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JRA 3 // WP 24 European Modelling & Data Analysis Facility (EMDAF) development of a distributed computational and data analysis service for the European planetary science. Coordinator: M.L.Khodachenko ( IWF-ÖAW, Graz, Austria ) Deputy: S. Miller ( UCL, London, UK )
JRA 3 // WP 24European Modelling & Data AnalysisFacility (EMDAF) development of a distributed computational and data analysis service for the European planetary science Coordinator: M.L.Khodachenko (IWF-ÖAW, Graz, Austria) Deputy: S. Miller (UCL, London, UK) Task Leaders: R. Stöckler, F. Topf (IWF-ÖAW, Graz, Austria) EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAFhttp://europlanet-jra3.oeaw.ac.at Creation of a distributed and coordinated RI, based on the existing in Europe computational modelling and data analysis centres, which will provide the scientific community with the dedicated services in the fields of their computational & data analysis expertise. ● Main Strategic Goal : EMDAFwill providea setdemonstratorsandoperational testsof interconnected Computational Modelling & multi-disciplinary Data Analysisservice in key areas of European Planetary Science. • Space weather, incl. magnetospheric & atmospheric aspects; • Mars in time & space; • Environment of airless bodies, Mercury & Moon; • Comets.
JRA-3 / EMDAFhttp://europlanet-jra3.oeaw.ac.at EMDAF will: Develop web-based tools for planetary scientists to communicate with modelling and data analysis experts; Produce anInteractive Catalogueof planetary models & data analysis tools; Develop aDistributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory, to allow scientists to specify inputs for models to be run “on demand”, includingcoordinated, interconnected, multi-disciplinary simulations; Develop aDistributed Data Analysis Laboratorywith services “on demand”; Enable the codes involved with the DNML and DDAL to run onHPC facilities, in cooperation with the European HPC Grid DEISA-2; Perform furtherelaboration of data analysis and modelling methodsfor their coodinated use by the scientific community.
JRA-3 / EMDAFhttp://europlanet-jra3.oeaw.ac.at Task#1: Management of EMDAF (JRA3) Task#3: DNML Task#4: DDAL Task#5: HPC resources and standatds Task#2: ICPM&DAT ● Structure of the activity:Tasks / Sub-divisions Task#1 Coordination and Management Task#2 Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools (ICPM&DAT) Task#3 Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory (DNML) Task#4 Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory (DDAL) Task#5 Enabling High Performance & Grid Computing Architec- tures, Codes Standardization
JRA-3 / EMDAFhttp://europlanet-jra3.oeaw.ac.at 0 12 24 36 48 Web page T1 Coordination T2 Interactive Catalog T3 Distributed Num.Modeling Lab. T4 Distributed Data Analysis Lab. Enabling HPC & Codes Stand. T5 Annual reports T1 ● Work package time line: Milestones and Deliverables M24.1.1 M24.3.1 M24.1.3 M24.4.2 M24.1.3 D24.1.3 D24.1.3 M24.1.1 D24.3.1 D24.4.2 M24.1.2 M24.4.1 M24.5.1 M24.3.2 M24.5.2 D24.1.2 D24.4.1 D24.5.1 D24.3.2 M24.2.2 M24.4.2 M24.2.1 Delivery to IDIS D24.2.2 D24.4.2 D24.2.1 M24.5.3 D24.5.2
JRA-3 / EMDAF Report Period 1 JRA3/EMDAF RP1 What has been done so far: Maybe also useful for IDIS • JRA3 EMDAF – Webpage • TWiki Collaboration Platform • CITRIX GoToMeeting • JRA3 Kick-Off Meeting • JRA3 Splinter Meeting EPSC09 • JRA3 EMDAF – Telecons • NA3 – Public Outreach Meeting • Catalogue Prototype • User Requirement Document • (Online) Questionnaire, Query and Associates • Online Feedback Form • Dissemination 12 Lectures • Budget EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Webpage http://europlanet-jra3.oeaw.ac.at • JRA3 Webpage: • Based on a Design provided by the project management (PM5). • IWF Graz Team provided this Design as Template for free available Typo3 CMS (PM6). • Contains all News & Events, general information and references to the other systems used within EMDAF. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Development Wiki (Twiki) http://amda-idis.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/EuroPlaNet/WebHome • TWiki is: • A structured Wiki typically used to run as: • Collaboration platform • Document management system • Knowledge base • Team portal. • The main purpose of this tool within EuroPlaNet: • To trace the complete development process of the activities • For information exchan- ge over involved teams • Future participants and easier reporting. