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在社会转型中促进大学生就业和创业 Advancing Employability and Entrepreneurship in Transition Society. 李家华 副院长、教授 Professor Jiahua Li , Vice-President. 一、中国大学生就业创业的社会背景 Ⅰ . The social background of employment and entrepreneurship of Chinese college students. 1 、社会的急剧转型
在社会转型中促进大学生就业和创业Advancing Employability and Entrepreneurship in Transition Society 李家华 副院长、教授 Professor Jiahua Li,Vice-President
一、中国大学生就业创业的社会背景Ⅰ. The social background of employment and entrepreneurship of Chinese college students • 1、社会的急剧转型 • Chinese society is undergoing rapid social transition. This transformation consists of three levels: • 宏观:农业社会 → 工业(信息)社会 • the first level is the macro-social transformation , which transit from the traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society (or the Information Society); • 中观:政治为中心→ 经济为中心 • the second level is the meso-social transformation , which transit from the political struggle-centered society to economic construction – centered society; • 微观:经济(计划→ 市场) 政治(集中→民主) 文化(一元→ 多元) • The third level is micro social transformation , which transit from the previous planned economy to market economy; from political centralization to political democracy; from single culture to multi cultural. • 这些社会转型影响和导致了大学生就业和创业环境的变化。 • These social transition caused the change of employment and entrepreneurship environment.
2、中国正在努力实现小康社会的发展目标China is striving to achieve the goals of a well-off society. • 2020年达到如下十项建设指标: • China is going to achieve the following 10 construction indicators by the year 2020: • 一是年人均国内生产总值超过3000美元。二是城镇居民人均可支配年收入1.8万元。三是农村居民家庭人均纯收入8000元。四是恩格尔系数低于40%。五是城镇人均住房建筑面积30平方米。 • First, per capita GDP will be more than 3,000 U.S. dollars. • Second, per capita disposable income of urban residents will be reached 18,000 Yuan. • Third, the per capita net income of rural families will be reached 8,000 Yuan. • Fourth, the Engel's coefficient will be lower than 40%. • Fifth, the per capita housing room for city and town families will be 30 square meters.
2、中国正在努力实现小康社会的发展目标China is striving to achieve the goals of a well-off society. • 六是城镇化率达到50%。七是居民家庭计算机普及率20%。八是大学毛入学率20%。九是每千人医生数2.8人。十是城镇居民最低生活保障率95%以上。 • Sixth, urbanization rate will be reached 50% • Seventh, computer penetration rate in residents’ families will be 20%. • Eighth, gross enrollment rate of universities will be 20%. • Ninth, there is going to be 2.8 doctors per thousand people. • Tenth, the minimum living standard protection rate of city and town residents will be more than 95%. • 以上目标能否实现与大学生的就业与创业情况互相关联。 • There is an interrelated relationship between employment and entrepreneurship of university students and the achievement of those objectives we mentioned above.
3、中国将面对严峻的就业形势China will face the severe employment situation • 第一、处于劳动年龄人口增长高峰期。每年进入劳动年龄约1800万人; • First, China is experiencing the peak period of working-age population growth. Every year, there are 18 million people who get into the working-age;
3、中国将面对严峻的就业形势China will face the severe employment situation • 第二、农业劳力超过需求,富余1.5亿,需向第二、三产业转移。 • Second, agricultural labor is oversupplied of 150 million, it is necessary to be shifted to the second and tertiary industries.
3、中国将面对严峻的就业形势China will face the severe employment situation • 问题:第一产业拒绝就业;第二产业负就业;第三产业难就业。Therefore, the pressure of all the three industries is enormous. The problems existing at present are: • the refuse employment of primary industry; • the negative employment of secondary industry; • the difficult employment of tertiary industry.
3、中国将面对严峻的就业形势China will face the severe employment situation • 高校毕业生却逐年剧增,2001-2009年高校毕业生人数增长了4.3倍。 • The number of college graduates has increased year by year; • has increased by 4.3 times since2001 to 2009.
3、中国将面对严峻的就业形势China will face the severe employment situation • 第三、GDP增长创造就业岗位减少。国家统计局的一个测算表明,在20世纪80年代,GDP每增长1个百分点,可增加240万个就业岗位,而90年代以来,只能增加70万个。 • Third, the jobs which brings about by the GDP growth have reduced. A National Bureau of Statistics estimates show that in the 1980's, every 1℅GDP growth can brought 2.4 million jobs, while since the 1990's, the number of new job can only be 700,000.
