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Titan FX values relationships with Introducing Brokers and provides a range of resources to help you grow your business.<br>
Index Executive Overview Retail Forex: An Unmissable Opportunity About Titan FX What is an Introducing Broker? Why partner with Titan FX? Benefits of becoming a Titan FX Introducing Broker Application Process Access to your Commissions Promoting Titan FX Titan FX IB Program Commission Scheme Titan FX Securities Contact Us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Executive Overview Introduce your clients to Titan FX to provide them with the best possible Forex trading conditions whilst earning a substantial ongoing commissionbased on their trading activity. Titan FX values relationships with Introducing Brokers and provides a range of resources to help you grow your business. 1
Retail Forex: An Unmissable Opportunity Retail forex can be defined as the the sector of the forex market where individuals trade, as opposed to institutions. Prior to the 1990s the foreign exchange market was basically inaccessible to individual traders - only the development of forex trading platforms such as the MT4 platform offered by Titan FX has opened this market to individual investors. The forex market is the world’s largest financial market dwarfing the equities and futures markets - combined! Retail forex is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace for a long time to come. THE MARKET NEVER SLEEPS Forex is a 24 hour market unlike stocks and other asset classes LOw BARRIER TO ENTRy Clients can open an account with $200 or even less HIGH LEVERAGE Clients can trade up to 500x the value of their equity, magnifying potential profits LOw ONGOING COSTS Clients can choose a low or no commission account Daily turnover in retail forex trading has more than doubled from $136 billion to $380 billion since 2007 FInAnCIAl REvIEW, MAy 2015 2
About Titan FX Titan FX is a foreign exchange (forex), commodities and CFD broker serving both institutional and retail clients across the globe. As a New Zealand registered Financial Services Provider (FSP 388647), Titan FX global headquarters and operational hub is located in Auckland, New Zealand, with satellite offices in strategic locations around the world. Titan FX offers an advanced, technology based approach to online trading – with ultra tight spreads, no-requotes, full ECN execution, absolute transparency and the latest trading platform technology. By continually investing in development of new technologies and regularly upgrading trading servers, Titan FX can provide clients with the best possible trading conditions. 3
What is an Introducing Broker? Introducing Brokers provide valuable services to clients such as: ASSISTANCE IN fINDING THE CORRECT fOREx BROKER TO SUIT THE CLIENT’S TRADING NEEDS ASSISTING A CLIENT wITH ACCOUNT OPENING CLIENT EDUCATION AND TRAINING Some Introducing Brokers also provide services such as: Expert Advisor (EA) algorithms and software Market analysis Trading signals Investment advice MANy INTRODUCING BROKERS OPERATE wEBSITES OR OffER THEIR SERVICES ONLINE 4
Why partner with Titan FX? THE BEST fOR yOUR CLIENTS Introduce your clients to Titan FX to provide them with the best possible Forex trading infrastructure along with the tightest spreads (from 0.0 pips) and ultrafast speed executions whilst earning a substantial ongoing commission. Titan FX also provides segregated accounts for the security of our clients. All client funds are held in segregated client trust accounts with a world leading bank National Australia Bank (NAB). Client funds are held separately to Titan FX operating funds. THE BEST fOR yOU At Titan FX, we recognise the value of Introducing Brokers to both our business and to our client’s trading performance. As commissions, our team of professionals is here to support you as your business grows. well as providing outstanding Your success is our success. 5
