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Data management in RAISEonline for primary schools 1 9 th May 2008. Agenda 9.30am - Start 1. Logging on and accessing standard reports 2. Data administration to add and manage users 3. What is data management? 4. Data management for school defined fields
Data management in RAISEonline for primary schools 19thMay 2008
Agenda 9.30am - Start 1. Logging on and accessing standard reports 2. Data administration to add and manage users 3. What is data management? 4. Data management for school defined fields 5. Data management for amending pupil data * Your go (10.15am – 10.45am) 10:45pm - Break 6. Data management for setting targets 7. Data management for question level analysis * Your go (11.30am – 12 noon) 12 noon - Lunch
1. Logging on and accessing standard reports • RAISEonline can be found at: www.raiseonline.org • The administrator username and password for RAISEonline were provided in a letter to the headteacher • If you do not have these you need to email the helpdesk at enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
Your schools full report and other attainment analysis can be accessed and printed from the home page
2. Data administration to add and manage users • Using the data administration menu, administrators can: • add and delete Users • define Users’ roles within the system • control and disseminate password information. • Accessed via the Administration link at the top left-hand side of the screen
Adding users • Click on the add user link • Chooseeither headteacher or school from the Select User Role list. NB. the headteacher role additionally allows the user to share reports externally with the SIP or LA advisor • Enter user data into the Add User Screen NB. If the user’s name contains an apostrophe (such as O’Neil) leave it out • Click on the Create User Name and Create New Password buttons to generate a username and password • Click the “saveuser and print details” button. NB. You can just click save user but must make a note of the password first as it will become encrypted
Editing or deleting users • Administrators can also edit or delete the details of current users of they change their details or leave the school • Click on the Edit Users link. The Search Users Screen is displayed • Search for the relevant user by entering their forename or surname and then choose to edit or delete them • If you choose to delete the user, you will be prompted to confirm by clicking OK or return • If you choose Edit, you will be returned to the Add User Screen where you can amend and save the user’s personal details.
3. What is data management • The data management menu is accessible via the top menu bar • Allows schools to amend their schools own data to make use of a wider range of features including: • The use of school defined fields to identify additional groups of pupils • The modification of pupil attainment data or contextual factors • The setting of targets, by loading additional cohorts into the system. • Question level analysis, through importing question level results
There are two sets of pupil data... • Centrally provided data: • Loaded by DCSF, • Includes KS1, KS2 and contextual data (from school census) • Used for the Full Report; • Accessible to all users (including Ofsted, SIPs, Local Authorities) • School’s Own data: • Initially a copy of the centrally-provided dataset; • Can be amended using data management functionality; • Used for: • Pupil target setting, • Question level analysis, • School-defined pupil attributes. • Only accessible to users within a school • NB. Attainment and progress reportsdefault to the latest published dataset, but school users can change the reports so they use the School’s Own Data instead
4. Data management for school defined fields • Used to explore attainment and progress of pupil groups other than those centrally defined (eg. poor attendees, booster classes, gifted and talented) • From the data management home page, go to school defined field definitions, which will take you to the edit / amend school filters page. Up to 10 filters can be set up, changed or remove on this page • Values must then be assigned for each filter in the pupil records either through the import data or edit pupils menus • Edit pupils lets you assign values on a pupil by pupil basis • Import data provides you with a template pre populated with selected cohort and current filters which is available through download example templates. This template can then be opened in excel.
Once you have entered a value for each pupil, the template can be reimported into RAISEonline by selecting the school user-defined data option on the import data page
5. Data management for amending pupil data • Used to make amendments to pupil details in the school’s own data for example to update provisional results or correct characteristics NB. This only changes the schools own data, changes must still be reported • Click on amend existing individual pupil records link under data management • Individual pupils can be searched for using either their UPN or name
Once a pupil has been selected you can choose to amend either the pupil information, national assessment, question level analysis or teaching groups • You need to click on update changes and later confirm changes to bring changes about NB. A pupil’s details can be reset at any time by clicking on reset pupil
6. Data management for setting targets • To use the target setting function in RAISEonline, details of the pupils for whom targets are being set must be entered into the system • The pupil information is uploaded to RAISEonline using a common transfer file – CTF – which is produced from your management information system (SIMS) • The CTF contains pupil details, characteristics and prior attainment data (based on the information held in SIMS) and need to be produced first. NB. It is important that this information is stored and kept up to date in SIMS • Once the CTF has been produced and saved, click on the Pupil Records (CTF) option on the Import Data page to import
If you are having problems with CTFs, there are a series of help items under the tutorials menu
7. Data management for question level analysis • At the DCSF Question level analysis briefing in February: “Full functionality including target setting and question level analysis available by end of this term” • The latest RAISEonline update (16th May 2008): “By the end of May, we are intending to release full QLA reportingfunctionality, together with templates for optional tests through to2008. Templates for statutory NC tests will be released subsequently
National Strategies question level analysis templates demonstration