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Market Trials Congestion Revenue Rights. Weekly Update. July 16, 2010. Antitrust Admonition. ANTITRUST ADMONITION
Market TrialsCongestion Revenue Rights Weekly Update July 16, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 1
Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. http://nodal.ercot.com 2
Agenda • Anti-trust Admonition • Environment Report • Planned / unplanned outages • Known Issues • Standing Reports and Updates • Future activities • Question and Answers / General Discussion • FAQ ERCOT asks that Market Participants log into the WebEx session using their company name and then their name. This will allow ERCOT to take roll-call offline http://nodal.ercot.com 3
Market Trials 2010 Roadmap http://nodal.ercot.com 4
Day-to-day operations summary: Planned / Unplanned Outages of EDS Planned Outages None Unplanned Outages None http://nodal.ercot.com 5
Known Issues • No new known issues
Standing Reports and Updates: General reminders / updates • Future activities Monday, 19 July -- August Monthly Auction results will be posted Tuesday, 20 July -- Credit locked for CRR August Monthly Auction will be released and available for the DAM activities the following day http://nodal.ercot.com 7
Q&A Q&A / Open Forum http://nodal.ercot.com 8
Q&A Q: We noticed that there are some bus numbers in the CRR model that are not mapped to any Load Zone or substation. How do we map the bus numbers in the PSS/E model to the Load Zones? A: The mapping file (Settlement Points and MP Short Names as of 7/1/2010) is located at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/ • There is a tab named “PSSEBUS->ElectricalBus” (last tab) which lists all of the bus numbers in the PSS/E file. An example of this is shown as follows: SUBSTATIONPSSEBUSNAMEPSSEBUSNUMBERCONNECTIVITY_NODEELECTRICAL_BUS 16TH_ST TN16TH_ST_1 38310 100 TN16TH_ST_1T • There is another tab named “SettlementLZ->Substation” (first tab) which lists all of the bus numbers in the PSS/E file. An example of this is shown as follows: SETTLEMENT LOADZONE STATION LZ_WEST16TH_ST Hence, bus number 38310 is located in LZ_WEST. • To find all of the busses in the PSS/E model, download the network model from MIS for the CRR application and map them to the PSSEBUSNUMBER in the PSSEBUS->ElectricalBus tab on the spreadsheet. • Make sure that you are using the same PSS/E model as what is listed in the Settlement Points file. Currently, CRR is using PSS/E for DSV16; whereas, the Settlement Points file is currently showing settlement points and busses for DSV19. http://nodal.ercot.com 9
Q&A Q: I got an HTTP Error 403 when I tried to access the CRR Application to upload my Portfolio – is my digital certificate not valid anymore? A: When accessing the MIS pages, be sure to go to the “Markets” tab and click on the CRR application. Do not use the “Applications” tab to access the CRR application. This defect will be fixed in the next MIS release, but for now, please be sure to use the Markets tab: https://mis.ercot.com/pps/tibco/mis/Pages/Market+Information/CRR http://nodal.ercot.com 10