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Student Organization Training Workshop Student Activities Board. University Policies and Procedures Terri Hurdle , Ed.D Student Activities Board Advisor hurdlet@ucmail.uc.edu Kelsey Pace , Internal VP, SAB pacekm@mail.uc.edu. Presentation Overview. Policies and Procedures
Student Organization Training WorkshopStudent Activities Board University Policies and Procedures Terri Hurdle, Ed.D Student Activities Board Advisor hurdlet@ucmail.uc.edu Kelsey Pace, Internal VP, SAB pacekm@mail.uc.edu
Presentation Overview Policies and Procedures • Registration Requirements • Recognized Student Organization Privileges • Organization Liability • Conference and Event Services • Public Safety and Grounds • Questions
Registration Requirements In order to be a fully accepted organization, all of the items listed below must be completed: Update Student organization Online Application Information • Submit an updated copy of organization’s Constitution and Bylaws • Submit an Updated Student organization Roster • Attend Student organization Training Workshop • Submit Student Organization Verification Form All of the above items must be completed by returning Student Organizations by November 15, 2012
Recognized Student Organization Privileges – University Facilities Space in Steger Student Life Center Mailboxes • 400 level (Ground Floor) Lockers and Cabinet drawers • 600 level Conference rooms are available for meeting space as well as lounge space • For reservations please email patty.speed@uc.edu
Registered Organization Privileges – Branding and Logo Usage Merchandise designs must be approved by Martin Ludwig, Director of Licensing Martin.ludwig@uc.edu This includes: Stationary T-shirts Posters Give-a-ways Marketing/information brochures Merchandise may only be ordered from licensed vendors 5 licensed vendors for 2012-2013 academic year http://www.uc.edu/licensing/licensees.html YOU CANNOT SELL MERCHANDISE
Registered Organization Privileges – Blackboard/Web Site Blackboard Account Access for Student Organizations Requests must be submitted to Terri Hurdle (hurdlet@ucmail.uc.edu). It must include: • Full name and email address of person managing student organization / Blackboard account • A description of how Blackboard will help student organization • The total number of members that will be enrolled in the organization. Web Site Request Procedure for student access to old (or new) website: • Renew Registered Student organization status with SALD for the 2012-13 academic year. • Submit website registration form annually (or whenever there is a new webmaster). • Accounts will be established when your student organization's Registration Form and Web Registration Form are received by SALD
Registered Organization Privileges Participation in University sponsored events Eligibility for University Awards The Student Activities Board will host the Celebration of Student Involvement (CSI) Awards on April 3, 2013 to acknowledge student organizations in the following categories: • Student organization of the Year • Advisor of the Year • Outstanding New organization • Outstanding New Program/ Initiative • Commitment to Diversity • Outstanding organization Collaboration • Community Service
Registered Organization Privileges – Posting Policies Include your organization’s name on poster/flyer. Be sure posters are tasteful. Post on bulletin boards only No more than threeposters/handbills in one area. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information, located at www.uc.edu/sald Remove postings within three days after the event ends. No alcohol promotion or roommate search/sales etc.
Organization Liability Educate your members • YOU are responsible for informing members of policies and identifying risks associated with events/activities. • Be familiar with the following University Policies: Alcohol • The university shall implement and enforce the laws of the state of Ohio as stated in the Ohio Revised Code. Underage drinking will not be tolerated. Hazing • The laws of the state of Ohio concerning hazing shall be observed. Hazing will not be tolerated!!
