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From fetal position to freedom: Liz DiAlto on how to stay true to yourself and your evolution – even when it’s (very) tough. http://rachelrofe.com/from-fetal-position-to-freedom-liz-dialto-on-how-to-stay-true-to-yourself-and-your-evolution-even-when-its-very-tough
From fetal position to freedom: Liz DiAlto on how to stay true to yourself and your evolution – even when it’s (very) tough.
Liz Dialto Liz is a speaker, writer and the creator of Wild Soul Movement, a 12-week online experience of self-discovery that combines movement, meditation and mantra. In 2013, Shape magazine listed her as a Top 30 Motivator.
She’s really proud of Wild Soul Movement. She worked for years just throwing things up against the wall to see what would stick and nothing was feeling like her life's work.
In 2011, she did Marie Forleo's Mastermind, which was an amazing experience for so many reasons, above and beyond what she learned about marketing and creating an online business, the relationships, the connections, so much great stuff. When the mastermind wrapped up she had just launched her first info products and she was strictly doing health and fitness then. It was called Tighter in 10 Days. she‘s always been the type of person that doesn't want to just give people health and fitness. She wants to encourage us to feel good on the inside as well. She considered Tighter in 10 Days kind of like a Trojan horse. She’s going to sell you what you want but she’s also going to bake in some self-love, some body love in their too. She did and so she felt good about that.
She really had to open herself up and start paying attention, seeking out and listening to divine guidance. She doesn’t know what other people believe in but she certainly believes in a higher source and she realizes that, to the extent that she can be connected to that source, everything that comes through her and her connection and herintuitionis just going to be her guide. She decided that she had to let her intuition be her business coach. For a while, coming out of Marie's Mastermind, and then she had so many friends who were just really successful. For lack of a better term, she'll just call them "Internet marketers." For a while, she was just trying to follow all the moles and follow these strategies and do what everyone else was doing. She knows she’s smart. She knows she’s a good communicator. She knows she’s passionate. She knows she has all this potential. But those strategies kept not working for her.
She did two levels of Reiki training. Reiki is just a form of energy work. Just to test it out, in January of 2013 she asked her friend, who's a Reiki master if she wanted to put together a program. They called it The Complete Body Program and the whole idea was everything but fitness and nutrition. They talked about the subtle body. They taught about the chakras. They gave exercises for forgiveness and letting go and reprogramming and identifying limiting beliefs and establishing new ones.
She did really well promoting B-School as an affiliate for Marie Forleo. She made a big chunk of cash that allowed her to not really have to work last summer. She acknowledge that but that was her blessing at the time so that's what she did. While that was all happening, she was really just discovering she had moved across the country to be with a guy she was dating. It ended up just not being what she thought it was going to be. It was interesting because you think you're in a relationship that you're not lonely. She was more lonely during parts of that relationship than she'd ever been at any point when she was on her own. That was really interesting to discover and navigate. They were just such great friends. They had a great friendship before they started dating. They had so much fun together and it naturally evolved into a romantic relationship.
She does meditation every single day, she does it for like 5 minutes and turns on some music. She meditates through her senses, so feeling, seeing, touching. She loves being in nature. Sometimes, she walks outside and put her feet in the grass and that’s already her meditation for the day, that’s source of energy too. It also comes in the form of movement, she prays a lot.
Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map is this framework where she helps you identify your core desired feelings. What she says is when you commit to feeling the way you want to feel you become less attached to the form that things show up in. For us, as humans, so much of our suffering comes from our attachment to people, places, things and outcomes.
In the fall when Liz started working on Wild Soul Movement and creating it, her core desired feelings were connected, free, wildly feminine and ease. The reason why is because free and ease just became so natural all the time part of her life that she didn't feel the need to be in pursuit of them all the time. What she loves about that is some people might be familiar with the law of attraction and technically the Desire Map is law of attraction just the framework of it is something that people can connect to in a way more practical way than sometimes like The Secret or maybe things like Abraham Hicks or people who are like, "I’m not into that shit."
