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Gouty Arthritis

Gouty Arthritis. By: Liana Sención and Abraham De La Garza. Introductory Info. Our kidneys work to eliminate the body of excess fluids Rids water, salts, urea, and uric acid Uric acid is a waste of protein metabolism. Gouty Arthritis.

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Gouty Arthritis

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  1. Gouty Arthritis By: Liana Sención and Abraham De La Garza

  2. Introductory Info • Our kidneys work to eliminate the body of excess fluids • Rids water, salts, urea, and uric acid • Uric acid is a waste of protein metabolism

  3. Gouty Arthritis • Gout can also occur as a result of overproduction of uric acid • Gout is an attack of uric acid deposits in joints • Usually found in joints of feet and legs

  4. What is Gouty Arthritis • Purines are not properly processed in our body • Excreted through kidneys and urine • Hyperuricemia- build-up of uric acid in body and joint fluid

  5. The Four Stages of Gout • Asymptomatic • Acute • Intercritical • Chronic

  6. ASYMPTOMATIC • A- meaning without indicates that there are no symptoms associated • Patient will be unaware of what is happening • Gout can only be determined with the help of a physician

  7. Sever and sudden onset Involve one or a few joints Frequently starts nocturnally Joint is warm, red, and tender ACUTE

  8. INTERCRITICAL • More concentration of uric acid crystals • Typically no need for drug intervention at the time.

  9. CHRONIC • Continuous or persistent over a long period of time • Treatment required • Not easily or quickly resolved

  10. SYMPTOMS • Joint pain • Affects one or more joints : hip, knee, ankle, foot, shoulder, elbow,wrist, hand, or other joints • Great toe, ankle and knee are most common • Swelling of Joint • Stiffness • Warm and red • Possible fever • Skin lump which may drain chalky material

  11. Diagnosing Gout • X-rays • Arthrocentesis- extraction of joint fluid • Examination of joint • Patient medical history

  12. TREATMENT • Colchicine- reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation; pain subsides within 12 hrs and relief occurs after 48 hrs • Allopurinol- decreases the production of uric acid • Probenecid and sulfinpurazone- prevent absorption of uric acid in the tubules of kidney • Reduce alcohol intake • Increase water intake • Watch diet for food rich in purines

  13. ORGAN MEATS WILD GAME SEAFOOD LENTILS PEAS ASPARAGUS YEAST BEER “Disease of Kings” Rich foods have a higher concentration of protein. This could cause major problems for a person afflicted with gout.

  14. The end

  15. WORKS CITED • Kamienski, Mary. 2003. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Gout: Not Just for the Rich and Famous. Vol. 22, Issue 1 • www.ask.com • www.acfas.org/brgoutft.html • www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article000424.htm

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