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Disasters: Improving the evidence base for prevention, resilience and emergency responses. Wednesday 13 October 2010 UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction. The aims of the conference were to:
Disasters: Improving the evidence base for prevention, resilience and emergency responses Wednesday 13 October 2010 UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
The aims of the conference were to: • create an environment in which the ‘disasters community’, whether from private sector, academia, non-governmental organisations or government, can learn about existing initiatives, share their work and • discover better ways to coordinate and collaborate with each other to tackle the impact of climate or environmental change on their work.
UK review initiatives • DFID Humanitarian Emergency Response Review • House of Common’s inquiry into scientific advice and evidence in emergencies • UKCDS Societal Impacts of Natural Hazards –UK and international research programme review
Key note speaker • Andrew Maskrey Senior Coordinator for the UNISDR Global Assessment Report on Disaster Reduction • Increasing exposure of vulnerable people • Need to address underlying drivers of risk • Poor urban governance • Ecosystem decline • Vulnerable rural livelihoods
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk addressing the challenge of natural and human-induced environmental hazards Hazards: Storms, floods, droughts, slides, earthquakes, volcanoes, .... Effects of human activities on creating or enhancing disasters, including land-use practices An integrated approach to research on disaster risk through: an international, multidisciplinary (natural, health, engineering and social sciences, including socio-economic analysis) collaborative research programme.
Objective 1: Characterization of hazard, vulnerability and risk 1.1: Identifying hazards and vulnerabilities leading to risks 1.2: Forecasting hazards and assessing risks 1.3: Dynamic modelling of risk Objective 2: Effective Decision-Making in Complex and Changing Risk Contexts 2.1: Identifying relevant decision-making systems and their interactions 2.2: Understanding decision-making in the context of environmental hazards 2.3: Improving the quality of decision-making practice Objective 3: Reducing Risk and Curbing Losses Through Knowledge-Based Actions 3.1: Vulnerability assessments 3.2: Effective approaches to risk reduction
Cross-Cutting Theme - Regional Networks and Capacity building
Societal impacts of natural disasters Led by Roger Few & Jenni Barclay UEA • Mapping of UK and international research funding programmes to inform funders strategies • Consultation with experts on future research needs and innovations in researching funding mechanisms • Links and relationships to frameworks such as IRDR • Will report February 2010 - r.few@uea.ac.uk
Tom Mitchell – Launched DFID funded Strengthening Climate Resilience: an introduction to climate smart disaster risk management • Working with Christian Aid, Plan International, 3 regions 10 countries devised 3 pillars on how to: access info on climate risk; harness adaptive capacity; address causes of poverty • Need for evidence translators, using young scholars, problem of scaling up, green recovery, work with all stakeholders, adaptation at grass roots
ELRHA - 2 case studies • Earthquakes in Indonesia, Shelter programming in a changing environment • Enthusiastic discussion about simplifying complex science for communities to make decisions and critical role of a translator/facilitator. Practical activities to respond to needs and improve capacity at local level
What have we learnt and what should we do next? • Science is only part of the jigsaw • Managing risks requires trade-offs at house or government level • Does increased investment in science save more lives? • Different accountability for scientists and NGOs, language difficulty, career structures • Future threats eg red sludge in Hungary • Where is industry – insurance, communications?
Funder/policy evening discussion • Commitments to work together at UK level – possibly a centre of excellence • Contributions to international discussions • What are the gaps – review awaited • Funder discussions for future - mechanisms • CBHA and UKCDS meeting • Use existing structures – no new ones!
Conference report to go on all websites with actions and recommendation www.ukcds.org.uk www.elrha.org