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Generations at Work in your workplace!. Who are those that were born between 1922 and 2000AD? Cynthia A. Jennings WBL Coordinator. The Generations. The Veterans – Born 1922-1943 Baby Boomers – Born 1943-1960 Gen Xers – Born 1960-1980 Nexters – Born 1980- 2000 and now the Millennials!!!!.
Generations at Workin your workplace! Who are those that were born between 1922 and 2000AD? Cynthia A. Jennings WBL Coordinator
The Generations • The Veterans – Born 1922-1943 • Baby Boomers – Born 1943-1960 • Gen Xers – Born 1960-1980 • Nexters – Born 1980- 2000 • and now the Millennials!!!!
The Veterans Core Values: • Dedication/Sacrifice • Hard Work • Conformity • Law and Order • Respect for Authority • Adherence to rules • Patience
The Baby Boomers Core Values: • Optimism • Team Orientation • Health and Wellness • Personal Gratification • Work • Involvement
The Gen Xers Core Values: • Diversity • Thinking Globally • Balance • Technoliteracy • Fun • Self-reliance • Pragmatism
The Nexters Core Values: • Optimism • Civic Duty • Confidence • Achievement • Sociability • Morality • Diversity
The Veterans: Like consistency and uniformity Like things on a grand scale Are conformers Believe in logic, not magic Are disciplined Are past oriented and history absorbed Have always believed in law and order Spending style is conservative The Baby Boomers: They believe in growth and expansion They think of themselves as stars in the show They tend to be optimistic In school and at home , the boomers learned about teamwork The Boomers have always been cool! They have pursued their own personal gratification, uncompromisingly at a high price to themselves and others Generational Mind Set
The Gen Xers: Are self-reliant Seeking a sense of family They want balance They have a nontraditional orientation about time and space They like informality Their approach to authority is casual They are skeptical They are attracted to the edge They are technologically savvy The Nexters: On the go Passion and personality to take on a cause They think Mom and/or Dad is cool! More dependant on Mom and Dad Technology is “natural” Eager to subscribe to a stricter moral code Manners have been reborn Realistic about the present Generational Mind Set
The Veterans: Stable Detail oriented Thorough Loyal Hardworking The Baby Boomers: Service Oriented Driven Willing to go the “extra mile” Good at relationships Want to please The Gen Xers: Adaptable Technoliterate Independent Creative Unintimidated by authority The Nexters: Collective action Tenacity Heroic Spirit Technological savvy Multitasking abilities Generations On the Job!On the Job-Assets
The Veterans: Inept with ambiguity and change Reluctant to buck the system Uncomfortable with conflict Reliant when they disagree The Baby Boomers: Not normally budget minded Uncomfortable with conflict Reluctant to go against peers May put process ahead of result Overly sensitive to feedback Self-centered Judgmental of those who see things differently The Gen xers: Poor people skills Inexperienced Impatient Cynical The Nexters: Need for supervision and structure Inexperience, particularly with handling difficult people issues Generations at workOn the Job - Liabilities
Leadership Style Veterans: Direct Command and Control Leadership Baby Boomers: Collegial Consensual Gen Xers: Thrive on change Challenge others’ thinking Nexters: Resilient
Who were the Hero’s? The Veterans Superman, Winston Churchill, Babe Ruth, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Patton The Baby Boomers Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John and Jacqueline Kennedy, John Glenn The Gen Xers None The Nexters Michael Jordon, Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, Bill Gates, Tiger Woods
Understanding the “Team” idea! The Veteran: Teams with strong leaders who told them exactly what to do, how and when. The Baby Boomers: Have difficulty speaking up within teams, avoiding any difficulties at any cost, creating a community team where everyone gets along The Gen Xers: Teams are less frequently brought together. Communication to the team is done on email, over chat rooms, and by joining listserv’s The Nexters: Teams that are similar to the Boomers possess the ”can do” of the Veterans and the technological savvy of the Gen Xers.
The “ACORN” Idea Five major operating ideas which can get Generations to work together! “A”ccommodate employee differences “C”reate workplace choices “O”perate from a sophisticated management style “R”espect competence and initiative “N”ourish retention
“A”ccommodate Employee Differences • Learn all they can about employees • Work to meet specific needs of each employee • Serve them according to their unique preferences Effort to accommodate: • Personal schedules • Work-Life balance issues • Nontraditional lifestyles
“C”reate workplace choices • The workplace is shaped by the work being done • An atmosphere that is relaxed and informal • A casual dress code • Height and width of the chain of command tends to be foreshortened
“O”perate from a sophisticated management style • Managers are more polished • Managers are more direct • Managers display their flexibility by: • the supervisory style not being fixed • the leadership style being situationally varied • depending more on positional power • knowing when to make policy exceptions • being thoughtful when matching individuals to a team or a team or individual to an assignment
“R”espect competence and initiative • Treat your employees with respect • Involve people that are interested in doing their best • Hire the best employees and give them the best job opportunities
“N”ourish retention • Offer lots of training • Encourage and support lateral movement • Provide variety and new challenges for employees • Encourage employees to obtain new skills
“Sell the Benefits” In order to retain the very best employees!!!!
The Next Generation of Workersare already being born and working…together! Power point designed by Cynthia A. Jennings Information for this power point was supported by the book titled: Generations at Work by Ron Zemke, Claire Raines, and Bob Filipczak