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Development Wiki (Twiki) • ● Content of the TWiki system: • ♦ Directly available over top-menu item TWikiat the Plasma Node homepage. • Featured Content: (so far) • ♦ IWF Tasks for NA1: • ♦ NA1 web-page action items: To-do-list for future content at the homepage. • ♦ NA1 Matrix User Requirements: NA1 related requirements for the ground-based observatories matrix. • ♦ IWF Tasks for JRA3: • ♦ EMDAF Development: Information about the activity progress in general. • ♦ EMDAF Meetings: All relevant meetings including related documents. • ♦ EMDAF User Requirements: Modeling Catalogue requirements. • ♦ EMDAF Kick-off Action items: Action items after Kick-off meeting in March. • ♦ EMDAF Web-page Action items: To-do-list for content at the homepage. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Development Wiki (Twiki) ● Content of the TWiki system: (contd.) ♦ IWF Tasks for JRA4: ♦ Plasma Node development: Telecons, Meetings, homepage process. ♦ General Resource Inventory: Development information about the IDIS Inventory of resources. ♦ Science Cases: Notes on the evolution of Science Cases in FP6/FP7. ♦ AMDA-IDIS Web service: Development information and Documentation. ♦ General IDIS Development: Policies and Responsibilities. ♦ General EuroPlaNet Tasks: ♦ Workshop/Meeting material for all activities. ♦ FP7 official document templates. ♦ FP7, IWF and Austrian Academy Logo. ♦ Communication tools: Relevant Information for the “GoToMeeting” telecon-tool ♦ Webpage template: Development documentation of the EuroPlaNet-RI web-design EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Communication Tool: GoToMeeting Communication Tools Introduction and Motivation: The main idea is to improve communication between participants of a specific activity. The traditional approach over landlines seems to be not “up-to-date” and doesn’t offer interactive mechanisms to improve efficiency. ♦ General Requirements: (so far) ♦ Phone Calls over Internet and/or Landlines. ♦ Special abilities like: Online presentations, Video Conferencing or Documents Sharing. ♦ Most efficient / affordable. ♦ Long lasting software. ♦ Good costumer support. ♦ 10-15 attendees. ♦ Easy installable and configurable software ♦ A streamlined user-interface ♦ Available for Windows/Linux and Mac. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Communication Tool: GoToMeeting Features: CITRIX GoToMeeting (corporate) ♦ Collaboration Tools: ♦ Sharing: Desktop, selected applications and documents. ♦ One-Click meetings: Instant meetings over homepage with MEET-NOW. ♦ Multiple Presenters: Give control to your or every participants desktop. ♦ Drawing Tools: Draw, highlight or point items on the screen. ♦ Communication Tools:(25 attendees) ♦ Text chat: With all participant simultaneously or a specific attendant. ♦ Integrated Free Audio-conferencing with headset over internet and/or ♦ Teleconferencing via a specific phone number given at the invitation. (local) ♦ Web Service API: Integrate the GoToMeeting functionality directly at websites. ♦ Other: ♦ Quick, easy and secure administration over SSL protected Web Site. ♦ Recording of the Meeting. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Kick Off Meeting • ●JRA3/EMDAF Kick Off Meeting: • June 16 -17, 2009; IWF-Graz, Austria. • http://amda-idis.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/EuroPlaNet/JRA3/EmdafMeetings • 16 people attended this meeting and held 18 presentations about the JRA3/EMDAF project in general, its tasks, suitable computational models and data analysis tools, CINECA and DEISA high performance computing, etc. all online available at JRA3-TWiki. • Decision to establish a working group to conduct a user requirement document/study. • Agreement with the need of a web conferencing tool to ease the way of communication within the project. • Decision to have topical clusters in T3/DNML and selection of an code for trial access at CINECA as part of T5/HPC. • A first database prototype to store and access computational model data has been presented by Daniel Heynderickx. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Splinter Meeting • ●JRA3/EMDAF Splinter Meeting: • September 14, 2009; Kongresshotel Potsdam, Germany. • http://amda-idis.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/EuroPlaNet/JRA3/EmdafMeetings • 8 speakers 3 posters this meeting and held 3 presentationsabout theJRA3/EMDAF project in general, and 5 presentationsabout suitable computational models and data analysis tools, all presentation slides available online at JRA3-TWiki. • A User Requirement Document Query to clarify fundamental questions about the EMDAF catalogue was prepared and distributed. • A JRA3 Poster and Leaflet were prepared and hung out at the Kongresshotel • New links to users and providers were established. