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Learning Objectives This course will prepare troops/groups to hold activities beyond the regular troop meeting to two overnight. At the completing of this course, participants will be able to: understand and apply the concept of progression in the context of planning overnight trips
Learning Objectives This course will prepare troops/groups to hold activities beyond the regular troop meeting to two overnight. At the completing of this course, participants will be able to: • understand and apply the concept of progression in the context of • planning overnight trips • evaluate and improve the readiness of the troop/;group for activities • beyond the regular troop meeting • demonstrate familiarity with Safety Activity Checkpoints, Volunteer • Essentials (Chapter Four and Appendix: For Travel Volunteers)and • emergency procedures • identify planning steps for a troop activity beyond the regular troop • meeting • locate and complete paperwork required for a troop/group trip • list at least three ways to involve everyone in planning activities • describe three trips that are appropriate to the grade level of the • troop/group. Overnight Trips Day Field Trips to Trips of 1 or 2 nights
First Aid and Traveling Safety Planning Emergency Food Packing Lists and Equipment KaperCharts Leave No Trace Activities Plan B and the Rescue Box Plan B Activities Table of Contents
Page 1 of 2 Safety is a major concern when taking the troop/group traveling. Each troop/group should have a first aid kit that follow the guidelines in Safety Activity Checkpoints by activity. Each troop/group MUST have a certified first aider/wilderness first aider/wilderness first responder, (depending on remoteness and high-risk of activity) present when physically demanding activities, as defined in SAC, involving potential injury is involved. It is recommended that two be present in case one must leave with a sick or injured girl. ALL medication, including over the counter, must be in the original containers and kept by the first aider. Parents/guardians have to give the first aider permission to apply sunscreen, bug spray and band aids so please have them check this off if you think this may be necessary on the trip. Some girls may need to carry and administer their own medications including epipens, bronchial inhalers and diabetic medication (VE p. 73). This includes the medication of all adults traveling with the group and is for the safety of the girls. When planning a trip with the troop/group, find out where the closest emergency facility is located. The leader MUST have a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian and a completed health history form for each girl for each trip. First Aid and TravelingReview Chapter 4 in Volunteer Essentials
Page 2 of 2 Each adult that goes on the trip must also turn in an Adult Health History. PLEASE remember that it is just as possible for an adult on a trip to be injured or suffer from a medical condition. Do NOT forget to take along Adult Health Histories, including yourself. Have the emergency contact person at home handle any necessary phone calls to parents. Within each car must be copies of the permission slip and health history for each person in that vehicle. Each vehicle must have a first aid kit in the vehicle when transporting Girl Scouts (p. 72). Check Safety Activity Checkpoints for additional requirements for a particular travel trip. (For example, do you need a lifeguard?) Think about the trip the troop/group is getting ready to take; what do you think should be added to the first aid kit for the troop/group that is traveling? First Aid and Traveling Review Chapter 4 in Volunteer Essentials
Page 1 of 8 Accidents happen, generally speaking, when safety precautions are overlooked. Accidents don’t usually happen when time is taken to plan ahead – when safe thinking lies at the base of all activities. Use this checklist to help promote the safety of your troop/group. General Supervision Two-thirds of accidents are related to quality of supervision and instruction. Do the girls and the adults: • Review health and safety considerations in preparation for activities? • Discuss appropriate clothing for each type of activity? • Consider your impact on the natural environment and avoid actions that damage the area? • Choose activities that are appropriate to the age and experience of girls, site, and equipment? • Keep together on trails or sidewalks, with a leader at both ends? Do you, as a trip leader: • Take responsibility for upgrading your skills and your instruction techniques? • Make frequent head counts? • Have a good system for knowing where everyone is, what they are doing, and who is responsible at all times? • Make sure the ratio of adults to girls is appropriate to the kind of activity and the accident potential involved?? • Have sensitivity to a girl’s limitation in group situations? • Assist girls in changing plans if they are tired or unprepared? • Make use of small groups for activities with higher potential hazards – equipment, tools, and for strenuous activities? • Stop horseplay and bullying whenever you see it whether by other leaders or girls? • Know the appropriate steps to take in emergency? • Know that if someone else is providing instructions, supervision, or equipment, you are still responsible for safety and knowing that guidelines are being met? What is Safety Planning?
