1. Industrial areas of Šiauliai County
4. The Aim of the Research Attraction of investments to the zones of special importance in Šiauliai region by innovative forms of spatial planning
5. Objectives To perform the study of investment possibilities to industrial and business areas of Šiauliai Region:
To identify industrial zones of Šiauliai Region, defining them by empirical indicators, derivative rates, schemes and other characteristic data;
To foresee and substantiate the possibilities of the effective use of investments in the industrial zones;
To summarize the data and conclusions of the research and present them in the form of document suitable for publishing.
2. To formulate recommendations for the planning of the development of investments to the industrial zones of special importance:
To distinguish the peculiarities of the planning of the development of investments to the industrial zones;
To evaluate the impact of the investments on the environment (society, economy, nature)
3. To share the research information and experience with the project partners:
To find and compare indicators characteristic to similar industrial zones of the project partners;
To perform the analysis of the influence of the indicators, to apply suitable conclusions to Šiauliai Region.
27. Thank you very much for attention