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Young people and newsbrands. There are 14.5 million 18-34s in the UK…. They are young, affluent, and disproportionately important in certain markets…. And, contrary to opinion…. …newsbrands reach the vast majority of them. 82%. Newbrands reach. Of 18-34 year olds each month.
They are young, affluent, and disproportionately important in certain markets…
82% Newbrands reach Of 18-34 year olds each month
Newsbrands offer huge digital reach… 10.9 48% million across PC, tablet and mobile Source: comScore MMX Multi-Platform October 2013
…the same as Wikipedia, and more than Amazon and the BBC 10.9million 10.9 million 10.1 million 9.0 million Source: comScore MMX Multi-Platform October 2013
Tablets and mobile phones are extending the digital reach of newsbrands +3.5 million 18-34s via mobile phone and tablet
Newsbrands have a particularly young demographic on mobile phones 50% Newsbrand visitors are 18-34 Source: comScore MobiLens, 3 month average ending September 2013 Newsbrands refer to: Mailonline, The Guardian, Telegraph Media Group, The Sun Online, Independent.co.uk, Mirror Online, Metro.co.uk, Standard.co,uk Times Online, Dailystar.co.uk, Financial Times Group, express.co.uk and people.co.uk
Newsbrands also have a young audience on tablets Access via an app… Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+, used newsbrand app/visited newsbrand site in last 2-3 months
Newsbrands also have a young audience on tablets Or via their browser Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+, used newsbrand app/visited newsbrand site in last 2-3 months
Tablets are increasing young readers’ news consumption Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+
Newsbrands not only reach a large audience, but also a more influential one…
Young newsbrand readers know more and share more Index versus non-newsbrand readers …in computers 129 A large amount of knowledge about products/services 127 Very likely to convince others about a product 119 Posted comments/reviews on the internet Online newsbrand readers vs non-online newsbrand readers. Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
…in websites 131 Posted comments/reviews on the internet 124 Very likely to convince others about a product 117 Large amount of knowledge about products/services Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
…in food and dining 129 Very likely to convince others about a product/service 128 Large amount of knowledge about products/services 126 Posted comments/reviews on the internet Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
…financial services 166 Likely to convince other about a good or service 150 Talked to many different people about products in last 12 months Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
…toiletries and cosmetics 163 Talked to many different people about products in last 12 months 136 Very likely to convince others about a product/service 120 Posted comments/reviews on the internet Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
…in TV sets and equipment 130 Very likely to convince others about a product 125 Posted comments/reviews on the internet Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
They shop more online… +51% …to make a purchase online more than once a week more likely Excludes groceries. Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
More likely to visit a range of major retail sites… Index vs 18-34 year old non-newsbrand readers +102% +180% +151% +77% +119% +36% Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
A more active and engaged audience vs 18-34 year old non-newsbrand readers 74% more likely to visit the site 32% longer on the site 42% more page views 11+ 227% more likely to visit 11 or more times Based on internet users in the last month aged 18-34. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
The biggest buyers of the biggest brands % of 18-34 year old brand users who read newsbrands 72% 75% 74% Excludes groceries. Based on general population. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
The biggest buyers of the biggest brands % of 18-34 year old brand users who read newsbrands 75% 75% 136 72% 73% 70% 69% Based on 18-34s. Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2013 Q4
Conclusions Newsbrands reach a vast proportion of young people every month – 82% Digital platforms offer newsbrands huge reach for young people – and are still growing Newsbrand readers have significant influence across a wide range of sectors They are a highly active and valuable online audience