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CORRUPTION IN POLICING. Police are no more deviant than any other group. Corruption has been a reality since the beginning of policing.Most incidents of police misconduct involve marginal behavior.A few incidents involve blatant misconduct.. Police Abuse of Authority . Physical abuse Excessive force Physical harassmentPsychological abuse Disrespect Harassment Ridicule IntimidationLegal abuse Unlawful searches or seizures Manufacturing evidence .
1. Ethics and Corruption
Police are no more deviant than any other group.
Corruption has been a reality since the beginning of policing.
Most incidents of police misconduct involve marginal behavior.
A few incidents involve blatant misconduct.
3. Police Abuse of Authority
Physical abuse
Excessive force
Physical harassment
Psychological abuse
Legal abuse
Unlawful searches or seizures
Manufacturing evidence
4. Corruption Exploiting ones position for personal gain at the
expense of those one is authorized to serve.
Police corruption is a worldwide problem.
It encompasses
Internal payoffs
Protection of illegal activity
Excessive force
Other ethical violations enabled by police authority
5. Corrupt Officers
Grass eaters
Passively corrupt
Opportunistic ethical violations
Take bribes and gratuities
Accept unsolicited protection money
Meat eaters
Actively corrupt
Regular ethical violations
Participate in shakedowns
Rob drug dealers
Shop" at burglary scenes
Engage in criminal activities
6. Gratuities Items of value given because of role or
position, rather than personal relationship.
A gift is personal and has no strings attached.
Common police gratuities include
Free coffee
Free movie/sports tickets
Discounted or free meals
Discounted or free merchandise
7. Gratuities for police: Unethical? Erode public confidence in police
Undermine professionalism
May become expected
8. Arguments against gratuities
Professionals (including police) dont take gratuities.
Lead to expectation of different treatment.
Abuse of authority; create a sense of entitlement.
Can add up to substantial amounts of money.
May lead to more serious forms of corruption.
Contrary to democratic ideals (fee-for-service.
Leads to public perception police are corrupt.
9. Using Drugs/Alcohol on Duty
Police work factors that foster drug use
Exposure to a criminal element
Relative freedom from supervision
Uncontrolled availability of contraband
Drinking on duty
Creates less vulnerability to corruption than drug use
Creates an ethical dilemma for other officers
May lead other officers to isolate themselves from or avoid working with those who drink
10. Measures Against Drug Corruption Leadership
Management and supervision
Better training and discipline
Better evidence handling
Early warning systems
Information management
Internal auditing of the use of informants
Audit controls for drug enforcement units
Periodic turnover of staff
11. Baksheesh
Exploitation of ones role by accepting
bribes or protection money.
Also applies to kickbacks from defense attorneys, bail
bond companies, etc.
Internationally, bribes are rated as a serious problem.
12. Sexual Harassment and Assault
Viewing a victim's photos, etc., for prurient purposes
Strip searches
Illegal detentions
Deception to gain sex
Trading favors for sex
Sexual harassment
Sexual contact
Sexual assault
13. Excessive Force Occurs when an officer:
Goes beyond what is necessary for arrest
Has no lawful reason to use force at all
One of the most serious and divisive human rights
violations in the U.S.
The use of force may be perfectly acceptable and justified.
Use of force depends on discretion of the individual officer.
Individuals who question or refuse to recognize police authority become vulnerable to the use of force.
14. Culture of Force
L.A.P.D. policy was to use escalating force proportional to a
suspect's "offensive" behavior.
This policy justified all but the most blatant abuse of police power.
L.A.P.D. culture tolerated, even encouraged, a high level of
Leadership did not actively discourage excessive force.
L.A.P.D. management was responsible, to some extent, for the brutality of the Rodney King incident.
15. The Research on Excessive Force
The true number of excessive force incidents is difficult to detect.
Few encounters end in the use of any force, much less excessive force.
A small percentage of officers are responsible for most excessive force incidents.
Race and socioeconomic status are associated with excessive force.
But other factors (such as demeanor) are more influential.
16. Who Uses Excessive Force? Certain characteristics associated with
officers who use excessive force:
Lack of empathy
Antisocial and paranoid tendencies
Proclivity toward abusive behavior
Inability to learn from experience
Tendency to not take responsibility for own actions
Strong identification with the police subculture
17. Some factors in the use of excessive force
Suspect being male
Suspect's race
Suspect's demeanor
Suspect agitation / emotionality
Suspect intoxication
Suspects use of force
Suspect having a weapon
Suspects use of force
Socioeconomic status of suspect
gang involvement
18. Measures of Corruption
Countries with high scores for police honesty
New Zealand
Countries with low scores for police honesty
19. Police on Corruption U.S. Police Rankings of Ethical Misconduct
Stealing from a crime scene
Theft of a found wallet
Accepting free drinks to ignore an open bar
Taking kickbacks from an auto repair shop
20. Explanations
Rotten-apple argument
(Officer was deviant before hiring)
Development of a police personality
(Officer became deviant after hiring)
Both implicate screening / recruiting process.