Page 2 of 8 Emergency, Evacuation, Security Knowing what to do in an emergency situation is vital. Your trip first aider can help with knowing what to do in many of these situations. Do you and your girls: • Know and practice how to evacuate buildings and living areas, including what to take with you? • Prepare your sites for weather when leaving for an extended period? • Know what to do in an electric storm, hailstorm, or winter storm – in and out of the living area? • Know what to do if there is an emergency on the trail or during an activity? • Know what to do if you become lost or separated from your group? • Report unusual occurrences, including unidentified persons on the site? • Know how to summon help? • Know what emergency signals are and how to respond? • Always wear your whistle and know when to use it? • Show courtesy and caution to others around the site? • Know and practice the buddy system? What is Safety Planning?
Page 3 of 8 First Aid If an accident occurs, are the girls and the first aider trained and prepared to handle it effectively? Follow-up is also important! Involve the first aider in this discussion as soon as possible. Do all leaders: • Know how to secure emergency first aid assistance? • Know how to treat a splinter, cut, burn, insect bite, sprain or strain, heat stress, hypothermia? • Know what to do in case of a fall? • Have a first aid kit available for all activities, which includes non-latex gloves and face masks? • Know the contents of first aid kits and how to use everything in each? • Take precautions to prevent heat stress, sunburn, and hypothermia? • Use sun block to prevent future health problems? Do you, as a trip leader: • Have appropriate First Aid/CPR level training or have a person available with certification as per guidelines for activities in Safety Activity Checkpoints? • Check back with girls who have a cut, burn, or blister? • Know how to recognize symptoms of physical or emotional problems in individual girls? • Make sure first aid kits are kept stocked and accessible? • Collect all medications from girls and get written instructions from parents for administering them? • Note: epipens, inhalers, and diabetic medications are exempt. • Keep a record of all first aid and medications given? • Know the procedures for obtaining help and reporting emergencies? What is Safety Planning?
Page 4 of 8 Lodging Area The way you live has an impact on attitudes about yourselves, as well as about safety. Most accidents occur in living areas. Do the girls and the adults: • Keep the lodging quarters clean and attractive? • Identify hazardous situations within the area and take steps to mark or correct them? • Put equipment and personal items away as soon as you finish using them so they don’t become a hazard to others and don’t get lost? • Wear shoes and socks at all times outside and hard-soled slippers inside to avoid stubbing toes, athlete’s foot, and slivers? • Discourage running except in supervised activities in specific areas? • Prepare for weather and time of day any time you leave your area? • Recycle whenever possible? Bathrooms and Showers Do the girls and the adults: • Keep bathrooms and showers clean and picked up? • Keep bathrooms lighted (dimly) at night? • Keep hand washing facilities stocked with soap and towels? • Check the shower water temperature before girls use it? • Know when girls get up to use the bathroom at night? • Have your room identified for girls (or other staff) who look for you at night? What is Safety Planning?
Page 5 of 8 Fire Fire is a friend. Out of control, it is an enemy. In case of fire, do the girls and the adults: • Know where fire-fighting equipment is kept? • Know how to use it? • Know how to report a fire? • Know what to do, where to go, and what to take if a fire breaks out? • Know what to do if your clothing catches fire? Stoves When using stoves, do the girls and the adults make sure: • Fire-fighting equipment is always close at hand? • Pots or cooking equipment are used safely (handles in, etc.)? • Have baking soda handy? • Have sleeves rolled up? • Tie back hair and avoid loose clothing? • Avoid horseplay? • Avoid overcrowding, disorganization? What is Safety Planning?