3、中国将面对严峻的就业形势China will face the severe employment situation • 当前的就业面临着三个特殊情况:由传统企业改制、改革带来的工人下岗、失业问题;由于农业劳动力向城市转移带来的农民工问题;由于高校扩招和教育质量带来的大学生就业难问题。 • The current employment faces three special circumstances: • the laid-off workers and unemployment problem which are brought about by the traditional enterprises reform; • the migrant workers issue which caused by the transfer of the agricultural labor to the cities; • the college students employment problem which is a result of the expansion and quality of colleges education.
5 . 25"wo ai wo" (I love myself). Employment is the theme of this year's Mental Health Day, since the economic downturn has left graduates with bleak job prospects.
如何解决就业这个最棘手的社会问题?How to solve the most difficult social problem—employment ? • 显然,国家的政策具有重要的导向功能和扶持作用。 • It is obviously that the national policy performs an important role in guiding function and support.
二、中国高校毕业生就业创业政策概述Ⅱ. An overview of employment and entrepreneurship policies of Chinese college graduates 1、国务院政策 1. State Policies 2009年1月19日,国务院下发了《通知》采取八条有效措施: • January 19th, 2009, the State Council General Office issued a "Circular on strengthening the work of colleges employment," which called for the first place of employment of college graduates in current employment. • The following eight effective measures are expected to be adopted:
1、国务院政策1. State Policies —— 鼓励和引导高校毕业生到城乡基层就业。 —— 鼓励高校毕业生到中小企业和非公有制企业就业。 —— 鼓励骨干企业和科研项目单位积极吸纳和稳定高校毕业生就业。 —— 鼓励和支持高校毕业生自主创业。 Encouraging and guide college graduates to have their jobs in the basic level of urban and rural areas. Encouraging college graduates to small and medium-sized enterprises, and non-public ownership enterprises. Encouraging the backbone enterprises and research organizations to absorb and stabilize the employment of college graduates actively. Encouraging and support entrepreneurship for college graduates.
1、国务院政策1. State Policies • —— 强化高校毕业生就业服务和就业指导。 —— 提升高校毕业生就业能力。 —— 强化对困难高校毕业生的就业援助。 —— 加强领导,明确责任。 • Strengthening the employment services and employment guidance of college graduates. • Enhancing the employability of college graduates. • Strengthening employment assistance for the college graduates who are in a vulnerable situation. • Strengthening leadership, clarify responsibility.
2、教育部政策2, the Ministry of Education Policy • 之后,教育部已推出六条举措: • —— 鼓励高校毕业生到基层、到中西部地区就业 • —— 鼓励重大科研项目聘用高校毕业生 • —— 鼓励高校毕业生应征入伍服兵役 • After that, the Ministry of Education has launched six initiatives: • - Encouraging college graduates to the basic level, to the central and western regions • -Encouraging major research projects to employ college graduates • - Encouraging college graduates to perform compulsory military service conscripts
2、教育部政策2. The Ministry of Education Policy • —— 优化人才培养结构,加强专业型、应用型人才培养—— 强化高校毕业生就业服务和就业指导—— 大力提升高校毕业生就业能力 • Optimizing the structure of personnel training, enhancing the training of professional, and application-oriented talent. • Strengthening the employment services and employment guidance of college graduates. • Enhancing the employability of college graduates
3、地方政策3. Local Policies • 以北京为例:今年北京市有70余万人存在就业需求,其中大学生就有21万人。3月11日北京市人事局公布了《北京市人民政府办公厅关于做好2009年普通高等学校毕业生就业工作的通知》,出台了15项促进大学生就业的措施: • Take Beijing as an example: the demand for jobs in Beijing this year has reached more than 70 million people, of which 210,000 are college students. March 11th, Personnel Bureau announced "the General Office of Beijing Municipal People's Government in doing well in employment of university graduates in 2009", which introduced 15 measures to promote employment of university students:
3、地方政策3. Local Policies • —— 应届毕业生升学扩大招生1万人 • —— 提供3000个中小学教师岗位供优秀毕业生 • —— 当个体工商户免行政事业费 • —— 硕士毕业生可授聘搞科研并可落户 • —— 小企业招毕业生小额贷款享优惠 • The further education expansion of this year’s graduates for 10,000 students • Providing 3000 jobs as primary and secondary school teachers for those outstanding graduates • To waive the administrative expenditure for those graduates who choose to do individual industrial and commercial. • Master's graduates may employed to engage in research and be settled • Small businesses enjoy the benefits of micro-credit recruit by employing graduates
其它十项就业措施概要Summary of some other 10 employment measures • 1.实施就业推荐制度,毕业生求职至少推荐一次。 • 2.对困难毕业生实行一对一重点帮扶。 • 3.鼓励用人单位招收就业困难的毕业生,招收企业享岗位补贴等。 • 4.选聘2000名毕业生到社区工作。 • 5.招聘大学生“村官”。 • 1. The implementation of the recommendation system of employment, recommend job for graduates at least once. • 2. Providing one-on-one focus assistance to the college graduates who are in a vulnerable situation. • 3. Encourage employers to employ graduates who have employment difficulties, the employ company can enjoy job subsidies and other subsidies. • 4. Selected 2000 graduates to work for communities. • 5. Recruiting college students to be "village official."
