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Cell: 91- 9911918255, 7007148119<br><br>Email: ramprhr@gmail.com )<br><br>Website:http://www.topclassibtutors.com<br><br>We provide IB tutors for every subject at our academy, home tuition and online Help. Who gives best knowledge and best help in assignments and different topics. <br><br>Ib Physics HL SL Help- <br>Our Physics tutors can offer general or specific support in any area of Physics such as internal assessment IA labs and extended essay. Our physics tutors can cover the syllabus from KS1 to GCSE, IGCSE, IB DP HL/SL, AP, AS, A levels and university and postgraduate level. Our physics tutors can also prepare students for any exam from SATs in year 2 to common entrance exams for independent private schools (11/13 ) or even university entrance assessments.<br><br>At a higher level physics tends to become more focused and many of our tutors are able to concentrate on more specific areas, from the study of energy and force to nuclear physics. Our physics tutors develop a tailored programme of tuition for each student which starts by completing an Individual Tuition Plan (ITP) with the student during the first tutoring session in order to determine what specific areas need to be covered and to define the tuition goals and objectives. The different areas of Physics that our tutors offer are IB DP HL/SL Physics labs internal assessment IA and extended essay write up on any topic. All the help is done by ex-ib school teachers so that you can always get A grade. Get the excellent quality physics IA Labs and extended essay done within your deadline, online help across the world, please feel free for any query. 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Terrible IB Physics IA Ideas:- Which is the best method to measure time?The Y variable (time) is measurable. The X variable is not defined. How do you define what the best method is? relative uncertainty? accuracy? This investigation is much too hard.How does the type of surface affect the static friction?The Y variable is measurable (static friction). The X variable discrete (type of surface). This means that you will have to plot a bar chart, which is rubbish for IB Physics.We provide IB tutors for every subject at our academy, home tuition and online Help. Who gives best knowledge and best help in assignments and different topics.