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Water Pollution Terminology Contamination Elevated concentrations of substances in water but with no measurable damaging

Water Pollution Terminology Contamination Elevated concentrations of substances in water but with no measurable damaging effects Pollution Measurable damaging effects Some definitions require human agency Source Origin of contaminant/pollutant Receiving Waters

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Water Pollution Terminology Contamination Elevated concentrations of substances in water but with no measurable damaging

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  1. Water Pollution • Terminology • Contamination • Elevated concentrations of substances in water but with no measurable damaging effects • Pollution • Measurable damaging effects • Some definitions require human agency • Source • Origin of contaminant/pollutant • Receiving Waters • Waters into which contaminant/pollutant is discharged • Mixing Zone • Area where contaminant/pollutant from source mixes with receiving waters

  2. Water Pollution • Sources • Point sources • Discharge directly into receiving waters • Easier to characterize and regulate than NPS’s • Non-point sources • Pollutants from diffuse sources • Ex: Agricultural waste (manure, fertilizer, “cides”) • May vary regionally and seasonally • Ex: Runoff from streets during SoCal winter • May be difficult to distinguish anthropogenic from natural effects • Ex: Arsenic in groundwater in Bangladesh • Ex: Coliform bacteria in Mission Bay

  3. Water Pollution • Types • Degradable • Organic material; can be decomposed by bacteria • Decomposition depletes oxygen (measured by BOD) • Ex: Urban sewage, agricultural & animal waste • Dissipating • Disperse/Diffuse in water • Effects usually local • Ex: Heat, acids, chemicals, nutrients (esp. phosphorus in FW) • Particulate • Usually inert (non-reactive) • Affects turbidity, may be abrasive, clogs gills/filters • Ex: Sediments, airborne particles (e.g. ash) • Conservative • Diverse pollutants, many toxic • Persistent; may facilitate oxygen depletion • Ex: Heavy metals, halogenated hydrocarbons (“cides”), radioactive materials • Biological • Microbes, sometimes pathogenic • Ex:Giardia, Cholera • Indicated by Fecal Coliform Count (FCC)

  4. Water Pollution • Effects • Ecosystem • Loss of biodiversity (Ex: spp. sensitive to low DO) • Shift of species composition • Human • Interference with designated beneficial uses • Human Response • “The solution to pollution is dilution” • Solutions • Reduce inputs (volume, concentration) • Increase flow (volume, rate) • Ganges River • Major input: Sewage • Ganges Action Plan (1985)

  5. www.uwec.edu

  6. Mean Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1993-2007, Uppangala, Western Ghats Pèlissier et al. 2011

  7. moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Status%20Paper%20-Ganga.pdfmoef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Status%20Paper%20-Ganga.pdf

  8. FCC EPA Bathing Std: 126 MPN/100 ml GAP Bathing Std: 500-2500 Range: 12,000-43,000,000 BOD GAP Bathing Std: 3 mg/l Range: 3.6-44 www.friendsofganges.org

  9. moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Status%20Paper%20-Ganga.pdfmoef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Status%20Paper%20-Ganga.pdf

  10. The River Ganges

  11. Ganga Devi / Ganga Ma

  12. Varanasi / Banaras

  13. Ganga Arati Banaras

  14. PURITY AND POLLUTION IN HINDUISM sacred / pure / auspicious profane / impure & polluting / inauspicious  physically clean (saf/svaccha) / ritually-spiritually pure (shuddha/pavitra)  physically polluted (ganda/asvaccha) ritually-spiritually impure (ashuddha/apavitra)

  15. Satya Yuga  “Age of Truth,” Golden Age of PurityTreta Yuga  Silver AgeDvapara Yuga  Copper AgeKali Yuga  Iron Age, Dark Age

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