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EUSDR PA7, VII SG meeting Mr. Stefano Brumat, Project Administrator Rossi. Budapest 20/05/2014.
EUSDR PA7, VII SG meeting Mr. Stefano Brumat, Project Administrator Rossi Budapest 20/05/2014
Danube:Future is a joint contribution of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC) and the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC), thus tapping the largest pool of institutionalized knowledge in the DRB. Danube:Future targets all 19 countries in the Danube catchment Flagship project of PA7 Ulm 24.09.2013
Goals “A Sustainable Future for the Danube River Basin as a Challenge for the Interdisciplinary Humanities” • It is innovative project because it brings together researchers and experts from different fields • It has a strong focus on humanities which are necessary because a Sustainable Future cannot be achieved without a Long-Term Knowledge. Sustainable Futures need Long-Term Knowledge
Contribution to EUSDR Danube:Future is connected with all the EUSDR Priority Areas because it potentially contributes to all 4 pillars: • Pillar 1, Connecting the region: transportation network evolution (PA 1), transition pre- to post-fossil society (PA 2) and nationalism, war, tourism (PA 3); • Pillar 2, Protecting the environment: results of the research module will be useful for the restoration and maintenance of the quality of waters by the hydromorphological change (PA 4), for the management of environmental risks as toxic sediments (PA 5) and for the preservation of biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils (PA 6); • Pillar 3, Building prosperity: results of the capacity building module enhance the development of green/blue economy (PA 8) and strengthen the education for people (PA 9); • Pillar 4, Strengthening the Region: through contributing to the political and institutional structures (PA 10) and to social prosperity (PA 11).
Contribution to ICPDR Danube:Future takes also into account the main environmental problems of the Danube and the DRB as they were defined by the ICPDR. It addresses, in particular: • water quality deterioration from organic pollution because the Danube River Basin is greatly affected by the activities of over 81 million people; • excessive nutrients which are disturbing the ecological balance in the Danube and the Black Sea; • heavy metal input, whereas Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, DDT, Lindane and Atrazine are among the most serious pollutants contaminating the Danube River Basin; • hydromorphological alterations because more than 80% of the length of the Danube is regulated, and over 700 dams and weirs have been built along its main tributaries; • Floods: in 2002 the floods in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, were made worse by canalization causing €14.4 billion of damage; • loss of natural floodplains.
Network Area • Core Partners: • Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt • University of Trieste • BOKU Vienna • University of Novi Sad • EndorsingPartners: DRC and AARC • Supporting Partner: IDM • ContributingPartners: • DRC / AARC Universities • Research centers • Institutionsworking on sustainabledevelopment • SMEs • NGOs • etc..
The project organization EUSDR
Management Committee • Max 10 members (8 from the Core Partners) + 1 representative from DRC + 1 representative from AARC • The EU Commission or its representative, or the Coordinators of the EUSDR - PA 7 (Knowledge society) can participate in the meeting of the Management Committee without voting right • Project coordinator (AAU) + Vice Coordinator (BOKU) • WHAT HAS BEEN DONE • Project regulations (22 Nov. 2013) • 5 meetings • Decisions concerning the project implementation
International Advisory Board • Max 15 members • experts with varied experiences and of different nationalities • Role: • It offers advice on matters of development of Danube:Future • It increases the international visibility of Danube:Future • It allows Danube:Future to benefit from the experience of a high-ranking interdisciplinary group • 5 members were appointed by the MC (3 from Austria, 1 from France, 1 from Ireland) new members still to be appointed
The project structure • The projectisdividedinto 3 modules: • Core module • Capacity Building module • Researchmodule
Core module COOPERATION AGREEMENT to strengthen the Core of the project (Core partners), signed on March 22nd 2014; MANAGEMENTMC meetings, Project Regulations (3 annexes), administration, reporting NETWORKING (in 2013) • 5th Steering Group meeting of EUSDR PA7 in Bratislava (SK) on 14th February • 6th Steering Group meeting of EUSDR PA7 in Ulm (D) on 24th September; • 2nd EUSDR Forum in Bucharest (Ro) on 27th – 28th October by the Project Administrator; • DRC Annual Assembly in Cluj-Napoca (Ro) on 8th November by the Project Coordinator; • AARC SG meeting in Tuzla (Bosnia) on 19th November by AAU and UniTS Next event: 3rd EUSDR Forum in Vienna (A) on 27th June 2014 – COSMO 1 session, 9,30
Core module Danube:Future is aimed at establishing an open access knowledge base to which capacity building and research projects can contribute, thus increasing their visibility and accessibility. OUTCOMES are available to organizations, institutions and decision makers.
