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Ken McDonald NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development Technology, Planning & Integration Office

Ken McDonald NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development Technology, Planning & Integration Office Kenneth.McDonald@noaa.gov 301-713-2789 Robert Rank NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development Ground Systems Division Robert.Rank@noaa.gov 301-817-4593. CLASS Description.

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Ken McDonald NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development Technology, Planning & Integration Office

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  1. Ken McDonald NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development Technology, Planning & Integration Office Kenneth.McDonald@noaa.gov 301-713-2789 Robert Rank NOAA/NESDIS Office of Systems Development Ground Systems Division Robert.Rank@noaa.gov 301-817-4593

  2. CLASS Description • A web-based data archive and distribution system for NOAA’s environmental data • To become the principal IT system supporting NOAA’s environmental data stewardship • An evolving archive and access system that will support additional “campaigns,” broader user base, and new functionality as implementation continues for the next 10 years • Concurrently implementing new requirements and capabilities while supporting ongoing operations and maintenance • Phase in of New CLASS vision - IT system for NOAA supporting long-term secure storage and access prototypes - APIs, NODC support, geospatial, etc.

  3. Brief History • CLASS established 2001 • SAA + GAA  more comprehensive system • Focus: large-array data • SAA selected as baseline system • Performance & funding bounded primarily by the high-volume, large-array environmental data systems • Primarily satellite-based observations

  4. Concept of Operations • Ingest mechanisms allow data, information, and metadata to be initially obtained by CLASS and subsequently updated by data producers or science data stewards as necessary. • Archive storage system infrastructure by which data, information, and metadata are stored in CLASS, and includes capabilities to refresh, migrate, transform, and otherwise manage holdings as part of the preservation process. • Access services and interfaces enable CLASS consumers to identify the kinds of information available through CLASS, and find and obtain items of particular interest. • Generally following OAIS Reference Model

  5. “Core” Holdings • In CLASS now • POES, DMSP, GOES, MetOp • Coming soon • NODC • Completed prototype • EOS MODIS L0 • In development • NPP, NPOESS, OSTM/Jason-2 • In discussion • NEXRAD, GOES-R, model data

  6. Existing Capabilities CLASS maintains long-term, secure storage of and access to 238 TB of environmental data growing at .78 TB/day 384 TB redundant Storage Area Network & 2 PB Tape Robotics

  7. Existing Capabilities Monthly Distribution by Volume

  8. Existing Capabilities Monthly Distribution by Data Sets

  9. CLASS Operational Sites

  10. Key Roles and Responsibilities • NNDCs  “Archives” • Overall responsibility for OAIS-RM “mandatory responsibilities” • Key responsibility  Preservation planning • CLASS  “IT component of archives”

  11. Source of Need Requirements for the CLASS reside in the charters for: • Climate Observation and Analysis Program • Provide long-term preservation of the Nation’s Climate Record • Provide climate data and information that meets rigorous scientific standards for quality • Provide access to Climate Data and Information related to the state and changing state of the climate system in a variety of formats in an easy and convenient manner to NOAA’s customers • Science, Technology, and Infusion Program • Provide NOAA operational units with new science applications and technology tools • Increase the application and accessibility of all types of environmental information

  12. Gap Analysis • Climate Goal Climate Observation & Analysis – • Data Stewardship“Inability to integrate archived data from various observing systems and provide climate-related data with adequate information about the how the data was transformed from a specific measurement to data records delivered to the user.” • NOAA Strategic Information Technology Plan • Enterprise Architecture All technical and program decisions will be made in the context of the NOAA-wide Enterprise Architecture…numerous ‘stove-pipe’ archive and access systems • Future Observing System Data Volumes

  13. Data Volume Requirements

  14. Strategic Plan Linkage • Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond • Describe and understand the state of the climate system through integrated observations, analysis, and data stewardship • Increase number and use of climate products and services to enhance public and private sector decision making. • NOAA Strategic IT Plan • CLASS as enterprise archiving solution • Cross-Cutting Priorities • NOAA’s Integrated Global Environmental Observation and Data Management System

  15. CLASS - New Definition •  enterprise solution supporting data archive & science data stewardship missions •  architecture capable of supporting all NOAA’sarchive collections as environmental observing systems evolve & grow •  increase efficiencies associated with archiving environmental datasets by: • providing economies of scale to address acquisition, security, and IT project management for any archiving requirement; • consolidating stove-pipe, legacy archive systems thereby reducing the number of archiving IT projects to manage; and • relieving data producers of archive system development and operations issues

  16. Service Oriented Architectures • Service-oriented architecture • Open, stable interfaces • Interoperability • Scalability, flexibility, distribution • Support for heterogeneity • Consistent with • GEO • U.S. Directions • USGEO, Federal Enterprise Architecture • NOAA Initiative • Global Earth Observation Integrated Data Environment (GEO-IDE)

  17. Enterprise Transition Issues • Need ‘enterprise’ archive requirements, standards, processes & procedures • Documented organizational roles and responsibilities • Published organizational process, evaluation criteria & priority • Detailed enterprise archive requirements • Specific Standards (data formats, metadata, interfaces) Benefit Data Producers, Archives & IT system Developers

  18. “To-Be” System Architecture Overview • Next level of detail for “to-be” system architecture • Provides overviews of • Capabilities • Major subsystems and components • Services and interfaces • Layers and layer interactions • Distributed infrastructure • Nodes and their interactions • Necessary for transition plan development • Used to validate transition plan

  19. System Architecture Reference Manual • Detailed description of system organization at a given point • Fully describes all elements presented in the “to-be” system architecture overview • Includes additional elements as needed • Includes all interface signatures • Living document

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