Page 6 of 8 Sanitary Food and Water Accidents and illnesses occur if people do not follow safe and sanitary practices. Do the girls and the adults: • Wash hands with soap and water before handling food, dishes, and utensils? • Follow dish washing, sanitation, and cleanup procedures carefully and promptly? • Make sure food preparation surfaces are clean? • Know how to handle dishes when setting table s and passing food? • Keep and store foods at appropriate temperatures? • Always use food and water containers only for food and water, and never use containers that have been used for disinfectants or poisons? • Always know that drinking water is potable because it has been tested or treated? • Avoid wasting water? • Use individual eating and drinking utensils (never share drinking cups, or silverware)? • Do not handle food if ill with a communicable disease or skin infection? What is Safety Planning?
Page 7 of 8 Using Equipment Do the girls and the adults: • Use protective equipment such as safety helmets or eye protection for sports or activities that warrant it? • Read and follow manufacturer’s instructions for safe use of equipment? • Mark and report equipment that is unsafe? Do you, as a trip leader: • Consult Safety Activity Checkpoints for use of experts and equipment by activity? • Make sure equipment, whether owned, borrowed, or rented, meets requirements? • Give instruction in safe use of equipment? • Check equipment for safety before use? • Adjust equipment to the individual? • Make sure equipment is stored (locked, if necessary) when not in use to prevent misuse or abuse? • Avoid use of pressurized containers? What is Safety Planning?
Page 8 of 8 Animals Animals, small and large, are appealing, but can do harm if fed or caught. • Use SAC for necessary equipment when working with horses or other large animals. Do the girls and the adults: • Do not feed and/or play with wile animals? • Make sure garbage is carefully stored, sealed, and away from living areas? • Depending on where you are, report any small animal or bird you find dead – without touching it? • Report the presence of any unidentified dog without feeding it or encouraging it to stay? • Leave your domestic animals at home. If sleeping at a troop members house, keep the animal under control at all times and take responsibility for its behavior with children? • Conduct regular tick checks, especially during tick season? • Safety Consciousness Depends on Everyone Does everyone: • Follow Girl Scout safety guidelines? • Use judgment in taking any additional precautions necessary to avert accidents? • Involve girls in safety planning and implementation? • Evaluate situations where an extra safety risk is involved? • Seek to instill a sense of safe living? • Listen to and follow instructions and suggestions? • Plan for accident prevention? • Set a good example? • is a good role model? • Avoid smoking and drinking? • Plan for safe risk and great adventures? What is Safety Planning?
Page 1 of 1 When an incident occurs, it is of vital importance that the person in charge at the scene follows all procedures on the Girl Scouts of Colorado Emergency Plan. All volunteers will receive a wallet card to keep these instructions with them. The person at the scene should follow these steps in order: 1. Determine extent of injury and give appropriate first aid, as qualified. 2. Call for emergency help – police, fire department or hospital as appropriate. 3. Call police in the event of a motor vehicle accident. 4. Move non-injured people away from the scene as appropriate. 5. In the event of a fatality or serious accident, always notify police. Retain a responsible adult at the scene of the accident or emergency. See that no disturbance of the victim or surroundings is permitted until police have assumed authority. 6. Speak only to the police or proper authorities. 7. Notify Girl Scouts of Colorado of the incident. During business hours, call your service center. After hours, call the emergency answering service at 1.877.425.4886 and provide the information they request. 8. Do not call the media and do not make statements to them. Refer all media inquiries to the Girl Scouts of Colorado communications office staff at 303.778.8774 or 303.825.9386. Do not make any statements or release any names. Do not place any blame or accept liability. 9. Do not sign any statements or reports, except for the police and your insurance company. Please, share insurance information with the other party. 10. Complete a written report of the events, treatments, calls, etc. and submit to the Girl Scouts of Colorado corporate office within 5 days. What to do in case of emergency?