This year, 2014, she started to do like "Pick your theme word for the year“. Her word is ‘discernment’, she shared about “Finish what you start” is one of the worst pieces of advice out there because you end up with a lot of people forcing themselves to complete stuff that isn't aligned with who they are or what they want to be doing because they feel like it's out of integrity to quit or break a commitment.
What's cool about your core desired feelings is, again, when that's your barometer, you can quit with compassion and love for yourself and other people involved when things aren't serving you and then not drain yourself. Also, in terms of discernment, you can decide ahead of time what to commit to and what not to because you're like, "Oh, now I have this system to check in with, these four feelings." Sometimes she still doesn't. She'll say yes to something and not really check in and those are using the things she ends up canceling.
What's cool about your core desired feelings is, again, when that's your barometer, you can quit with compassion and love for yourself and other people involved when things aren't serving you and then not drain yourself. Also, in terms of discernment, you can decide ahead of time what to commit to and what not to because you're like, "Oh, now I have this system to check in with, these four feelings." Sometimes she still doesn't. She'll say yes to something and not really check in and those are using the things she ends up canceling.
Personal Development… She think it's really important, just like this quote, "Don't compare your current to someone else's highlight reel," but we do this. She thinks there is some science to that's how the human brain works. We like to compare things. We're very relational in our minds. This relates to that. She even remembers someone in the past saying to her, "You should be the Marie Forleo of fitness." She was like, "First of all, I'll just be the Liz DiAlto of whatever I decide to do." Second of all, she would sometimes compare herself to Marie Forleo because their personalities are very similar and that's why she was drawn to her as her coach. Marie has been busting her ass for over a decade so it was completely unreasonable for her at year two in my business to be comparing herself to her in year eight, nine or 10.
She doesn't think people put enough emphasis on like the journey can be really messy but also the concept of ebb and flow. She wrote a blog post several months ago about when we put people on pedestals it keeps us below them. In order for our favorite writers, speakers, the gurus we learn from, for them to be the guru it means we still have to be the student. That was part of her process too, even Mari Forleo, Danielle LaPorte, taking these people off the pedestals and actually owning that she could be a peer and she need to behave as such and write as such and share and create as such. Even those people, even if they don't always talk about it all the time.
Interestingly enough Danielle LaPorte, right before she hopped on this, had just posted this blog post about going through the fire. It's ebb and flow. Even the most successful, most amazing, the happiest people you meet, they go through the shit storm too. They just might not always talk about it. It's ebb and flow for a reason. No one is in constant flow. That's just now how it works.
She has a really challenging relationship with someone in her family who she’s really close with. They completely don't see eye to eye. One of the challenges, when you choose, again for lack of a better term she’s just going to call it to live a conscious, awake lifestyle and go inward and examine yourself and grow personally, no matter what that looks like for you, some of the closest people in your life are just not going to evolve with you, which is going to make communication with them tough.
The advice of Liz for somebody who is peering and wanting to make changes but just a little scared to do so… is letting go. People are so scared to let go because we only know who we are with our stories and with our past bullshit that we all deal with. If you're just beginning and you're standing in a place of being like, "God, where do I even begin," number one, it doesn't matter.
Whatever you choose is going to be the perfect place for you to start. Number two, think in terms of small, incremental change over time. Everyone wants to transform over night and it just does not happen that way. In some cases, it takes way longer than you could ever imagine. Just prepare yourself to be really nice to yourself throughout the process, no matter how it looks, and don't have any expectation that your process is going to look like anyone else's because it really is quite different for everyone.
If you are feeling trapped certain circumstances, wrap it in a big hug according to Liz. You created that yourself. Somehow you wanted that. If you can find the gifts in that situation, that's how it can serve you. That's how you can find a way to appreciate even being trapped, even feeling like absolute crap, like there's nothing you can do. There's always something you can do. There's something there. You're there right now because there's something you need to learn to get yourself the hell out of there.
She’s a huge fan of the Myers Briggs system and so even though my first function in Myers Briggs speak is extroverted feeler, my second function is introverted intuition. Even though I might be loud, outgoing, you can drop in a room of strangers and I can have friends by the time I leave, I go inward a lot. I need a lot of time to myself.
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