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Novel Periodic Solid State Devices for Terahertz Emission and Detection NIRT 0609146 : Nanostructure Components for Terahertz Spectroscopy on a Chip. Greg Dyer, Jesse. Crossno * , James. Kally * , Kavir. Dass * , S.J. Allen, Gehong Zeng, and John Bowers (UC Santa Barbara)
Novel Periodic Solid State Devices for Terahertz Emission and DetectionNIRT 0609146 : Nanostructure Components for Terahertz Spectroscopy on a Chip Greg Dyer, Jesse. Crossno*, James. Kally*, Kavir. Dass*, S.J. Allen, Gehong Zeng, and John Bowers (UC Santa Barbara) Peter Robrish, Rick Trutna, Dan Mars and Greg Lee (Agilent) Greg Aizin (City College New York) Eric Shaner, Mike Wanke and John Reno (Sandia) * Undergrad research interns Objectives Voltage Controlled Lateral Barrier DC & GHz Bias Scheme • Terahertz Emission • Terahertz gain in an electrically sold state device • Room temperature operation • Coherent radiation • mW power • Terahertz Detection • Narrow-band response • Tunability • LN2 or higher T operation T = 20 K • Ring and disk metal cladded resonators • Super-superlatice includes n+ doped layers to mitigate electric field domain formation Terahertz Spectroscopy Filling the Terahertz Source Gap • Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) require cryogenic temperatures • Electronics have low output power at high THz frequencies • Bloch oscillator has potential to provide tunable terahertz radiation at room temperature • Barrier gate biased produces potential barrier in 2D channel • Gate controls barrier and by diode-like activation model Resonant Response • Under negative bias, appears to be double resonance • Under positive bias, a sharp resonant feature is present T = 20 K, VBG = -850 mV • InSb or Si composite bolometer to detect emission (left) • Terahertz interferometer to analyze spectral content (right) Bloch Oscillations and the Stark Ladder Plasmonic Terahertz Detectors Hot Electron Bolometric Response • Equivalent views: Scattering from Bragg planes (left) or ‘opening’ of Stark ladder (right) • Gain without inversion T = 20 K, n = 420 GHz Harmonic Generation and Parametric Gain • Grating gate offers tunability of electron density • Additional barrier gate increases responsivity when biased beyond pinchoff • Superlattices are highly non-linear materials • DC and/or RF bias scheme for harmonic generation (left), parametric gain (right), or LSA mode operation Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.