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SOCOL activities at IAC and PMOD/WRC

SOCOL activities at IAC and PMOD/WRC. J. Anet , F. Arfeuille , S. Brönnimann , M. Calisto, T. Egorova , N. Hochmuth , C. Hoyle, T. Peter, E. Rozanov , W. Schmutz , M. Schraner , A. Shapiro, J. Sheng, A. Stenke, D. Weisenstein. IAC ETH. Chemistry-Climate Model SOCOL.

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SOCOL activities at IAC and PMOD/WRC

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  1. SOCOL activities at IAC and PMOD/WRC J. Anet, F. Arfeuille, S. Brönnimann, M. Calisto, T. Egorova, N. Hochmuth, C. Hoyle, T. Peter, E. Rozanov, W. Schmutz, M. Schraner, A. Shapiro,J. Sheng, A. Stenke, D. Weisenstein IACETH

  2. Chemistry-Climate Model SOCOL • Prescribed SST/SIC • MPI-Ocean Model • Mixed Layer Ocean CO,NOx emissions surface, lightning, aircraft Chemistry (MEZON) • Homogeneous and heterogeneous ozone chemistry • Tropospheric background chem.& project-specific extensions • Calculated every 2 hours Dynamics • MA-ECHAM4 / MA-ECHAM5 • L39 (0.01 hPa), T31 / T42 • ECHAM radiation scheme(& shortwave: Lyman-α, Schumann-Runge, Hartley) T, wind, H2O O3, H2O,CH4, N2O, CFCs Het.chemistry CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, Halons Solar Radiation Tropospheric Aerosols Stratospheric Aerosols IACETH

  3. Year without summer 1816 (F. Arfeuille) • Investigate the climatic impacts of the strongest volcanic eruptions of the last 700 years. • Tools: • AER 2D aerosol microphysics model • CCM SOCOL vs2 (MEZON coupled to ECHAM4) • SOCOL runs include stratospheric aerosols taken from AER model output. Solar spectral irradiance from Dalton minimum reconstruction. Sea Surface Temperatures from coral/tree rings reconstruction. • T31L39 resolution. • Approach: • Ensemble runs around 1815-1818 with different volcanic scenarios, SST forcing, … IACETH 3

  4. The middle atmosphere response to the short-term variability of the solar activity(A.P. Shapiro) • Tounderstandthevariabilityofthemiddleatmospherestate on monthly time scalesandevaluatethecontributionofthe different drivingprocesses. • SNF funded • Tools: • CCM SOCOL vs2 • Approach: • Short-term (≈1 year) and medium-term (≈10 years) ensemble simulations of the atmosphere driven by daily spectral solar irradiance. Analysis of the satellite and ground-based data. • Status: • All runs have been completed, the analysis is ongoing. IACETH 4

  5. Nowcastingof the middle atmosphere state (T. Egorova) • To understand the influence of short-term variability of the solar irradiance and energetic particles on the middle atmosphere. • Learn how to manage near-real-time operation and visualization. • FP7 funded, SOTERIA (Solar-TERrestrial Investigations and Archives) • Tools: • CCM SOCOL vs2 extended to include a complete representation of ion chemistry. • Approach: • Ensemble simulations of the middle atmosphere state driven by near-real-time information about spectral solar irradiance and energetic particles. • Status: • Operational service from March 2011 IACETH 5

  6. FUPSOL(J. Anet, autumn 2010) • Investigate influence of the sun on global climate from past (1600) to future (2200) • Tools: • SOCOL vs3 (MEZON coupled to ECHAM5) coupled to MPI-OM via OASIS coupler • Includes particle precipitation from solar eruptions (SPE), solar wind (LEE) and galactic cosmic rays (GCR) • T31L39 resolution for atmosphere, GR30 (around 3°) for ocean • Approach: • 600 yrs control simulation 1600-2200 • Ensemble runs during Dalton Minimum and 21th century with and w/o volcanic eruptions • Status: • Coupling with MPI-OM ongoing IACETH 6

  7. IASSA (Impact of Artificial Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols investigated by means of a coupled aerosol-chemistry-climate-model)(J. Sheng, autumn 2010) • To evaluate the expected efficiency and safety of geoengineering by injection of sulfur containing gases • SNF funded • Tools: • CCM SOCOL vs3 extended to include interactive/slab ocean and a complete representation of sulfate aerosol • Approach: • Long-term (≈100 years) ensemble simulations of the atmosphere driven by different scenarios of sulfate injections. • Status: • model is in preparation IACETH 7

  8. MAIOLICA(A. Stenke, spring 2009) • Investigate feedback processes between terrestrial biosphere and global climate, including anthropogenic land use changes • Special focus on methane • CCESfunded • Tools: • SOCOL vs3 with extended tropospheric chemistry: condensed isoprene mechanism • Coupled to dynamic global vegetation model LPJ • Approach: • Long-term simulations (1900-2100) with and w/o interactive vegetation • Status: • Coupling with LPJ ongoing IACETH 8

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