Page 1 of 6 The right kind of nourishment is important as you may be burning extra calories during your activities away from the regular troop meeting. Gourmet dinners are fun, but you don’t need to spend lots of time cooking to be eating right. You may want to kick back and enjoy the scenery or watch the wildlife. The important thing to remember is to have enough food for everyone and the right kind of food for the trip planned. • When planning a menu, consider: • Where the troop is going and what they will be doing (this affects the number of calories burned!) • What cooking facilities and equipment are available (microwave & refrigerator only? Full kitchen? Etc.) • The weather expected (more calories needed in cold weather) • Where food will be purchased • What everybody likes and doesn’t like to eat • Special dietary needs, if applicable (consider allergies, requirements for gluten-free menus, religious concerns, menus to accommodate diabetics, vegetarians, etc.) • Planning balanced meals • The amount of money that can be spent per person • how food is going to be packed and carried • How much preparation can be done beforehand • The cooking time allowed (limits by daylight or altitude?) Food
Page 2 of 6 • Other hints for eating right: • Water is more essential than food, especially at high altitude. Be sure to drink lots of it during the day and with each meal. Avoid drinks with caffeine, as they dehydrate. • Pack high-energy snacks like dried fruits, nuts, cheese, and hard candy. • Keep in mind any food allergies. • Snacking to Satisfy • Fight fatigue. Increase iron intake by eating lean meats, tuna, prunes, raisins, beans, and broccoli. • Eat more fiber! Whole grains are great at fighting fatigue as are beans. • Raise attention and alertness with protein (meat, eggs) and yogurt. • Remember: Anti-oxidants help with energy & memory; beans, berries. • Sugar and Caffeine provide temporary “Ups” and then drop your energy hard and fast. • When planning meals – consider the activities you have planned and aim for healthy foods that will sustain energy but won’t keep them up all night! Food
Page 3 of 6 • Examples of Kid-friendly Healthy Snack Combinations: • Sandwiches made with meats or peanut/almond/soynut butter (check allergies) • Crunchy vegetable sticks with low-fat ranch dip • hummus and pita wedges • Yogurt parfait with low-fat yogurt and fruit • Berry cones with yogurt – ice cream cone filled with yogurt and topped with berries • Sliced tomato with mozzarella cheese • Melon cubes with a slice of turkey • Hard-boiled egg with a slice of whole-wheat bread or crackers • Low-fat yogurt with berries and almonds (check allergies) • “Light” microwave popcorn with grated parmesan cheese • Bowl of cereal with milk • Banana slices with peanut/almond/soynut butter (check allergies) • Fruit smoothie made in a blender with fresh fruit, yogurt, and juice • Stay hydrated • It is very important to stay hydrated while traveling. On a normal day, it is recommended that a person drink 64 ounces of water. If you are doing any strenuous activity, high altitude or it is very hot you should drink as least twice as much. Stay hydrated! Food
Page 4 of 6 Handling food safely on the road A full cooler will maintain its cold temperatures longer than one that is partially filled. If a cooler is only partially filled, pack the remaining space with more ice or with fruit and some nonperishable foods such as peanut butter and jelly and perhaps some hard Cheddar cheeses. Consider packing drinks in a separate cooler so the food cooler is not opened frequently. For longer trips, take along two coolers – one for the day’s immediate food needs, such as lunch, and the other for perishable foods to be used later in the day. Pack Safely Keep the cooler in the air conditioned passenger compartment of your car, rather than in a hot trunk. Limit the times the cooler is opened; open and close the lid quickly. For Additional Information For additional food safety information, call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1.800.535.4555 or visit the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service home page at www.usda.gov/fsis. You can also download a Food Safety Activity book for kids: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/PDF/BFS_Activity_Book_Color.pdf Food
