Mmmmm Career clusters are groups of careers that are related in some way, generally based upon common interests and skills. If one career in a cluster interests you, it is very likely that other careers within that cluster will stimulate you too. For example, if you were interested in architecture and construction as a cluster, you could be interested in pursuing a career as an architect, or as a carpenter, electrician or, perhaps, a plumber. There are different levels of jobs within each cluster, which you can apply for according to the level of education and training you have received up until that point. For example, you could begin a career in education as a teaching assistant, study while doing so, and become a teacher. Later on you may wish to further your career as an administrator and even become principal. The opportunities are endless and the choices are yours for the making…
The results of the work carried out in this cluster can be seen on a daily basis. If you open a newspaper, read a magazine, watch television, go to a movie or listen to your i-pod, what you are experiencing is the combined product from different members of this industry.People with careers in this cluster include actors, photographers, journalists, painters and sculptors, as well as singers and dancers. These careers can be both challenging and rewarding and are constantly changing. The training and education needed for these careers are as varied as the careers themselves. Some people have natural talent and become instant successes, while the majority of others spend years training to acquire the skills and knowledge required in their chosen craft…
Wanat, John, E. Weston Pfeiffer & Richard Van Gulik. Learning for Earning: Your Route to Success. Tinley Park: Goodheart-Willcox. 2006. PrintCareer Clusters At-a-Glance. National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium, 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014Occupational Outlook Handbook: Actors. United States Department of Labor. 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014
Processing Questions: • When is the deadline for the project? • Tue 26th Feb • How many sections are there to the project? • (3 or 5: Intro to career clusters/3 specific career clusters/works cited) • From where should I gather my material for the project? • (Text book/websites on project outline) • How can I ensure I cover everything required for the project? • (Follow the rubric) • Can I work with others? • (Yes, if you are researching the same career cluster, BUT you must produce individual flyers)