Organization Liability Events Involving Alcohol should follow the procedures below: • Held at a licensed facility. • NO members of the organization should be directly involved in serving alcohol. • If possible provide transportation to and from the event, or have designated drivers. • Student Organizations cannot advertise alcohol promotions or sales on any marketing or other promotional materials For additional information please contact: Student Activities and Leadership Development: 556-6115 Office of General Counsel: 556-3483 Office of Risk Management: 584-5042
Organization Liability- Permission and Release Waiver Permission and Release Waiver All student organizations are required to complete a Permission and Release Form for all of the organization’s activities. The form must remain on file with your organization’s advisor and another copy must accompany you on organization outings (i.e.) Student Trips, Outings and other special events. Forms are available online at http://www.uc.edu/sald/student_organization/resources.html
Organization Liability- Student Travel Policy Student Travel Policy Students participating in travel sponsored by the university must comply with the standards set forth by the Student Code of Conduct Travel sponsored by a student organization must be consistent with the organization’s mission and constitution. Each student must complete the Student Travel Authorization Form. Students traveling outside of the United States are required to register with UC International. All overnight travel sponsored by the organization must be monitored by a faculty ,staff member, or designated student organization member. The Travel Monitor is required to obtain itinerary details and contact information from each student traveler using the Student Travel Contact information form (domestic travel).
Organization Liability- Student Travel Policy Student Travel terms and Definitions Organization Travel-travel is defined asthree or more students Registered University Student Organization-a recognized student organization (must be registered with the Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development) Travel Monitor (Training is required )-Faculty, Staff, or designated student organization member responsible for the following: Obtaining contact and other relevant information for each traveler Providing the appropriate offices and organization advisor with travel itinerary, lodging, and emergency information and procedures
Organization Liability- Student Travel Policy Travel Monitor Training • Training for this position is listed in the travel policy, however, travel monitors and advisors must attend the formal training sponsored by the university. • All advisors and student organization monitors are required to review this information. • Copies of the appropriate form must be maintained by the Advisor and the Travel Monitor
Organization Liability- Student Travel Policy Transportation Rental Rent transportation that has liability coverage SALD recommends the university’s transportation service Facilities: Transportation 556-4424 Forms can be found in the SALD office (455), SGA Office (655), and online at http://sites.ucfilespace.uc.edu/sga/ufb-documents
Organization Liability-Student Code of Conduct Student Code of Conduct http://www.uc.edu/conduct/Code_of_Conduct.html Applies to all students and must be followed at all times. Jurisdiction of the Student Code of Conduct • Students • On and Off Campus Behavior • State of Ohio • Division of Student Affairs and Services • Division of Baccalaureate & Graduate Education
Organization Liability-University Weapons Policy University Weapons Policy The following items are prohibited from being stored, sold or utilized on the university’s campus: • Firearms • Explosives of any description • Ammunition, or anything used to threaten or harm including, but not limited to, firecrackers, compressed air guns, pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, knives, nerf guns, and water guns.
Organization Liability-Financial Management Contracts Limit the authority within the organization to make financial commitments or authorize high-risk activity. All contracts should be reviewed by the advisor and sent through the University of Cincinnati’s process which includes signatures by the following individuals: • Director of Student Activities & Leadership Development • Advisor • Associate Vice-President/Dean of Students • Director of Business Affairs • General Counsel Off campus Bank accounts Require at least two signatures for checks/withdrawal Must include the Advisor and Treasurer
Organization Liability- Additional University Policies • Policy for Drug-Free Campus • Sexual Assault Policy • Residence Education Policies • Affirmative Action Policy Additional information on the above policies can be found at: http://www.uc.edu/about/documents/ucrighttoknow.pdf
Conference and Event Services Scheduling Facilities Go to http://www.uc.edu/eventservices.html and complete application to schedule facilities by clicking on the “Reserve Event Space” button. To check room availability, please call 558-1810 ext. 1 Room reservations must be made within five business days of event date If organizations desire to use space in TUC outside normal business hours, the fee is $100.00 for each additional hour. A room rental fee will be charged if the event has an admission fee. If a student organization has to cancel an event, they must notify Conference & Event Services through written correspondence. It is always best to notify Conference & Event Services via email as soon as possible as the fees vary depending on the room reserved. If this does not take place, organizations can be assessed a non-cancellation charge.
