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T r a v e l i n g a n d C a m p i n g o n D u r a b l e S u r f a c e s. Emily Albro & Colin Adams. R e c o g n i z e D u r a b l e S u r f a c e. “Trampling causes vegetation damage and soil erosion in virtually every environment”(Leave No Trace 10).
TravelingandCampingonDurableSurfaces Emily Albro & Colin Adams
RecognizeDurableSurface • “Trampling causes vegetation damage and soil erosion in virtually every environment”(Leave No Trace 10). • Try walking on rocks, sand, gravel, dry grass, leaf litter and snow. • “It hardens ground and destroys habitat for decomposers…”(Leave No Trace 10). • Decomposers help bring nutrients back into the environment.
ConcentrateUseToPopularAreas • “Always use established roads and trails to visit other campsites and places of interest”(Leave No Trace 10). • Try to walk in the middle of trails and campsites to prevent them from expanding. • “Look for and use sights where the ground cover is already worn away and where you’ll be far enough from trails and bodies of water”(Leave No Trace 11).
DisperseUseInPristineAreas • “In general, spread out when hiking across vegetation, with each person taking a slightly different route”(Leave No Trace 12). • Avoids stepping on any one plant more then once. • “In general, manage your activity to avoid harming the natural features of the sight, especially those that do not regenerate or do so very slowly, such as lichens and trees”(Leave No Trace 12).