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Week Three Focus: VCCV words napkin napkin ______________ problem problem ______________

Week Three Focus: VCCV words napkin napkin ______________ problem problem ______________ helmet helmet ______________ cactus cactus ______________ magnet magnet ______________

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Week Three Focus: VCCV words napkin napkin ______________ problem problem ______________

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  1. Week ThreeFocus: VCCV words napkinnapkin ______________ problemproblem______________ helmethelmet ______________ cactuscactus ______________ magnetmagnet ______________ Students will be assessed on the above 5 words and an additional 5 words that will apply to the same focus. It will be important for students to understand the focus rather than memorizing the list words. We will analyze and apply the focus through daily instruction. Word Wall Words againagain favoritefavorite 3. theythey 4. untiluntil 5. very very Bonus Words: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ A VCCV word lets you know that there are two syllables. If both syllables are closed syllables, they will both make their short sound. In the English language, the first syllable is usually accented. Please practice your focus words and the word wall words each week. See the Spelling Choice Menu or the Third Grade Website for ideas. Students will be required to write one “third grade sentence “ with one spelling word of their choice and one dictation sentence during their Friday assessment.

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