Conference and Event Services Food and Facilities Tangeman University Center (TUC) has a contractual agreement with Aramark, no outside food is allowed. Food waivers are granted for special circumstances If Aramark does not have the capability to make the food (for example Kosher or international entrees). Organizations must pick up food if using alternative catering. • A Room rental fee may be charged Student Friendly Catering Options: • Papa John’s • Chick-Fil-A • Kuma Neko • Aramark Student Menu
Conference and Event Services Additional Services / Approvals • Sidewalk chalking in specific areas • Bake sales/raffles • Main Street Cinema • Amplification (Only Tuesdays and Thursdays) Promotional Requests Requests to utilize the promotional services provided by MainStreet Operations should be submitted to the following people: Televisions, Starbucks Banner, Table Advertisements, TUC: Janet Wolf, MainStreet Connections-TUC 513-556-0443, janet.wolf@uc.edu
Conference and Event Services-Expressive Activity Policy Effective as of June 12, 2012, the University of Cincinnati’s Expressive Activity Policy is suspended by court order, as is any regulation of student speech found in the Use of Facilities Policy Manual and the MainStreet Student Event Guide. Students are not required to obtain permission for any expressive activity held in outdoor spaces. They still need permission for the TUC Atrium and the TUC MainStreet ExpressMart spaces.
Conference and Event Services-Expressive Activity Policy The president of the university has directed as follows: Students who wish to engage in any expressive activity in groups of 25 or fewer, including the solicitation of signatures on petitions, may do so, without any prior notice to the university, in the Free Speech Area and the open campus areas, plazas, and sidewalks. Students who wish to engage in any expressive activity in groups of more than 25: • are asked to call Campus Scheduling (558-1810) at least 24 hours in advance, and • may conduct activities in the same locations, except that the university reserves the ability, on a case-by-case basis, to change the location of a very large activity (groups of 5,000 or more), but only to the extent necessary to ensure the safety and security of the university community. Students engaging in any activity on campus are to adhere to the student code of conduct and always to acquit themselves in accordance with applicable law.
Conference and Event Services-Expressive Activity Policy Locations Bearcat Pavilion Bearcat Plaza Campus Green CRC East CRC West MainStreet Express Mart Lobby McMicken Commons Northwest McMicken Commons Sigma Sigma Commons TUC Atrium TUC Plaza
Conference and Event Services-Public Safety Student organizations are responsible for all fees associated with security & grounds. Security is automatically assigned using the following criteria: Event Attendance (i.e. 50 or more individuals) If Alcohol is being served Event Focus (Political Rally, Concert, Speaker, Controversial Subject) Organization and/or Event History Location of the Activity The individual who reserves the event must follow up with Public Safety prior to the event to verify if security will be required. Please note that organizations cannot determine whether or not security is deemed necessary for their event or program.
Conference and Event Services-Public Safety For those organizations that are budget planning for an event a security fee estimate can be calculated on the cost estimate form at the following link: http://www.uc.edu/pubsafety/forms/event.html
Student Organization Training Workshop Questions???
Student Organization Training Workshop University Funding Board Treasurers Workshop
Student Organization Training2012-2013 University Funding Board
Introductions My Name: Bryan Buechner My Position: External Vice President Student Government Office: 655 Steger Student Life Center (SSLC)
Today’s Agenda • BeforeRequesting Funds • The Processof Requesting Funds • AfterRequesting Funds
Important Information • Each Group is allotted up to $7,000/year. • Must submit budget and follow UFB criteria to attain these funds • Each Group has $300/year in operating funds • This money does not require you to create a budget but it does require exact documentation of funds used • Your Responsibility
Program: “An event that is held on or off campus that does NOT require the group to stay overnight to attend.” Conference: “An event off campus in which any member of the group will stay overnight as a part of the event.” Step 2: What kind of event are we planning?
