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American President during the Depression and WW II who started the New Deal programs and promised to help relieve the suffering of the poor during the Depression. Elected to Four terms as President.
American President during the Depression and WW II who started the New Deal programs and promised to help relieve the suffering of the poor during the Depression. Elected to Four terms as President. The name given to the first part of FDR’s administration where they worked with Congress to pass and create many new programs to try and deal with the Depression. This was the way in which Franklin Roosevelt communicated with the American public throughout the Depression and WW II. They often times served to ease the fears of the public during these trying times. New Deal Program that was designed to foster confidence in the banking system because the government will guarantee your savings are safe. New Deal program designed to give jobs to the unemployed. The program was used to build many public buildings, roads, and schools. FDR FDIC PWA / CWA Fireside Chats 100 Days New Deal program designed to get businesses and consumers to support the policies of the government. Prices were set and wages were arranged. Working hours were regulated and strikes postponed. Cooperating businesses displayed the program’s symbol of a blue eagle. New Deal program where young men were sent to do work outside planting trees, fighting forest fires, and working in national parks. New Deal program designed to provide jobs and electricity through one of the nation’s poorest areas. Program still exists today. This is the name given to the lower mid-west during a period of great drought in the 1930’s. Many farmers had to abandon the area and become migrant workers in other parts of the nation. New Deal critic who proposed a pension system for the elderly. This helped to bring about the Social Security Act of 1935. CCC Dust Bowl Francis Townsend TVA NRA New Deal critic who was a Senator from Louisiana and promoted a program in which he said “every man is a king” and people should be guaranteed an annual income, a home, and a college education. New Deal program where the gov’t gave jobs for public works but also to artists, musicians, photographers, and writers to complete project for the public’s benefit. New Deal program that created a safety net for the elderly and the young to provide them with an income to meet basic needs. This is the single largest program operated by our government of today. Controversy involving Franklin Roosevelt’s suggestion that the Supreme Court needed additional members because of its rulings against several New Deal programs. Type of government that developed in the 1930’s in Italy and Germany. A type of totalitarian government led by a dictator type figure. Huey Long Fascist WPA Social Security Court Packing Meeting where British and French leaders practiced the policy of appeasement with Hitler and divided Czechoslovakia in order to avoid war and keep “peace in our time.” Policy failed as war was inevitable. December 7th, 1941. Surprise attack by the Japanese on the United States. Brought the U.S. into WW II. Agreement between the U.S. and Britain signed after the beginning of WW II. Churchill and Roosevelt met to sign this agreement which states our common goals for winning the war. Fictional character that represented the importance that women have played in our effort to fight WW II as they replaced men in all forms of factory work. This is when the population of Japanese American in the Western U.S. were forced into detention camps because of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Decision was challenged in Court, but the Court supported the efforts of the government. Munich Peace Conference Atlantic Charter Pearl Harbor Rosie the Riveter Japanese Internment Name for the famed invasion of Normandy France on June 6, 1944 as Allied troops stormed the beaches to begin the attack on Hitler from the western front. Last major offensive battle by Hitler in WW II. U.S. troops played a major part in this defensive effort. After this point, Germany was forced into retreat. Turning point battle of the war against Japan. Naval battle fought only with naval aircraft. Strategy of the U.S. to defeat Japan in the many island of the Pacific. Led to major conflicts in places like the Solomons, Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Lead Commander of the U.S. in the Pacific in WW II. Served as occupational governor of Japan after the War. Led U.S. troop in the Korean War until his dismissal by Truman for criticizing the President. D-Day Island Hopping Douglas MacArthur Battle of the Bulge Midway Secret government project that led to the construction of the atomic bomb. Place where the first atomic bomb was dropped in August, 1945 Name of the world organization formed at the end of WW II that is located in New York. Became President upon the death of FDR. Ended WW II with the dropping of the Atomic bomb. Lead the nation in the Korean War. Helped establish the policy of communist containment. Desegregated the U.S. military Name given by Winston Churchill to the areas of Europe that were now under the control of the USSR. Manhattan Project Harry Truman Iron Curtain Hiroshima United Nations