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ACSx presentation and management

ACSx presentation and management. A.Abdi,M.D. Initial Diagnosis. Symptoms ECG Cardiac Biomarkers. CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPICAL ANGINAL CHEST PAIN (ADAPTED FROM ROSEN’S, EMERGENCY MEDICINE). Assessing Likelihood of ACS. Cardiac Biomarkers. Risk Stratification. Based on initial

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ACSx presentation and management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ACSx presentation and management A.Abdi,M.D

  2. Initial Diagnosis • Symptoms • ECG • Cardiac Biomarkers


  4. Assessing Likelihood of ACS

  5. Cardiac Biomarkers

  6. Risk Stratification Based on initial Evaluation, ECG, and Cardiac markers STEMI Patient? UA or NSTEMI - Evaluate for Invasive vs. conservative treatment - Directed medical therapy YES NO - Assess for reperfusion - Select & implement reperfusion therapy - Directed medical therapy

  7. 51-year-old male with bicuspid aortic valve, aortic insufficiency and hypertension who had an episode of chest pain 2 days prior to this tracing.

  8. The patient is an elderly female with a known history of left bundle branch block who presented to the emergency ward with shortness of breath

  9. A 52-year-old man. What is his chief complaint? What is the rhythm disturbance?

  10. A 43-year-old man diagnosed with lateral subendocardial ischemia based on ST depressions in aVL. Do you agree?

  11. A 47-yr-old man with double trouble

  12. A 41-yr-old man with chest discomfort. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  13. Subtle syncopation. 54-year-old morbidly obese male with an acute inferior MI. What is the rhythm?

  14. 64-year-old male with chest pain.

  15. 89-year-old man with a history of severe congestive heart failure. What is the rhythm? What is the possible significance of rsR' in V6?

  16. What is the ECG diagnosis in this recording with baseline movement?

  17. 54-year-old man with rest chest pain

  18. Middle-aged man with chest pain after a motor vehicle accident with blunt trauma to the chest. The ECG is diagnostic of which condition

  19. 70 year old woman with ECG showing which of the following major diagnoses?

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