Benefits of becoming a Titan FX Introducing Broker ATTrAcT clIEnTs wITh ThE INTERNATIONALLy RECOGNISED TITAn FX brAnd rEcEIvE ThE supporT oF A DEDICATED RELATIONSHIP MANAGER The Titan FX brand is promoted heavily in many countries around the world in different mediums. Although we are a technology driven company using cutting edge online marketing techniques we also advertise in many offline mediums to increase the Titan FX brand presence. Your Relationship Manager is available to support you at all times and can help with various aspects of growing your client base. bE provIdEd wITh rEgulArly updATEd HIGH qUALITy PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL bEnEFIT FroM AdvAncEd TrAckIng And AnAlyTIcs Titan FX invests in high quality marketing creative and content which we make available to Introducing Brokers. Contact your Relationship Manager to request custom content. Titan FX IB program gives you advanced cookie tracing and detailed reporting in your own Client Cabinet Partner Panel, transparently showing you each new account created, as well as the trading activity and volume of your clients on live. lEvErAgE IncrEAsEd rEwArds wITh A 6 MONTHLy PERfORMANCE REVIEw rEcEIvE EXcEllEnT fINANCIAL REwARDS Titan FX value relationships with Introducing Brokers. Our Introducing Brokers are exceptionally well compensated. Introducing Brokers may request a performance review at any time after the first six months. High performing IBs receive additional benefits. 6
Application Process There are three simple steps to become an Introducing Broker: 1 CREATE AN ACCOUNT Sign up for a Titan FX trading account. Sign up now 2 SECURE CLIENT CABINET Log in to the Titan FX Secure Client Cabinet. Log in now 3 BECOME AN IB In ‘Partner Area’, choose ‘Become an IB’. If you have any questions about becoming a Titan FX Introducing Broker, please email ib@titanfx.com or use the live chat feature on the Titan FX website. 7
Access to your commissions Titan FX Introducing Brokers are provided with a special account linked to our MT4 servers. You can select the currency of this account from USD, JPY, AUD and SGD. After each trade closed your commissions accrue in your account. Commissions can be withdrawn at any time via a wide range of methods including Bank Wire, Neteller and Skrill. 8
Promoting Titan FX Titan FX produces a range of promotional materials for use by Introducing Brokers. Digital and print collateral is available. A range of digital promotional materials can be downloaded from the Titan FX website. Web banners pre-configured with your special IB link can be downloaded from the Secure Client Cabinet. Contact your dedicated Relationship Manager for the latest web collateral, including HTML5 banners, infographics and brochures. Your dedicated Relationship Manager can provide print-ready and custom materials on request. 9
Titan FX IB Program Commission Scheme Titan FX offers excellent financial reward based on trading volume to our partners. STANDARD ACCOUNT (IN PIPS) BLADE ACCOUNT (IN Nzd) IB ACCOUNT USD 0.4 0.75 AUD 0.4 0.95 JPY 0.4 90 SGD 0.4 1 per 1 lot (100,000 units) round 10
Titan FX Securities October 2015 fx MAjORS 5 pairs fx MINORS 10 pairs fx CROSSES 6 pairs fx yEN 7 pairs Audusd Eurusd gbpusd usdchF usdJpy AudcAd AudchF AudnZd Audsgd EurAud EurchF Eurgbp gbpAud gbpchF nZdusd cAdchF EurcAd EurnZd gbpcAd gbpnZd usdcAd AudJpy cAdJpy chFJpy EurJpy gbpJpy nZdJpy ZArJpy fx ExOTICS 16 pairs fx EUROPE 13 pairs chFsgd EurcZk Eursgd EurZAr gbpsgd gbpTry nZdcAd nZdchF sgdJpy usdcnh usdcZk usdMXn usdrub usdsgd usdThb usdZAr Eurnok Eurpln EursEk EurTry gbpnok gbpsEk nokJpy noksEk sEkJpy usdnok usdpln usdsEk usdTry COM GLD 3 pairs COM SLV 2 pairs COM OIL 3 pairs COM METAL 2 pairs XAuAud XAuEur XAuusd XAgEur XAgusd Xbrusd Xngusd XTIusd Xpdusd XpTusd INDICES 13 indices fUTURES 4 (coming soon) chInA 50n5 chInA 50Q5 dXu5 dXZ5 Aus200 EusTX50 FrA40 gEr30 hk50 IT40 Jpn225 nAs100 spA35 uk100 us2000 Is30 us500 11
Contact Us If you have any questions about the Titan FX IB program, please feel free to contact us. ADDRESS Titan FX limited level 4, 228 Queen street Auckland 1010 - new Zealand PHONE fAx +64 9 950 8902 +64 9 950 8903 EMAIL ib@titanfx.com BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS company number 5390661 Fsp 388647 TITAN fx TEAM IS LOOKING fORwARD TO wELCOMING yOU AS OUR IB PARTNER! 12