Page 5 of 6 • Nosebag (brown bag) lunches • Girl Scouts call lunches they carry in a bag “nosebag lunches.” The term comes from the bag of food hung under a horse’s nose when she is away from home. When packing a nosebag lunch, choose foods that travel well. Put the heaviest items on the bottom and the lightest, most fragile items on the top. Try to stand up sandwiches to keep them from getting soggy. • Include something juicy, munchy, crunchy, and sweet! • SOMETHING JUICY (fruits and vegetables) • Try apples, oranges, celery, cucumbers, carrots, and pickles. • Be careful with those that bruise easily: bananas, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, and tomatoes. If taken, these should be packed on top. • Beverages: This might be a time to demonstrate the delights of a good drink of water to satisfy thirst. In hot weather, try drinks that are not too sweet such as lemonade or grapefruit juice. In cold weather, try warm drinks such as cocoa, hot lemonade or tea, and cider. • SOMETHING MUNCHY (sandwiches) • Bread: try different kinds (brown, date, nut, oatmeal, raisin, rye, or whole wheat). Don’t forget that this doesn’t have to be your everyday loaf bread. Try tortilla wraps or pitas. • Spread butter or margarine on bread to act as a shield to keep bread from getting soggy. • Use fillings that are NOT perishable such as peanut butter, jelly, marmalade, etc. Food
Page 6 of 6 • SOMETHING CRIMCHY • Potato chips are going to get mashed into little crumbs! • Try cheese curls, dry cereal, peanuts (watch allergies), sunflower seeds, veggie sticks, and rice or popcorn cakes. • Explore the possibilities . . . How many crunches can you find? • SOMETHING SWEET • Many cookies have become crumbs on a hike. Look for ones that travel well such as brownies, gingerbread cookies, muffins, Fig Newton’s, etc. • Dried fruits provide a lot of sweetness, nutrition, and energy and don’t add much weight or bulk. • Chocolate melts in hot weather . . . take along peppermint sticks, lemon drops, or other hard candy. • Always carry out everything you take – everyone must be responsible for their own trash. Food
Page 1 of 6 • Plan what clothing and equipment are needed based upon your activities and location. • Always be prepared for changes in weather and temperature. • Follow the Onion Theory – wear many layers of clothing. As the body’s heat warms the trapped air between the layers, you will be warmer than with one heavy garment. • A warm hat is really important when its cold. Between 25 and 50% of total body heat loss radiates from the head. Head protection is good when its sunny. • Wear knitted gloves or mittens inside a waterproof outer layer to keep hands warm and dry. • Wool and fleece clothing are warmer than cotton, especially when it is wet. When the weather is cold and wet, take care not to wear cotton without additional layers. • A wet bandanna around your neck can keep your cool. • A plastic garbage bag can become emergency raingear. • Always wear shoes and socks that are comfortable and appropriate for the activities you will be completing. • Wool socks should be worn if at all possible to assist in keeping the feet dry. Packing lists and equipment
Page 2 of 6 • Plan what clothing and equipment are needed based upon your activities and location. • Packing pro tips • PACK LIGHT- remember that you will have to carry whatever you bring and you should bring only what is necessary. • Remember to leave valuables at home. • Label your luggage inside and out with your name and address. • Label EVERY article of clothing and anything else you expect to take back home. • Bring the appropriate type of luggage for the type of trip. • Practice packing before the trip. For younger girls, make sure that they also help pack their bags since it is they, and not their parents, who must find things as well as repack while on the trip. Label clothes if necessary. Do a walk around the block with their luggage fully packed. • Sample personal packing lists • On the following slides, you will find a comprehensive list of what a girls might need for an overnight troop/group trip. A good rule of thumb is to take one more set of clothing, complete with underwear, than the number of nights the trip lasts. This provides extra in case of rain, mud or accidents. All items except sleeping bag and pillow should be packed in a duffel bag, suitcase, or backpack that each girl can carry. You might also want to check out: www.neighborhood13-1.com/what_to_bring-gen.htm for an interactive list maker! It’s totally customizable for your troop/outing! Packing lists and equipment
Page 3 of 6 Packing lists and equipmentovernight trip
Page 4 of 6 Packing lists and equipmentovernight trip cont.
