TV Listings Magazine. Soap Opera’s.
Most TV listings magazines are based on all TV soap opera’s and Programmes. On the cover of this magazine there is a large picture of the soap Eastenders. Magazines do this so that the soap opera with the most shocking and intriguing stories are seen clearly which is good advertisement for the Soap but also get better sales for the magazine. This magazine will capture an audience by using shocking titles to describe the happenings of this Soap. This will make the audience want to read more and also they will want to watch the programme.
This table is off the National Readership Survey. This table shows the results of the most popular weekly magazines that have been bought over the past year from October 2010 – September 2011. The most popular magazines in the last year have mainly been TV listings Magazine’s which seem to be most popular with adults. This has given us incline to make our magazine more mature.
This magazine was brought out by the makers and also actors of the Soap Coronation Street. This magazines contains memories from many past years for the fans of the programme. Memories such as the ‘Bad guys’ and the most memorable characters make the magazine more enjoyable. It also gives clues to different stories and cliff hangers which will be revealed soon, which will keep the audience interested in the show. These magazines are not usually brought out weekly for example this one was brought out for the 50th anniversary. I think this is a better way to promote a TV show/soap opera as it is completely all about this show therefore there isn't any competition with other programmes which may have better story lines.
New technology (web 2.0) we can now reach information over the internet. This is an online magazine which has information about the most popular soaps. This online magazine gives some information about the show but not as much as a normal magazine would do. Also this website is less likely to be known to many people therefore the magazines in the shops are better advertisement and can be used at all times.
Posters for Soap Operas. Posters are mainly to show that there are new comers to the show or some changes in the lifestyles of the characters. The posters usually contain pictures of characters.