其它十项就业措施概要Summary of some other 10 employment measures • 6.各高校要开设就业指导课作为必修课程。 • 7.政府部门做好毕业生就业政策,统筹安排资金用于高校就业。 • 8.就业工作放首位,完善高校就业管理和服务体系。 • 9.组织开展毕业生就业服务系列活动。 • 10.组织促进就业的学习实践,拓展毕业生实习见习基地。 • 6. All colleges and universities have to set career guidance as for a compulsory. • 7. Government departments should do well in implementing employment policy for graduates and co-coordinately arrange funds for the graduate’s employment. • 8. To put the graduates’ employment in the first place of work, to perfect management and service system of employment of colleges. • 9. To organize a series of employment service activities for graduates. • 10. To organize the study and practice which can promote employment, expand graduate internship bases.
三、中国大学生就业指导与创业教育的状况及案例Ⅲ. The situation and cases of employment guidance and entrepreneurship education of Chinese college students • 1、就业指导状况 • 1. The situation of employment guidance -- 国家对高校就业指导的政策 State policy of University employment guidance 1999年,高等教育的扩招,大学毕业生的人数成倍增长,对高校就业指导工作提出了更高的要求。 In 1999, the expansion of higher education, and the doubled increase of colleges and universities graduates, which putting forward higher requirements on university employment guidance.
-- 国家对高校就业指导的政策State policies of college employment guidance • 2002 年教育部要求:高校必须健全“全程化、全员化、专业化、信息化”四化标准的就业服务体系。要求提高就业指导专业化水平。要求就业经费不低于学生学费的1%,专职就业指导人员与毕业生的比例不低于1∶500。 • In 2002, the Ministry of Education Required: • Colleges must make the employment services system sound. The system is standardized by four standards: • "full journey-oriented, all member-centered, specialization, information-based". • The professional level of employment guidance should be raised. • Funding of the employment will be no less than 1% of students’ tuition fees; • full-time employment guiders will be with the proportion of graduates of no less than 1:500.
高校就业指导课程设置College employment guidance curriculum • 按教育部要求高校必须开设就业指导课,作为必修课。低年级为职业生涯规划;高年级为求职就业专题讲座和辅导。 • Colleges must be requested to set employment guidance lessons up as compulsory by the Ministry of Education. • For the lower grades, the lessons are set as career planning; and for the senior or seminars, the lessons are set for job-seekers, employment and counseling.
高校就业指导实践活动 The practical activities of university employment guidance • 组织学生职业生涯规划大赛。 • 编印就业资料,举办毕业生经验介绍会。 • 建立就业服务网络。开通手机短信服务。 • 加强毕业生素质拓展和能力训练。 • 组织招聘会。 • organizing Students career planning competition. • publishing employment data, holding experiences introduction sessions of graduates. • establishing the employment service network. SMS service Launching. • enhancing the training of graduates quality development and capacity development. • organizations recruitment.
案例:以济南大学为例CASE: take Jinan University for example • 2000年成立了“济南大学毕业生就业工作指导委员会”,建立“济南大学就业指导中心”。购买了就业工作专用服务器,建起了学生机房,供毕业生免费上网。 • In 2000,"Jinan University Steering Committee on the work of graduate employment", and "Jinan University employment guidance Center" were established in Jinan University. A dedicated server for employment was bought, a students computer room was built, which supply free Internet access for graduates.
