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EGSO broker

EGSO broker. Luigi Ciminiera ( luigi.ciminiera@polito.it ) Claudio Zunino ( claudio.zunino@polito.it ) Andrea Sanna ( andrea.sanna@polito.it ) Irene Pompili ( irenella@tin.it ). VSInc Joint Technical Meeting. Outline. Broker architecture Release 1 Release 2 Query Management

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EGSO broker

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EGSO broker Luigi Ciminiera ( luigi.ciminiera@polito.it ) Claudio Zunino ( claudio.zunino@polito.it ) Andrea Sanna ( andrea.sanna@polito.it ) Irene Pompili ( irenella@tin.it ) VSInc Joint Technical Meeting

  2. Outline • Broker architecture • Release 1 • Release 2 • Query Management • Future work

  3. Broker architecture • Three main subsystems • Information retrieval • External Interaction • Metadata Management

  4. Release 1 implementation • Queries managed are parameters based (time, wavelength intervals or instruments) • The Broker uses a first version Search Registry to select Providers can satisfy the query received from the Consumer and forward it to them • Then the Broker collect results received from Providers and sends back them to the Consumer • The Search Registry is a metadata catalogue obtained summarizing the data of the providers (for example time granularity = 1 day)

  5. Consumer Provider 1 Provider 3 Provider 2 Search registry Release 1 query Broker query results

  6. Release 2 implementation • Queries managed are event based ( flares ) • The Broker uses the Solar Event Catalogue (SEC) Server to obtain information about events that satisfy a set of parameters specified in the Consumer query. • The Broker receives results from the SEC server and uses them to search in the Search Registry according to other parameters listed in the query to find a list of instruments that were observing that events. • The results of this search is sent back to the Consumer. The Consumer will use this result to obtain data from Providers.

  7. Consumer SEC Server Search registry Release 2 query Broker Only events that satisfy the second part of the query parameters All events that satisfy the first part of the query parameters query results

  8. Future work • Merge Release 1 and Release 2 capabilities • Multiple brokers • Fault tolerance • Performance enhancement • Distributed Search Registry • Caching capabilities • Security mechanisms

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