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Round Table Discussion- Evaluating Arts Teachers

Round Table Discussion- Evaluating Arts Teachers. William Kohut, Principal- Denver School of the Arts Dr. Mark Hudson- Director of Arts- Denver Public Schools Jim Palmarini - Director of Educational Policy, Editor, Teaching Theatre Journal, Educational Theatre Association.

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Round Table Discussion- Evaluating Arts Teachers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Round Table Discussion- Evaluating Arts Teachers William Kohut, Principal- Denver School of the Arts Dr. Mark Hudson- Director of Arts- Denver Public Schools Jim Palmarini- Director of Educational Policy, Editor, Teaching Theatre Journal, Educational Theatre Association

  2. Evaluation and Observations of Arts Teachers • How do administrators manage an observation system that is created for a general classroom environment, when observing an arts classroom? • What is different about an arts teachers evaluation than an academic teachers evaluation?

  3. Denver Public Schools- Framework for Effective Teaching

  4. Observation Rubric

  5. LEAP Measures 30% 10% 10% 50%

  6. Appendices • CTE Skilled Trades & Technical Studies • CTE STEM, Design & Information Technology • Interventionists • PE and Dance • Music • Drama • Visual Arts

  7. What to look for in an Arts Classroom…. • Students make their own connections to the lesson objective • The teacher invites student to collaborative on the learning goals • Multiple ideas and solutions • Atmosphere of exploration • Improvising • Students making choices based on a variety of criteria • Persistence • Self-assessment • Intentionality • Going back and forth between parts and wholes • Observing multiple points of view • Collaboration • A variety of good questions and creative solutions to problems

  8. How do we find the DPS “LEAP Document”? http://leap.dpsk12.org/

  9. Educator Evaluation in the Arts: a Colorado Perspective Half of the evaluation will be based on the five Quality Standards that measure professional practice: content knowledge, establish classroom environment, facilitate learning, reflect on practice, and demonstrate leadership. The Quality Standards can be measured using the state-developed rubric that identifies the practices necessary to achieve the standards. The sixth Quality Standard, student growth, will account for the other half of the evaluation. The standard will be based on multiple measures of student growth or student learning over time, not a single assessment. Teachers must have a collective attribution student growth score and at least one individual attribution student growth score. If a teacher teaches a subject that takes the statewide summative exam, it must be used as one of the multiple measures.

  10. Individual attribution refers to student learning outcomes on a measure that are attributed to an individual licensed person (e.g. reading student learning outcomes for a 1st grade teacher’s students). Collective attribution refers to student learning outcomes on a measure that are attributed to two or more licensed persons (e.g. 10th grade math TCAP growth– all secondary math teachers in school). NOTE: The Collective Attribution piece is receiving the majority of attention in the non-tested subjects.

  11. *For illustration purposes, this chart reflects sample weighting only

  12. Student Assessment in Arts Education: Arts Education Associations and the Colorado Department of Education – a process Colorado Content CollaborativesProject Research existing assessments – sources Content Collaborative Committees; Technical Steering Committee Assessment Review Tool developed by the National Center for Assessment in partnership with CDE Assessment Resource Bank

  13. Assessment Review Tool

  14. Assessment Example - Music

  15. Assessment Example - Drama

  16. Assessment Example - Dance

  17. Assessment Example – Visual Arts

  18. Denver Public Schools Peer Observer Process DPS hires and trains experienced Peer Observers in all disciplines. Requirements include extensive training and evaluating in the LEAP process, teaching certification and endorsement in the subject area, ELA professional development, a minimum of 5 years teaching experience in an urban setting, experience with increasing student achievement, experience in supporting and developing practice of other teachers, etc. DPS has 1 .5 Peer Observers in Visual Art and 2 in Performing Arts. Each educator is observed twice during the year, with an accompanying collaborative feedback session and assigned ratings. In tandem with the principal’s observations/evaluations, this becomes the core of the educator’s yearly evaluation (the 50% Professional Practices).

  19. Finding from the 2012 EdTA-Utah State Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools Almost all participating administrators (99 %) indicated that teachers were evaluated directly by the school principal Assistant school administrators were involved with evaluation (39%), as were department chairs (10%) Schools rarely used peer assessment (3%) or student assessment (2%)

  20. “Is theatre teacher evaluation linked at least in part to test scores or other assessments of student achievement?

  21. “How well trained do you feel you are in each of the following areas (based on education and experience)?

  22. College, Career, and Citizenship Readiness Coalition (CCCRC)Consensus Statement on Teacher Evaluation to Senate HELP Committee Each student deserves access to highly effective teachers in every subject. In turn, all teachers deserve a fair and accurate assessment of their skills. Teacher effectiveness is dependent on accurate and fair evaluations based on multiple measures, including their students’ performance in the subjects they teach.

  23. What are your questions? Here are some to get you started…

  24. What is a Student Learning Objective (SLO)?

  25. How is teacher evaluation in an arts classroom different than in other academic areas?

  26. What kind of differentiated teacher evaluation tools should be employed in the arts?

  27. What kind of evaluation practices are going on in your states, districts, and classrooms?

  28. Who is doing your evaluation and with what frequency?

  29. What percentage of your evaluation is based on student achievement in tested subject areas?

  30. What percentage your evaluation is based on observation? How much on student growth measures?

  31. What is the relationship between SLOs, rubrics, and standards?

  32. Have you received any training around newly mandated evaluations?

  33. Do you think that your evaluation is a fair assessment of your teaching?

  34. Has the recent emphasis on student assessment and its effect on educator evaluation caused you to shift your instructional practices in the classroom?  If so, in what way?

  35. How would you evaluate this session (just kidding)?Thank you for listening and sharing!

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