The Year 4 Curriculum • We anticipate that children will be experiencing a Tudor Day later in the Autumn term. We would ask that the children come dressed in Tudor costume on this day. Costumes can be made, hired or purchased fairly reasonably through websites such as www.amazon.co.uk • Other anticipated trips may include Deeplish Primary School, the World Museum, either The Science or Catalyst Museum, The Gill Moss Recycling Centre.
Reading • All readers will be heard once per week during guided reading sessions; more if needed. • As part of a whole school initiative we will be focusing more on guided reading sessions, concentrating on comprehension. This means that there will be less individual session unless your child has a specific need. • Home readers will changed as much as possible. We expect parents/children to write the name of the new book when and for parents to read with the child a few times a week. • Now that most children are able to read fluently, it is very important that you ask them questions about what they are reading, to ensure that they understand.
Literacy and Maths Homework • Literacy will be given on a Thursdayalong with spellings to learn. This must be returned by the following Wednesdaywhen the spelling test will take place. • On most occasions, homework will be linked to spellings but sometimes a longer piece of writing, research or reading comprehension will be required. • Maths will be given on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. This will take the form of a written worksheet or online activity accessed through the website www.mymaths.co.uk (Login: hrcps Password: Square) • A tables test will also take place on a Thursday. Details can be found in the children’s table test books. • We may give additional online tasks which children will be encouraged to complete, accessed through the website www.educationcity.com. • We will inform children if they have online homework; however, please check the websites on a Friday.
P.E. • P.E. in Year 4 will take place on a Monday(indoor) and a Tuesday(outdoor). • P.E. Kits must remain in school and taken home every half term holiday to be washed. For the outdoor PE session, children can bring tracksuits and trainers, depending on the weather. • We start P.E. on the first week of each half term, so please ensure that they are returned on this day.
General Matters • If you wish to speak to the class teacher, please try not to approach them in the morning as they have thirty children to attend to. Instead, inform the office of any messages, or ask the office staff to make an appointment with the class teacher. Teachers will be also be available on the playground at the end of each school day. • We would ask that you stand back towards the bike sheds, to allow the parents of the younger children to wait closer to their classroom. • The bell rings at 8.55am, so all children should be in class by 9 o’clock. If not then they will receive a late mark. • Attendance is very important and you should send your child into school whenever possible. High attendance for the class can lead to class rewards.
How you can help • Ensure completion of all homework. • Read every night if possible, even if only a few pages. • Encourage independent research. • Constant practice of current and previous times tables, as this will benefit their mathematical knowledge. • Regular practice of the weekly spellings. • Practise using time, e.g. reading digital and analogue clocks and durations of journeys, programmes etc. • Try to use Microsoft Office including Powerpoint as this will help their general ICT skills and benefit their summer project.
Religious Sacraments • During Year 4, your children will have the opportunity to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation. • Reconciliation will take place during Advent - more details will be sent to you. • Communion and Confirmation have changed to become more parish and family-based. The school still supports preparation; however, the Church will be responsible for the main preparation programme. The school becomes involved in the organisation of the day.
Thank you! This powerpoint will be available, along with any other school information, from our school website. Please revisit the website often for school and class updates along with the latest instalments of Simon Ward’s ‘Be Positive’ videos.