案例:以济南大学为例CASE: take Jinan University for example • 2003年引进了“高校毕业生就业管理系统”,实现了用人单位与毕业生网上双选、就业协议书网上备案、网上咨询、网上信息查询、网上毕业生档案查询等的电子化。为每位毕业生印制人手一册的《济南大学就业工作办法》,对当年的国家就业政策、就业形势、就业工作流程和一些就业、择业技巧等等进行了详细的介绍; • In 2003, Jinan University introduced "Management System for the employment of college graduates," which achieved the online dual elections between employers and graduates, online employment agreement filing, online consultation, online information selection, online information inquiries, online electronic files of graduates. • The university has printed a manual named "approaches on employment of Jinan University” for each graduate since 2003, which detailed introduces the national employment policies, employment situation, employment work flow of the year, and some skills of employment etc.
案例:以济南大学为例CASE: take Jinan University for example • 2004年在校园学生生活区建设了就业信息公告栏,在就业中心设立就业书屋; • 2005年开设了职业生涯规划测评和职前教育学堂软件系统。投入专项经费开展就业工作调研,了解企业对学生的评价。建立学士后流动站等多种形式的实习基地。 • In 2004, established employment information bulletin boards in campus student living area, set employment House in employment centers; • In 2005, Career Planning evaluation and pre-inauguration education software system was established. Input special funds to carry out research work, in order to understood the evaluation of enterprises on students. Established practice bases of varied forms such as post-degree programs and other forms.
2、创业教育的状况The situation of Entrepreneurship Education • 中国的创业教育从2002 年初教育部在清华大学等9 所高校进行创业教育试点并举办了两届“创业教育骨干教师培训班”, 标志着中国大学生创业教育的正式开始。 • In early 2002, the Ministry of Education conducted “training for the backbone of entrepreneurship education teachers” for two phases in the nine colleges and universities such as Tsinghua University, which marks the official beginning of Entrepreneurship Education in China.
2、创业教育的状况The situation of Entrepreneurship Education • 全国许多大学经历了引进、吸收、设计、实施、完善、提高和推广的阶段。 • Many universities have experienced the introducing, absorb, design, implement, improve, enhance and promote period.
师资队伍Teaching staff • 2003 年10月,教育部委托北京航空航天大学举办第一期创业教育骨干教师培训班,来自全国105 所高校的180 人参加了学习。 • In October 2003, the Ministry of Education consigned Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to hold the first phase of training for the backbone of entrepreneurship education. 180 teachers from 105 universities all over the country attended this class. • 2005 年4 月、2006 年 5 月和2007 年10 月,该校承办了全国高校第三期、第四期和第五期创业教育骨干教师高级研修班,来自全国的86 名、166 名、118 名教师参加了研修。 • In April 2005, May 2006 and October 2007, the school hosted the third, fourth and fifth phase of training for the backbone of entrepreneurship education, 86, 116, and 118 teachers from all over the country attended the training.
课程设置Curriculum • 目前尚未形成统一的课程设置,学校大多是作为公选课。 • The curriculum has not yet formed a unified curriculum; all schools take it as public elective lessons for students. • 如清华大学经济管理学院开设了《科技创业理论与实践》的选修课。复旦大学开设《创业管理课程;北京航空航天大学面向本科生开设必修课《创业管理入门》,选修课《团队训练》。面向研究生开设选修课《团队训练》、《创业者的企业家精神》等。 • Such as Tsinghua University, set up the "theory and practice of technology entrepreneurship" as elective courses. • Fudan University opened "entrepreneurial management courses”; • Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics opened " Introduction to business management "," entrepreneurial practice, " for undergraduate courses as compulsory; opened" team-work training “ as elective course. Set up "Team-work Training", “entrepreneur’s entrepreneurial spirit " and so on for graduate students.
培养模式Training Mode • 以武汉大学为代表的一些学校建立了“三创教育”为理念的培养模式 (创造教育、创新教育、创业教育),实行讲授与自学、讨论与交流、指导与研究、理论学习与实践学习、课堂教学与课外活动、创造创新与创业相结合。 • A number of universities represented by Wuhan University established the “three creators of education" as the training mode, which including creates education, innovation education and entrepreneurship education. The mode implement teaching and learning, discussion and exchange, guidance and research, theoretical study and practice learning, classroom teaching and extra-curricular activities, to create a combination of innovation and entrepreneurship.
K A B 创业教育中国项目K A B Entrepreneurship Education China Project • K A B 创业教育中国项目是全国青联与国际劳工组织合作的国际项目。 • KAB entrepreneurship education China project is an international project cooperated by All-China Youth Federation and International Labor Organization.
K A B 创业教育中国项目K A B Entrepreneurship Education China Project 2005 年9月,KAB 创业教育(中国)项目第一阶段专家会议在中国青年政治学院召开。 In September of 2005, the expert meeting for the first phase of KAB entrepreneurship education (China) was held in China Youth University for Political Sciences.
