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are you suffering from obesity ? no more reason to worry. yes ladies and gents you can lose wieght easily and build muscle
Are You Suffering From Obesity !!! No More Reason To Worry
Are you searching for a nutritional program that can finally help you add muscle and cut fat? Did you hear about Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cooking but still want more information before taking the plunge? If so, you’ve found the right place! With the current surplus of diets and meal plans it can be extremely difficult and time-consuming to evaluate every single one without losing your mind
We offer the following Anabolic Cooking review in which we compare its features with some of the more well known meal plans on the market. Also, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this page where you can find many users who have offered their own reviews as well. If you do decide to take part in the Anabolic Cooking program, let us know how it goes. We’d love to hear from you!
Whatever your end goal is, every diet must supply a sufficient quantity of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. If just one of these is disproportional to the others, you will not get the results you want. Most likely, you will end up with the kind of results you don’t want. Believe it or not, you can consume too much protein because your body can only process so much within a given amount of time, resulting in storing the rest as fat. The same can be said for excess carbohydrates. Too little protein actually results in muscle loss and insufficient amounts of carbohydrates results in lack of energy. We all know what happens with too much fat but too little can impede nutrient transportation to your muscles.
What Is Anabolic Cooking? • Since nutrition accounts for roughly 80% of the overall muscle building process it is vital that any beginning or advanced weight lifter fully understands the proper techniques involved in knowing what to eat and when. That’s where Anabolic Cooking comes in. Anabolic Cooking is a nutrition guide created by our friend and professional bodybuilder Dave Ruel (known to many as the “Muscle Cook”) aimed at building muscle through specially designed meal plans and recipes.
Since its initial release, Anabolic Cooking has been widely endorsed by elite bodybuilders and fitness competitors because it incorporates more advanced topics not typically found in regular nutrition guides such as nutrient bioavailability, protein synthesis, and utilization rates. However, this doesn’t mean a beginner can’t benefit from Dave’s instruction. The guide is written in clear, simple terms where no advanced knowledge is required and is packed with excellent resources for the aspiring strength athlete such as shopping lists, food glossaries, and online cooking classes.
If you’re a veteran weight lifter you’ve probably heard that it shouldn’t matter how bad the food (or supplement) tastes you just have to eat it. However, this can be very difficult for some people and can actually sabotage their entire training because they can’t consume enough calories for muscle growth, all because the food does not taste good. In Anabolic Cooking every recipe and meal plan is specifically designed to taste good (see below) as well as deliver all the vital nutrients needed to build muscle. Also, if you’re thinking “I don’t know the first thing about cooking”, don’t worry, Dave has you covered. Included in Anabolic Cooking is a virtual cooking class that shows you proper grocery shopping, cooking methods, cutting techniques, and anything else you could possibly think of to get you on your way to becoming a true muscle chef!
Another very common excuse people use for not eat properly is that they don’t have enough time to devote to cooking, preferring instead to buy expensive ready-made meals that lack the necessary amounts of nutrients to build muscle. Dave’s got your back. In Anabolic Cooking, Dave will show you how to prepare a whole weeks worth of meals in under three hours! You will no longer fear your own kitchen and you will see how simple it really is and how you can perfect the art of cooking in mere minutes. Anabolic Cooking will transform into the cook you never imagined you could be. Learn everything needed to eat healthy and save both time and money!
MY EXPERIENCE WITH ANABOLIC COOKING : • Before going further I thought it might be useful to briefly explain my background and why I decided to try Anabolic Cooking. At 22 years of age I am now at a body weight that I am happy with but that was not always the case. Up until the last year I could not put on any significant weight to save my life. All through high school I was 178 cm and about 130 Ibs. (59 kg). To make matters worse I was what you could term as “skinny-fat”. For those not familiar with the term, simply picture a tall person with twigs for arms and legs but who, at the same time, also possesses love handles. Not a good look
I was finally able to add weight, but the amount of effort a skinny guy has to exert can make the process extremely daunting and frustrating. I’m sure every hardgainer out there knows what its like to have to scrap and claw for every ounce of added weight. Without going into too much detail, the main thing I learned while adding 35 lbs. in a two year period was that nutrition accounts for about 90% of the process (perhaps 90% is a bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea). So ever since I am always on the lookout for the latest techniques and strategies that make adding weight easier. I stumbled across Anabolic Cooking and decided to give it a try. Below I’ve detailed my experience.
Since every person has a different metabolism and various ideas of what tastes good, I decided to examine the merits of three main areas where I think is possible to be completely objective, those being the nutritional quality of recipes, time management, and cost effectiveness. I hope it helps you decide whether or not it is worth your time.