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Teleconferences • ●To enhance the efficiency of performing of Task 2, a working group has been created: • ♦ UCL ♦IWF-Graz ♦CNRS/UJF ♦ FMI ♦ DHConsultancy. • Two coordinating tele(web)-conferences of URD group: • On 25.11.2009the JRA3-EMDAF teleconference with participants of UCL, CNRS/UJF, FMI, DHConsultancy agreed to the creation of a first User Requirement Document DRAFT done by IWF-Graz based on the IDIS URD.http://amda-idis.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/EuroPlaNet/JRA3/EmdafUserRequirements • On 11.12.2009a Teleconference reviewed the JRA3-EMDAF User Requirement Document DRAFT with participants of UCL, CNRS/UJF, FMI and DHConsultancy. A decision was made to concentrate on reviewing and development of the JRA3-EMDAF CatalogueInternal Trial Version available online at http://www.spaceweatherservices.com/catalogue/index.php EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Questionnaire ●JRA3 Questionnaire: IWF conducted a short circular email to many potentially interested people from former Europlanet Projects. • List of parameters: • Name • Email • Institute and Adress • Telephone • Provider and/or User of • Computational models • Data analysis tools • Area(s) of Application • Short description • Textual description • Type of code • Background algorithm • Required resource • Generality => Matrix of Associates
JRA-3 / EMDAF EPSC09 Query A User Requirement Document Query to clarify fundamental questions about the EMDAF catalogue. This was prepared and distributed at EPSC’09.
JRA-3 / EMDAF Online Questionnaire ●JRA3 Online Questionnaire: An Online Questionnaire has been established and integrated in the JRA3-EMDAF webpage in November 2009.
JRA-3 / EMDAF User Requirement Document ●JRA3 User Requirement Document: First User Requirement Document DRAFT done by IWF-Graz and based on the IDIS URD. EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Catalogue Prototype ●JRA3 Catalogue Prototype: http://www.spaceweatherservices.com/catalogue/ • User Registration • Add Entries • Edit Entries (to be implemented) • Text search field (to be implemented) • Browse Entries • Via keywords • Via Category EC Grant agreement n° 228319 22
JRA-3 / EMDAF Catalogue Prototype EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Catalogue Prototype EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Associates • ●JRA3 Associates Matrix: • The Goal is to establish a list of reliable providers and users of our catalogue and to involve them as far as possible into the process of building it. We need them to: • Find out what models and tools the participants like to provide. • Find out what are the most wanted category groups (Models, DA Tools) and services. • Snapshot of the Associates Matrix:
JRA-3 / EMDAF Online Feedback Forum ●JRA3 Online Feedback Form: An Online Feedback Sectionhas been added to the JRA3-EMDAF webpage in November 2009. It enables commenting and giving feedback on our project.
JRA-3 / EMDAF Dissamination • ●Following several oral presentations or lectures were given by members of the JRA3: • André, N., Jacquey, C., Cecconi, B., Budnik, E., Hitier, R., Pallier, E., Génot, V., Gangloff, M., Topf, F., Rucker, H.O., Khodachenko, M.L., Baumjohann, W., Lamy, L., Connecting the CDPP/AMDA service and IVOA tools, A Science Case: The HST auroral campaign observations of Jupiter and Saturn, PV 2009, Dec. 2009, Madrid, Spain (oral). • Khodachenko, M.L., Miller, S., Stöckler, R., Topf, F., JRA 3 // WP 24 European Modelling & Data Analysis Facility (EMDAF) - development of a distributed computational and data analysis service for the European planetary science, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2009, Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 2009, (oral). • Stöckler, R., Khodachenko, M.L., Topf, F., Miller, S., Heynderickx, D., Lilensten, J., Creation of Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools (ICPM&DAT), European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2009, Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 2009, (oral). • Topf, F., Khodachenko, M.L., Stöckler, R., Andre, N., Gangloff, M., Jacquey, C., JRA3/EMDAF: Its cooperation and common tasks with IDIS (JRA4 / WP 25: Integrated and Distributed Information Service), European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2009, Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 2009, (oral).