K A B 创业教育中国项目K A B Entrepreneurship Education China Project • 2006年8月,清华大学、中国青年政治学院、北京航空航天大学、黑龙江大学、天津工业大学、北京青年政治学院成为首批“大学生K A B 创业教育基地”。 • In August of 2006, Tsinghua University, China Youth University for Political Sciences, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Heilongjiang University, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Beijing Youth College for Political Science became first "KAB entrepreneurship education bases for college students.“
K A B 创业教育中国项目K A B Entrepreneurship Education China Project • 2007 年3月,K A B 创业教育(中国)项目测评中心正式成立,标志着我国K A B创业教育评估与质量控制体系进入正规化阶段。 • In March of 2007, KAB entrepreneurship education (China) Project Evaluation Center was formally established, marking the standardization of assessment and quality control system of KAB entrepreneurship education in our country. • 2007年6月,KAB创业教育(中国)研究所正式成立,标志着我国KAB 创业教育研究上了一个新台阶。 • In June of 2007, KAB entrepreneurship education (China) Research Institute was formally established, marking a new level of the research for the KAB entrepreneurship education in our country.
案例:以吉林大学为例Case: Take Jilin University for example 6.3万的全日制在校学生人数堪称中国大学之最
案例:以吉林大学为例Case: Take Jilin University for example • 吉林大学为培养学生的创业精神、创业知识、创业心理和创业能力采取如下措施: • To establish student’s enterprising spirit, train them in business knowledge, business psychology and entrepreneurship ability, Jilin University takes the following measures: • 邀请大公司的CEO在校内进行创业讲座,一汽大众、丰田、本田、宝洁等著名公司的高层人士都曾做客吉林大学。 • Invite CEOs of well-known big companies both at home and abroad to give speech on entrepreneurship, top managements from FAW-Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Procter & Gamble and other well-known companies have been invited to Jilin University.
案例:以吉林大学为例Case: Take Jilin University for example • 举办大学生创业计划大赛。 • - Hold Business Plan Competition organized for college students. • —— 设置了相当数量的创业教育相关专业。 • - Set up a considerable number of majors related to entrepreneurship education. • —— 开设创业相关课程,不断提高学生们的创业心理素质和创业能力。 • Open business-related courses to improve continually the psychological quality and ability of entrepreneurship.
案例:以吉林大学为例Case: Take Jilin University for example • 吉林大学创业计划竞赛自1999年举办以来,其规模从最初的几支团队发展到现在上百支团队,参与人数从几十人发展到400多人,产品和服务涉及机械、电子、化工、材料、信息等诸多领域。 • Since the first Jilin University Business Plan Competition held in 1999, the size of the competition has enlarged from several teams to more than a hundred teams, the number of participants increases from dozens of people to more than 400 people, products and services are related to different fields such as machinery, electronics, chemicals, materials and information.
四、推进高校就业指导与创业教育的国际合作Ⅳ.To promote international cooperation in employability and Entrepreneurship • 第一、以社会组织为依托,实现交流合作制度化。通过社会组织的协调,如各种协会,基金会等,开展各种活动,共享各国先进经验和成果。 • First, institutionalize exchanges and cooperation on the base of the social organizations. Through the coordination of social organizations such as all kinds of associations and foundations, hold various activities and share advanced experiences and achievements of other countries.
四、推进高校就业指导与创业教育的国际合作Ⅳ.To promote international cooperation in employability and Entrepreneurship • 第二、以高等院校为平台,建立合作伙伴关系。开展校级跨国交流,互派大学生进行访问学习和交流,培养大学生创业者的国际视野。 在课程设置、师资培训方面加强合作,互相借鉴。 • Second, establish partnerships based on colleges. Carry out cross-border exchanges, exchange students for study visits and exchange, giving college student entrepreneurs an international horizon. Enhance the cooperation in the curriculum and teacher training, learn from each other.
四、推进高校就业指导与创业教育的国际合作Ⅳ.To promote international cooperation in employability and Entrepreneurship • 第三、以学术交流为纽带,推进相关理论发展。通过国际学术研讨会,创业论坛等,使就业指导与创业教育理论、模式、方法等更加科学,为各国创业实践活动提供指导。 • Third, promote the development of related theories through academic exchanges. By international academic seminars and entrepreneurship forums, make employment guidance and entrepreneurship education theories, models and methods more scientific, offering guidance to practical activities of entrepreneurship in different countries.