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JST Overview

JST Overview. To realize how far we’ve come!. UMN Safety: 2011 and prior. Chemistry (CHEM) Chemical Hygiene Plan Safety Committee No serious injuries Chemical Engineering & Materials Science (CEMS) Laboratory Safety Plan Research Safety Officer No serious injuries.

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JST Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. JST Overview To realize how far we’ve come!

  2. UMN Safety: 2011 and prior • Chemistry (CHEM) • Chemical Hygiene Plan • Safety Committee • No serious injuries • Chemical Engineering & Materials Science (CEMS) • Laboratory Safety Plan • Research Safety Officer • No serious injuries • Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) • 3 Research Safety Personnel responsible for UMN • Research Safety Officer 10% appointment CHEM

  3. Objectives and Goals • Compliance of minimum PPE requirements in all labs • Improve housekeeping: no clutter, no unknown waste • Increase communication of safety incidents and accidents • Fully evaluated, up-to-date, and annually revised laboratory standard operating procedures • Zero accidents and incidents • To improve the safety culture here at the University of Minnesota in the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering & Materials Science departments

  4. Approach Student initiative supported by departmental leadership and DEHS

  5. Evaluating the Culture • Visit to Dow • Observing the safety measures in an industrial setting • Lab walkthroughs • Noting the areas most in need of improvement • Survey • Assessing community response towards safety

  6. Defining Goals • List of recommendations • Compliance: Define and enforce standard roles and expectations • Awareness: Increase signage and discussion to promote safety • Resources: Provide access to proper equipment and information on best practices • Education: Provide frequent and relevant training in general and specific safety topics

  7. Organization Committee meetings JST meetings Community events

  8. Lab Signage and Posters Compliance and Awareness

  9. Safety Moments Awareness and Education

  10. Learning Experience Reports • Short, anonymous report documenting a near-miss or incident • Record andcommunicate safety incidents • Focus on how to prevent reoccurrence • Awareness and Education

  11. Chemical Labeling Resources Compliance

  12. Lab-walkthroughs Compliance

  13. Cleanup Weeks • Hazardous and Unknown Waste Seminar attended by ≥ 90 students and faculty • 321 samples processed by students who were trained and assisted by DEHS staff • Saved the departments ~$4,500 and weeks of work by DEHS staff • Represents a significant safety improvement in our laboratories Compliance

  14. LSO Binder and Training • Four sections to binder • LSO Roles & Responsibilities • Standard Operating Procedures • Record Keeping • Information and Templates • 98% LSOs attended • Presentation on duties • LSO Binders distributed Education and Resources

  15. Website Provide a central location for safety resources www.jst.umn.edu Education and Resources

  16. Community Outreach • To the U of M • Kickoff event for both departments • Dean’s Advisory Board meeting • CSE Administrative Council meeting • To other schools • Invited talk at Council for Chemical Research • Video for Ohio State University • Phone conferences with other Dow schools • Invited talk at Duquesne University • Workshop at MRS Spring 2014 Meeting • To students • Chisago County “Safety Camp”

  17. JST in the News • May 24, 2013: Dow Unveils Lab Safety Website • February 8, 2013: UMNews • October 29, 2012: C&EN News • October 01, 2012: Minnesota Daily • September 25, 2012: University of Minnesota Department of Chemistry • May 4, 2012: Science Careers Blog • May 2, 2012: C&En Safety Zone Blog • April 30, 2012: The Dow Chemical Company press release.

  18. Institutional Support Internal and external support strengthens our cause • $5000 from CHEM/CEMS Departments (August 2012) • 25% TA for Administrative Committee Chair (August 2013) • $2700 from Dow for posters (August 2013)

  19. JST is a success • 250 attendees at Fall 2012 kick off event • 62% of survey respondents agreed that safety moments are helping to improve safety culture • 84% compliance of standardized lab signage • 98% LSO participation in lab walkthroughs • 98% LSO attendance at LSO training • 321 hazardous unknowns safely disposed of during cleanup week • 80 JST participants with only ~50 LSOs (we have volunteers)

  20. Continuing the Culture Future actions • Incentive program • More posters • Topic specific training through partnership with Chemistry Safety Committee Challenges • Committee participation and leadership • Consistent near-miss reporting • Continued momentum after a year of hard work

  21. Any Questions or Comments? The Joint Safety Team www.jst.umn.eduUniversity of Minnesota jst@umn.edu

  22. Incentive Program Individual Awards • Outstanding safety award (similar to TA award) to non-LSO • Outstanding LSO award • Nominations from LSOs, PIs, and DEHS staff Community Awards • JST walkthroughs: each passable lab gets a commendation • All labs that pass are compared anonymously by entire JST to determine ‘best’ in each department • Best lab gets ice cream or pizza party • Department with highest percentage of passes gets a traveling trophy

  23. Upcoming Events • September – PR Committee puts out new posters • Late September – All LSO meeting, emergency procedure training (DEHS) • Mid October – Fall semester JST walkthroughs with new teams and new labs • November– Department-wide meeting to recap JST accomplishments and give first safety awards • January or March – Bill Tolman and JST members give safety webinar in conjunction with BioRAFT • January 10 – Katie H speaks at Duquesne University • April 25 – Workshop at MRS Spring 2014 meeting

  24. JST Organization – Get Involved!

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