BUT: What is acceptable vs. what is deviant
varies widely
21. Explanations
Low management and public visibility
Peer group secrecy
Poor supervision
Ethnic divisions
Department politics
Police role as front-line interface with criminals
Tension between discretion and bureaucraticism
Role of commanders in spreading corruption
These implicate structure and supervision.
22. Explanations
If the public does not comply with the law, officers may rationalize non-enforcement of the law.
If the public engages in illegal activities, officers may feel justified in doing the same.
If the public believes crime control is more important than due process, police will act on that message.
These implicate the relationship between police and the public.
Involves officers employing unethical means to catch criminals because its the right thing to do
Perceived by officers as fulfillment of their profound moral commitment to make the world a safer place to live
Is a euphemism for perjury, which is a serious crime.
24. NOBLE-CAUSE CORRUPTION Ends-Oriented Thinking:
Police culture supports whatever it takes approach
Police work attracts those who hold such values
Police training internalizes these values more deeply
Police feel great responsibility to keep the world safe
Police discretion provides latitude to create and apply ends-oriented solutions
25. NOBLE-CAUSE CORRUPTION Underlying Questions:
Is breaking the law to catch a criminal a good act?
Does the good end of crime control justify bad means?
26. REACTIVE INVESTIGATION Attempts to reconstruct a crime after it occurs
Consists of gathering evidence to identify and prosecute the offender
Investigator(s) may develop early prejudice about likely perpetrator, which might cause them to:
be tempted to engage in noble-cause corruption to obtain a conviction;
ignore or conceal evidence that contradicts their beliefs;
overstate existing evidence; and/or
manufacture or alter evidence.
27. PROACTIVE INVESTIGATION Attempts to document crime as it occurs
Requires a more active police role
Often involves deception by police
Requires targeting based on reasonable suspicion
Changes police role from discovering who has committed a crime to discovering who might commit a crime
28. TYPOLOGY of LIES Placebos, such as lying to a person about how a loved one was killed
Blue lies, used to control a person and make the police officers job easier
Accepted lies, such as those used during undercover investigations or sting operations
Tolerated lies, necessary evils such as lying during interrogations
Deviant lies, such as false testimony in court to make a case, or covering up police wrongdoing
29. ENTRAPMENT When police encourage or entice a person to commit an illegal act.
Subjective Focuses on the defendant and his/her predisposition to crime
Objective - Focuses on the government and whether it has broken the law
Allows police to tempt former offenders who might otherwise not have been tempted
May rely on hearsay and rumor
May stigmatize the individual charged
Allows police to choose their own targets
Degrades the criminal justice system through the use of deceit
31. POLICE and the MEDIA Should the police lie to the media if it might help them prevent a crime or catch a criminal?
Should the media have complete power to report crime activities, even if this creates fear or panic or interferes with an investigation?
How do the media affect an individuals ability to get a fair trial?
32. INFORMANTS Individuals who are not police officers but assist police by providing information about criminal activity.