Latest activities • project website: on-line since March 2013; • developing the DF knowledge-base of experts and projects connected with DFp (according to the Project Regulations, annex II); • developing the DF WIKI; • preparing the 1st DF Workshop for building a new Horizon 2020 consortium, in spring 2015; • Improving visibility of Danube:Future through the websites of EUSDR, EUSDR PA7, DRC, Universities and other organizations • CREATING THE MAP OF THE DANUBE REGION, where you can find projects, expertise, working groups, etc
EUSDR PA10 TAF-DRP • During the first quarter of 2014, the Core partners started discussion on how to implement the DF integrated networked program: • Networking: finding different categories of possible stakeholder, in particular organizations from the eastern part of the DR • Start-up idea pool: aimed at creating an online "Sustainable Business Incubator", as the first step of the feasibility study • Decision support system: aimed at finding new forms of dissemination of the research outcomes to the decision makers. • EUSDR PA10 project for Technical Assistance was presented on April 1st 2014 by PA7 PACs positive reply on 13th May 2014 • Start of TAF-DRP services: end of June 2014 • End of the project: December 2014
Capacity Building module • It takes into account existing initiatives and frameworks dealing with sustainable development (EUSDR, smart specialization, …) • It develops trainings in cultural and natural heritage • It builds institutional capacity for green jobs, and strengthen regional networks • It improves international competitiveness of young scholars • DIAnet International School is the first project linked to Danube:Future.
DIAnet International Schools 1st EDITION - Interdisciplinary methods for the sustainable development of the Danube Region • 13 – 22 April 2013 • 37 participants • 12 Countries – 18 Universities • Proceedings 2nd EDITION – The role of natural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region • 22 – 31 March 2014 • 35 participants • 11 Countries – 17 Universities • Proceedings (still in progress) 3rd EDITION – The role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region • 14 – 23 March 2015 ( Call for participants by October 2014)
DIS results Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Rep., Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia • Training in interdisciplinary methods (lectures and excursions), with focus on Natural Heritage and Cultural Heritage • Working groups for developing interdisciplinary and transnational project ideas in the framework of H2020 ( 12 project ideas in the Proceedings) • international composition of the students and from their broad disciplinary background and experiences in interdisciplinary work • offering a wide field of topics and opening the school to participants from all scientific fields and countries from the Danube and Alps-Adriatic region provides the chance to foster international and interdisciplinary cooperation • Overall the 2014DIS met the expectations of participants who considered it useful for their future careers INFO AT: http://www.danubefuture.eu/dianet-international-school
Research module It takes into account the • troubled political and environmental historyof the DRB • current environmental problems and their impact on economic growth and sustainable development It has a focus on humanities and social sciences • It leads to a series of in-depth analyses of the long-term evolution of the DRB and its implications for sustainable development • It contributes to the core module
Biodiversity in the DR DRB has a rich biodiversity and host an high number of endemic species, which can be found only in the DR Mapping biodiversity of the DRB can be done by coupling the work of researchers with a citizen science approach, which can be used for both collecting data and disseminating knowledge. UniTS manages several databases on biodiversitythey could be used as the first step of the project they can also act as centers for data aggregation from the entire Danube basin, thanks to the collaboration of research institutions in the area.
Biodiversity in the DR • The aim of the project is to disseminate knowledge on biodiversity in the DR • Organizing data on the species placing particular emphasis on the respective area and social aspects related to their exploitation (eg. ethno-botany) • Implementing the existing databases with a stream of scientifically verified information from experts of DR • Creating a website of the biodiversity of the Danube Region (Multilingual with geo-pointers) freely accessible to anyone (from the pupil to the researchers) • Creating local applications for the detection of species for tablet and smartphone (especially on regional / private funds ) Apps for Danube Parks • Establishing summer schools of taxonomy and ecology
Thank you for your attention www.danubefuture.eu info@danubefuture.eu