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Contact mode feedback cycle

Contact mode feedback cycle. 강민석. Y-axis. Z-axis. 도착. XY scan size. 출발. X-axis . Y-axis. Z-axis. Samples/line : 5 Main controls Number of sample : 5 Z Scan controls

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Contact mode feedback cycle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Contact mode feedback cycle 강민석

  2. Y-axis Z-axis 도착 XY scan size 출발 X-axis

  3. Y-axis Z-axis Samples/line: 5 Main controls Number of sample: 5 Z Scan controls (Defines the number of data points captured during each extension-retraction cycle of z piezo. This parameter does not affect the number of samples used in image mode) 도착 출발 Step size X-axis

  4. Y-axis Z-axis surface X-axis

  5. Y-axis Z-axis sample Tip 스캔경로 surface X-axis

  6. PSD Laser Z-axis Deflection – voltage 도착 PSD Deflection - Cantilever Deflection 출발 X-axis

  7. Z-axis X-axis

  8. PSD Z-axis Piezo Cantilever Piezo의 상하 운동에 의해 각지점의 setpoint voltage 는 다르다. X-axis

  9. Feedback gains Propotional gain : 기울기에 비례해서 상승. Integral gain : 임의의 구간마다error 의 평균을 산출해서 상승 혹은 하강. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  10. Setpoint voltage Setpoint voltage t error Setpoint voltage error Z축 Cantilever의 deflection과 piezo의 강제 운동

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