Page 5 of 6 Packing lists and equipment2-night overnighter
Page 6 of 6 Sample Troop Equipment List cont.Adapt for your trips
Page 1 of 4 • Kaper charts may appear confusing, but really are simple to make. • Consider the following steps: • Make a list of all the tasks that need to be done. Put each job on a small piece of paper and the next steps will be easier to do. • Plan how many people should be in each work group to equalize the responsibility: individuals, buddies, patrols, other small groups. • Then decide which specific tasks listed will be combined to fit the work group. Take the small pieces of paper and sort them into piles according to tasks that will be done by each group. • If desired, give the work group names and/or symbols for the chart. • Make the chart a graphic representation of delegated responsibilities. • Eye-catching charts create interest. Girls form the habit of checking their job at the beginning of a meeting or trip. • Provide rotation of jobs, if appropriate. • Include a list of tasks for each individual/group. • Things to consider when making kaper charts • Rotate and shuffle the people who work together; then everyone can work with everyone else over a period of time. This is especially helpful when individuals do not know each other. • Kaper charts can help groups avoid cliques. Kaper Charts
Page 2 of 4 • Arrival and Departure Kapers • Upon arrival at your site, certain tasks, or kapers, may need to be completed to make the site comfortable. Depending on the facilities, the time of year, and the guidelines for the particular site. • Some ARRIVAL kapers might be: • Sweep the floor • Set up tables and benches or chairs • Organize and store any food and equipment • Clean the bathroom or latrine • Set up a hand-washing station • When leaving your site, DEPARTURE kapers are usually very similar to the arrival kapers. • Sweep the floor • Stack the tables and benches or chairs • Pack any food and equipment • Clean the bathroom or latrine • Handle the trash as required • Samples of kaper charts are on the next 2 slides. Kaper Charts cont.
Page 3 of 4 Kaper Charts cont.
Page 4 of 4 Kaper Charts cont. • A kaper chart is not just for fun. It lets everyone help decide how the jobs are divided, and is a record of what has been decided. On our trip, anyone can look at the chart knows when they will be the cook, hostess, or clean-up person. • Two special reminders: • Exciting activities for everyone should not be scheduled too soon after a meal. You want to be sure the clean-up people will not miss them. • Be sure to make a final clean-up chart. Slop – Cooks Wash hands Tie Back Hair Post Menu Pick Up Food Prepare Food for Cooking Dispose of Trash – recycle Cook Food Pack up Leftovers Clean up food prep area Set cookware to soak Hop – Hostess Clean and set table Make a centerpiece Lead grace Invite adults to meal Put away condiments Dispose of food not eaten Wash leader’s dishes Mop – Clean-up Heat Dishwater Set up dishpans Fill dishpans Clean Table Check trash can Clean Cookware after everyone is done with their own dishes Dispose of dishwater Clean & dry dishpan
Page 1 of 3 • Leave No Trace is a set of principles for participation in outdoor recreation that seeks to minimize the impact on the natural environment. Proponents of Leave No Trace believe that individual impacts caused by recreation can accumulate to degrade the land. It encourages people who spend time in the outdoors to behave in such a way that they can minimize unavoidable impacts and prevent avoidable impacts. It is often summarized: “Take only photos, leave only foot prints.” (from Wikipedia) • Leave No Trace consists of 7 principles: • Plan Ahead and Prepare • Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces • Dispose of Waste Properly • Leave What You Find • Minimize Campfire Impact • Respect Wildlife • Be Considerate of Other Visitors Leave No Trace(more information at this website: usscouts.org/advance)
Page 2 of 3 • Front Country Leave No Trace: • Limit group size to 10, less is better. A large group can’t help but make a bigger noise, visual, and physical impact as they travel. • Hike on durable surfaces. Step on snow, rock, sand, or dirt rather than grass and other living things. • Hike single file rather than two or three abreast. Be aware of hikers sharing the trail. • Stay on the marked, official trail. Even if it is muddy, hike on through. Walking around muddy areas broadens the trail and makes a bigger mud-hole. Creating a secondary trail makes it worse. • Don’t cut switchbacks. This causes erosion and another trail scar. • Pack out your garbage – and any other garbage you find along the way. • Do not feed any animals. Chipmunks, squirrels, geese . . . can become dependent on humans and then starve when they are not ready for harsh weather. Leave No Trace cont.(more information at this website: usscouts.org/advance)
