32. Protection of public health and the environment (spirit versus letter of the law)Quality of life and welfare of people (jobs and taxes)Free enterprise (profitability & competition in the marketplace)Personal integrity (view of self and living up to personal standards)
33. Think of them from: 1. A Personal Viewpoint 2. A Responsibility Viewpoint
35. From a personal viewpoint, list two or three major ethical issues in the video.ThenFrom a responsibility viewpoint, assume you are the President of ZCORP. List two or three actions you would take immediately (within the next 2 days)
36. Questions & Discussion