They are:
Motivated by monetary profit, revenge, dementia, kicks, a need for attention, repentance (guilt), and coercion
Able to operate under fewer restrictions than police
33. INFORMANTS Ethical Issues:
Becoming too intimate with informants
Overestimating the veracity of information provided
Potential for being duped by informant
Using informants to entrap people (creating crimes)
Engaging in unethical or illegal behaviors on behalf of the informant
Using coercion and intimidation to force informants cooperation
May generate markets for illegal goods and services
May generate ideas for crimes
May generate motive
May provide a missing resource
May coerce or intimidate a person not otherwise predisposed to commit the offense
May generate a covert opportunity for undercover agent to commit crime
May lead to retaliatory violence
May stimulate various crimes by persons who are not the targets of the undercover operation
35. UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS Suggested limitations:
Require a probable cause-based warrant for any interaction longer than 24 hours
Ban officers engagement in intimate relationships
Evidence obtained by violating the first two limitations should be excluded at trial
36. UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS Police Objections to Limits:
There is no need for an undercover operation if probable cause exists
It is often impossible to get a warrant
Most undercover operations exceed 24 hours
37. UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS Ethical system perspectives:
Religious ethics would condemn undercover operations due to inherent deception
Ethical formalism could not justify undercover operations under the categorical imperative
Egoism may or may not condemn undercover operations depending on the officer involved and his/her gain or loss
Utilitarian ethics would justify undercover operations based on the greater societal benefit they provide
38. UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS Testing the Ethical Justification for Police Practices:
End must be a good
Means must be plausible
There is no alternative means to achieve same end
Means must not undermine other equal or greater end
39. INTERROGATION Cannot involve physical force (the third degree)
Often involves deception by the interrogator, such as:
Calling an interrogation an interview
Negating the effectiveness of the Miranda warnings by method of presentation
Misrepresenting the seriousness of the offense
Manipulative appeals to suspects conscience
Making leniency promises beyond the interrogators power to offer
Interrogator misrepresenting his/her identity
Using fabricated evidence to make suspect think case against him/her is strong
40. WHISTLEBLOWING Facing the wrongdoing of a fellow officer is a police officers most difficult ethical dilemma
The code of silence present in police work is also present in other occupations and professions
In policing, the code of silence is a form of noble-cause corruption
The police subculture reinforces a code of silence
Adherence destroys police credibility
41. WHISTLEBLOWING Ethical Systems and the Whistleblower:
Egoism supports coming forward because doing so would prevent one from being among the accused if the wrongdoing is otherwise exposed
Egoism also supports not coming forward because doing so may not be in ones best interests
Utilitarian ethics supports coming forward because not exposing the wrongdoing may lead to the greater harm of a scandalous cover-up
Utilitarian ethics also supports not coming forward because doing so may negate the unethically achieved good end
42. WHISTLEBLOWING Ethical Systems and the Whistleblower:
Deontology supports coming forward because one has a higher duty to uphold the law than to defend ones fellow officers
Deontology also supports not coming forward because one assumes obligations of discretion and secrecy when one joins the force
43. LOYALTY A component of the esprit de corps of policing
An absolutely essential element of a healthy department
Explained by officers dependence on one another, sometimes in life-or-death situations
A personal relationship, not a judgment
44. SANCTIONS ON WHISTLEBLOWERS A distressing aspect of loyalty
Are often extreme
Have resulted in state and federal legislation to protect whistleblowers
Legislation is ineffective against informal ostracism and rejection
45. REDUCING CORRUPTION Possible Solutions:
Increase pay
Eliminate unenforceable laws
Establish civilian review boards
Improve training
Improve leadership
46. REDUCING CORRUPTION Encouraging Ethical Conduct:
Set realistic goals and objectives
Provide ethical leadership
Provide a written code of ethics
Provide a whistleblowing procedure that ensures fair treatment for all parties
Provide training in law enforcement ethics
47. EDUCATION and TRAINING Higher formal education standards are not, themselves, the key to ethical behavior
Academy and in-service ethics training are common and recommended for all departments
Many courses use a moral reasoning approach
Some advocate an emphasis on character
Others recommend case studies
48. INTEGRITY TESTING Very controversial
Not well-received by most officers
Comparing integrity testing to undercover operations reveals that:
Most officers oppose integrity testing
Most officers support undercover operations
49. MISCONDUCT REVIEW Internal Affairs Model:
Police investigate themselves
Police use an internal discipline system
Widely seen as ineffective
Generally discourages civilian complaints
Does not evoke public confidence
50. MISCONDUCT REVIEW Civilian Review/Complaint Model:
An independent civilian agency audits complaints and investigations
Police still investigate and conduct discipline proceeding
Using departments receive more civilian complaints
Internal and external substantiation rates about the sameapproximately ten percent
51. EARLY WARNING or AUDIT SYSTEMS Seek to identify problem officers by trends of abuse or corruption complaints
Identified officers may be subject to:
Reassignment, retraining or transfer
Referral to an employee assistance program
A fitness-for-duty evaluation
52. OTHER MANAGEMENT METHODS Surveyed officers identify strict, fair discipline as best response to corruption
Those same officers called for clear policies, superior performance by supervisors, and peer review boards
53. OTHER MANAGEMENT METHODS Additional proposals to minimize or reduce police misconduct and deter corruption include:
Decertification of offending officers
Community policing programs
College education requirements
Enhanced discipline policies
Civilian review
Better training
Greater accountability
Economic incentives
Assignment rotation
Use of surveillance techniques
Prosecuting offenders
54. ETHICAL LEADERSHIP Mistrust of police administration is pervasive among the rank-and file
Two cultures of policing: street cops and management
Most agree that supervisor behavior has greater influence on employee behavior than directives or ethics
Leaders lead most effectively by example