Page 3 of 3 • On the trail Leave No Trace: • Stay on marked/established trails. • Walk single file when possible, don’t shortcut switch backs. • If walking off the trail: spread out to minimize impact, stay off of mosses, lichens, flowers, etc. Especially at high altitude as the growing season is very short and the alpine tundra environment, above the timberline, is very fragile. • If a trail is muddy, walk through it to avoid creating another trail next to the original. If this is not an option, spread out and go a good way around the muddy part. • When you stop for breaks/lunches go off the trail a ways so you’re not blocking its use for others. Spread out your group and don’t leave any trash or food waste (including orange peels, potato chip pieces . . .) behind. • Want style points: Fluff up the grass that’s been matted down by you before you leave. • Pick up other trash you see . . . If you don’t, who will? Leave No Trace cont.(more information at this website: usscouts.org/advance)
Page 1 of 1 • Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. • Use the three keys: Discover, Connect and Take Action • and three processes: girl led, learning by doing and cooperative learning. • Girls plan activities based on the interests of all involved. • They consult Safety Activity Checkpoints and Volunteer Essentials Chapter 4 and Appendix: For Travel Volunteers to determine what considerations should be observed. • Girls use the Journeys – three at each grade level – to explore and develop leadership skills. • They make sure to include “me time,” where everyone can relax. • They make a kaper chart. • They decide what special equipment you may need and from where it will come. • They revisit the “Planning trips and outings checklist” on slides 20 – 22. Activities
Page 1 of 1 It’s more than just about rain. The troop may have free or unscheduled time; a program consultant may not have shown up or an even cancelled. Girls need to be part of the process of planning what to do “in case . . .” Don’t get stuck – always prepare with “Plan B” – the things you’ll do if Plan A goes astray! Bring your “rescue box” of games and equipment. Be prepared, and the girls won’t have reason to mope and whine. An indoor picnic with special games would be fun. Do you need some active games, such as agility test or balloon soccer? Or are you in need of quiet games? Why not try crafts or sketching? Are you tired out? If in cabin groups, quiet games may be the answer such as Quiz, I Spy or storytelling. Has the inclement weather spoiled plans for an outdoor game day? Then, try an indoor track meet with balloon races, ring toss, etc. See the next slide for a checklist of Plan B activities. Plan B and the Rescue Box“It’s raining. What can we do?"
Page 1 of 3 • Charades, skits, tell about pets, make centerpieces. • Story time – no ghost stories permitted. • Square dance, folk dancing, creative dance. • Plan future trips, overnights, nature hikes. • Crafts and sketching anyone? • Who can make the funniest newspaper costume? • Write poetry. • Draw. • Make up indoor games, and then play them. • Scavenger hunts. • Puzzle or riddle games, how about a shadow play? • Sing songs, singing games, or a rhythm band. • Make puppets and have a puppet show. • Make paper plate pictures, sand pictures, or gravel mosaics. • Simon Says; I Spy. • Blindfold games, identify sounds, objects. • Checkers, chess, dominoes. • Write a play. • Mock trail of storybook characters (Goldilocks, Big Bad Wolf) • Practice first aid. • Learn a new grace, write thank you notes. • Make pet rocks. Activities A checklist of some tested “Plan B” activities:
Page 2 of 3 • Walk in the rain. Hold your face up and catch the drops. Feel them tingle. • Splash in all the puddles. It’s fun! • Drop a pebble in a puddle and watch the circles grow. Where will they end? • Notice how clean everything becomes. • Smell the air. It’s delightful! • Catch rain in a pan and measure it. • Put up a tarp and get under it. Here the drops? • Explore your surroundings. • Examine soil erosion. • Examine “things” growing. • Look for insects, animals, etc., they really like the rain. • Study the clouds and weather. Activities Go on an “Aqua Hike.” (Make sure you have a change of clothes and it is not an electrical storm!)
Page 3 of 3 • Crayons Inflatable beach balls • Pens Traveling board games • Pencils Deck of cards • Paper Song books • Jacks Releasable plastic bags of various sizes • String Floss and safety pins for making friendship bracelets • Frisbees Scotch tape/masking tape • Scissors Game books • Glue Card games • Balloons Popsicle sticks • Yarn Newspapers • Straws Straight pins Activities Rescue Box (What you put in your own rescue box depends on what your girls like to do and how old they are. Here are some ideas.