JRA-3 / EMDAF Dissamination • André, N., Cecconi, B., Budnik, E., Pallier, E., Gangloff, M., Hitier, R., Jacquey, C., Génot, V., Dériot, F., Heulet, D., Topf, F., Rucker, H., Khodachenko, M.L., Baumjohann, W., Hansen K.C., Blanc, M., Gombosi, T., CDPP/AMDA, an interoperable web-based service usable for planetary plasma data exploitation and comparative studies: Application to the Saturnian environment and to the MAPSKP data, “Magnetospheres of the outer planets” Conference, July, 2009, Köln, Germany (oral). • Khodachenko, M.L., Miller, S., Topf, F., Stöckler, R., Europlanet-RI / JRA3 / EMDAF general overview, JRA3/EMDAF kick-off meeting, Jun. 2009, IWF Graz, Austria, (oral). • Khodachenko, M.L., Kislyakov, A.G., Advanced data analysis tools for JRA3/EMDAF, JRA3/EMDAF kick-off meeting, Jun. 2009, IWF Graz, Austria, (oral). • Stöckler, R., Khodachenko, M.L., Topf, F., EMDAF Interactive Catalogue, JRA3/EMDAF kick-off meeting, Jun. 2009, IWF Graz, Austria, (oral). • Topf, F., Stöckler, R., Khodachenko, M.L., EMDAF webpage, communication tools and TWiki, JRA3/EMDAF kick-off meeting, Jun. 2009, IWF Graz, Austria, (oral). EC Grant agreement n° 228319
JRA-3 / EMDAF Dissamination • André, N., Jacquey, C., Fedorov, M.A., Budnik, E., Génot, V., Ferrier, C., Mazelle, C., Cecconi, B., Penou, E., Zhang, T., Rucker, H., Khodachenko, M.L., Lammer, H., Volwerk, M., Nakamura, R., Topf, F., Sauvaud, J.-A., Barabash, S., Lundin, R., Comparative Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis of the Martian and Venusian time-variable plasma environments, 43-th ESLAB Symposium “Comparative Planetology: Mars, Venus and the Earth”, May 11-15, 2009, ESTEC/ESA, Noordwijk, Netherlands (oral). • André, N., Topf, F., Budnik, E., Gangloff, M., Hitier, R., Zhang, T., Fedorov, M.A., Jacquey, C., Rucker, H.O., Génot, V., Cecconi, B., Khodachenko, M.L., Mazelle, C., Penou, E., Sauvaud, J.-A., Barabash, S., Lundin, R., An interoperable web-based service offered through the EuroPlaNet/IDIS Plasma Node usable for planetary plasma data exploitation and comparative studies: Application to the Martian and Venusian environments, 43-th ESLAB Symposium “Comparative Planetology: Mars, Venus and the Earth”, May 11-15, 2009, ESTEC/ESA, Noordwijk, Netherlands (oral). • Khodachenko, M.L., Rucker, H.O., EC FP7 Project “Europlanet-RI” – a new research infrastructure for planetary science, Space Research Institute (IWF), Graz, Apr. 2009 (lecture). • Khodachenko, M.L., Miller, S., European Modelling and Data Analysis Facility (EMDAF) as JRA-3 in the Europlanet RI FP7 project, Europlanet RI Project Management Committee, Feb.23-24, 2009, Paris, France (oral).
JRA-3 / EMDAFhttp://europlanet-jra3.oeaw.ac.at ● European/International Perspectives: EMDAFwithin EUROPLANET FP7 will gain and foster the syner- gies of coordinatedandcoherentuse of available computational modelling and data analysis RIs (computational resources and services, data bases). It will serve as a prototype of a new kind ofpan-European inter-national Research Infrastructurewhich will provide the scientific community with the dedicated services in the field of computa-tional modelling and data analysis.