Step 3: How do I fill out the budget request form? • Budget request forms can be found online by going to www.uc.edu/sga and selecting “Important Documents” under the UFB tab • Budget requests MUST be typed • Page 1: Request for Funding • Name of group and name of event • Specific Dates • If you are renting a UC vehicle, use the dates you will pick up/drop off the vehicle • Person who Attended Student Group Training Workshop Signature • Advisor Signature • Description of the Event • Purpose of the Event • Needs to align with the purpose of the group
Step 3: How do I fill out the budget request form? • Page 2: Line Items • Conference Registration: registration fees • Facility/Equipment Rental: Campus spaces, security, tables, chairs, etc • Advertising/Copies: FedEx, campus printing • Transportation: UC vehicle rental (NO AIRLINE TICKETS) • Gas: Mileage x .025 • Hotel/Lodging: for students traveling • Honorarium: the cost of the speaker/performer • Other related expenses: per diem, lodging, transportation (airline tickets), etc • Food/Beverages: total of all food/beverages • Other: tickets, paper items for food/beverages, etc. • After you are done filling out the Budget Request Form you need to attach documentation
Items Generally Not Funded • Seed Money (Loan) • Student Gifts/Giveaways • Honoraria for University students, faculty, staff, or administrators • Service Contracts (Coaches, Photographers) • Media Equipment (magazines, videos, films) • Electronics • Alcohol • Dues/Insurance (National/State Dues, Insurance) (Page 24 of Funding Facts Packet)
Step 4: What kind of documentation do we need? • Documentation is the mostimportant part • Each line item on your budget needs to have documentation • The more documentation the better • Example: XYZ Group wants to spend $146.87 on food. • Receipts, pictures of prices on food, or invoice from company is needed
Step 4: What kind of documentation do we need? Advertising • Advertising with RSVP is required if.. • an event on campus has food and beverages and has limited availability (per plate) OR • event is located off campus Food • You can get up to $2000 to pay for food at up to two events each year. • Food only for UC students • Cannot use Kroger Rewards or other shopping benefit cards Lodging • UFB can fund up to $1500 of lodging per year for conferences • Performer’s lodging is not included in $1500 Transportation • Airlines tickets for guest speakers ONLY • We will pay $0.25 a mile for gas in UC Vehicles ONLY • **Cannot use third party vendors for transportation/lodging (i.e., Hotwire, Expedia, etc)**
Agendas/itineraries are required for all programmed events STEP 4: What kind of documentation do we need?
Step 4: What kind of documentation do we need? M-Numbers • Groups traveling to a conference or anywhere in a university provided vehicle must provide a completed Travel Authorization form and roster (with M numbers) • This includes everyone, not just the people who are including in the conference fees that UFB funds • Failure to have the above documentation (including M numbers) results in a denial of the budget and this is non-appealable.
Step 4: What kind of documentation do we need? • UFB can deduct funding from a budget. This can be helped by visiting a UFB representative during his/her office hour. There are two types of deductions:
Step 5: What do I do when I’m finished making my budget? • Get it checked by a UFB representative • www.uc.edu/sga UFB tab “office hours” • During office hours, representatives will check for: • Balanced figures • Proper documentation • Correct signatures • Acceptable purpose/description of event • Student group will receive an office hour checklist • Come to the UFB meeting: Thursdays, 6pm 423 TUC • Answer questions • Give explanations
Step 6: What do I do after my budget is heard? Passed • Congratulations! • Visit Erin in 655 Steger Student Life Center • She will tell you what forms to fill out AND • How to obtain the money you were approved for Denied • Create a new budget • You cannot apply for the same event twice • New date, event, name • Appeal • You only have one week to turn in your appeal along with the proper documentation • Due by 3pm the next Thursday • You cannot appeal automatic deductions
Step 7: What do I do after I have my awesome event? • Assessment Forms (Online) • www.uc.edu/sga UFB tab Assessment Form • You must fill out an assessment form online and turn in all your receipts within TEN days of your event • If the form is filled out late, UFB will freeze the group’s funds for a number of days equal to ½ the number of days late the form was • If your groups fails to fill out an assessment form, the budget request will not be heard for at least THREE business days
Can I host events with other groups? • Co-Sponsorship: An event hosted by 2 or more student groups (at least one UFB funded) that aligns with the purpose of each group involved • Only one funding request is required • Limitations on Co-Sponsorships • Food cannot exceed $2000 per events • Cannot spend more than $3500 each year on co-sponsored events
Co-Sponsorships (pg. 23) • This is required regardless of if groups are UFB funded/Non-UFB funded Filling Out the Paperwork • Front Page • President/treasurer and advisor’s signature from BOTH organizations • Request Page: Each line item should have… • What organization(s) is incurring this cost • How much the organization(s) is/are spending on that cost • Treat like a regular budget in terms of documentation