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Home not housing: Engaging with well-being outcomes http ://www.scottishinsight.ac.uk/Programmes/Wellbeing2014/HomenotH

Home as a core component of well-being: Benchmarking the evidence base Deborah Peel*, Douglas Robertson** and Beverley Searle* *School of the Environment, University of Dundee **School of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling Housing Studies Association Conference 2014

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Home not housing: Engaging with well-being outcomes http ://www.scottishinsight.ac.uk/Programmes/Wellbeing2014/HomenotH

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  1. Home as a core component of well-being: Benchmarking the evidence base Deborah Peel*, Douglas Robertson** and Beverley Searle* *School of the Environment, University of Dundee **School of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling Housing Studies Association Conference 2014 ‘THE VALUE OF HOUSING’ University of York, 15-17 April, 2014 Home not housing: Engaging with well-being outcomes http://www.scottishinsight.ac.uk/Programmes/Wellbeing2014/HomenotHousing.aspx

  2. Well-being 2014 • A series of programmes around understanding, measuring and promotingwell-being in collaboration with the Scottish Government, Scotland's Futures Forum, Carnegie UK Trust, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Audit Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, David Hume Institute, SCVO and Oxfam Scotland. • Programmes will address the key issues around social, environmental and economic well-being with the aim of making a contribution to the development of policy and practice in Scotland and elsewhere, including the development of Scotland’s National Performance Framework, ‘Scotland Performs’.

  3. Funded Programme Team Deborah Peel, University of DundeeDouglas Robertson, University of Stirling Dr Beverley Searle, University of Dundee James Mitchell, University of EdinburghDr Thilo Kroll, Social Dimensions of Health InstituteMartin Higgins, NHS LothianLisa Pattoni, IRISSRosemary Brotchie, Shelter ScotlandProfessor Jill Grant, Dalhousie University, Canada

  4. Overview • Contextualising Well-being – a questions of values (Stiglitz et al 2009) • Benchmarking Well-being in a Scottish Context (SNP – Scottish Government) • Interpreting Well-being (Some preliminary findings) • Re-positioning Home and Well-being? (Next steps)

  5. ONS, 2013

  6. Well-being is multi-dimensional The information relevant to valuing quality of life goes beyond people’s self-reports and perceptions to include measures of their “functionings” and freedoms. In effect, what really matters are the capabilities of people, that is, the extent of their opportunity set and of their freedom to choose among this set, the life they value. The choice of relevant functioningsand capabilities for any quality of life measure is a value judgment, rather than a technical exercise. But while the precise list of the features affecting quality of life inevitably rests on value judgments, there is a consensusthatquality of life depends on people’s health and education, their everyday activities (which include the right to a decent job and housing), their participation in the political process, the social and natural environment in which they live, and the factors shaping their personal and economic security. Measuringall these features requires both objective and subjective data. The challenge in all these fields is to improve upon what has already been achieved, to identify gaps in available information, and to invest in statistical capacity in areas (such as time-use) where available indicators remain deficient. (StiglitzCommission , 2009)

  7. (1) Differentiating Well-being “an assessment of current well-being and an assessment of sustainability[ie whether this can last over time]. Current well-being has to do with both economic resources, such as income, and with non-economic aspects of peoples’ lives (what they do and what they can do, how they feel, and the natural environment they live in). Whether these levels of well-being can be sustained over time depends on whether stocks of capital that matter for our lives (natural, physical, human, social) are passed on to future generations”. StiglitzCommission (2009) [Joseph Stiglitz (President of the Commission), Amartya Sen (Advisor) and Jean Paul Fitoussi] on the Measurement of Economic Performance & Social Progress

  8. (2) Measuring Well-being …the time is ripe for our measurement system to shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being. And measures of well-being should be put in a context of sustainability. …Recommendation 11…well-identified dashboard of indicators Stiglitz Commission (2009) [Joseph Stiglitz (President of the Commission), Amartya Sen (Advisor) and Jean Paul Fitoussi] on the Measurement of Economic Performance & Social Progress The word Dashboard appears 77 times.

  9. The public housing sector is shaping itself into a ‘social business’ underpinned by evolving governance frameworks to encourage good management, performance, stewardship of public money, public engagement and, ultimately, good outcomes. The focus is on the needs and aspirations of public sector housing customers and being accountable to them. So the key is to ensure any new strategy, policy, procedure or service is measured for effective performance – especially if funding is to be secured and maintained at a healthy level. http://www.versent.co.uk/business-intelligence-dashboard-demos/public-sector-housing-business-intelligence-dashboards/

  10. Dashboards • Manage performance using a Business Intelligence approach • Address complexity by reducing metrics to a single visual display • Display key metrics in standardised way, highlighting inconsistencies • Offer integration and alignment (of departments) • Help organisations navigate and plan (what to change) • Enforce consistency and monitor performance • Communicate performance – but also the indicators selected communicate what the ‘organisation’ values (Pauwels et al, 2009)

  11. Dashboards - Critique • Evolved from the executive information systems of the 1980s (Dover, 2004) • Similar to Management by Objectives – but focus on managing by process to get results (rather than results to get results) – follows the quality management philosophy (Gitlow, 2005) • Decision Support Systems - driven by practice and software providers (Pauwels et al, 2009) • “Although dashboards seem to have caught on as a management tool, the scientific literature has failed to keep pace with developments” (Yigitbasioglu & Velcu, 2012) • “…the notion of dashboards hasn’t captured the public’s imagination” (Fox, 2012) • 2001 Dashboard of Sustainability?

  12. A Dashboards Approach: An Exact Science? • Recommended: creating a performance framework better able to deliver, measure and report on economic performance, quality of life, sustainability and well-being (Carnegie UK, 2011) • … repeatedly found that the Scottish National Performance Framework is an international leader in wellbeing measurement (Carnegie UK, 2013)

  13. “The Purpose” “To focus Government and public services on creating a more successfulcountry, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.” (Scottish Government 2007) “Devolution has given Scotland many of the key levers to deliver high standards. I am proud that successive devolved administrations have sought to make the most effective use of their powers to meet the specific needs of Scotland's population.” (First Minister, Scottish Government 2009)

  14. Health & Wellbeing National Conversation 2009 • [Normative] The health and wellbeing of a population is a key focus for any government. Good health, adequate housing and a benefits system that protects the most vulnerable are the basic building blocks of a civilised society. • [Policy] The ban on smoking in public places, free personal and nursing care for older people, the reduction in prescription charges, the restarting of council house building and support for home owners in difficult market conditions all show what can be done for Scotland, by Scotland. • [Political] …. I want …. all future governments in Scotland … to be able to use all relevant powers to improve the lives of the people of Scotland. Challenges such as the current housing crisis require innovative responses from across government. We have delivered those within our current responsibilities, but changes such as bringing in new large-scale investment in private rented housing are constrained by UK stamp duty rules, which disadvantage investors making bulk purchases by charging tax at the higher rate.

  15. The Purpose

  16. Scotland Performs

  17. Preliminary Findings - Measuring Up? • OECD: How’s Life: 2013 Measuring Well-being – emphasised Scotland’s “accountability” - based on the National Performance Framework • To date, dimensions of home have not been fully considered in an integrated way, nor properly developed to enhance our understanding of just how homecontributes to interpretations of well-being • Meanings (and indicators) separated by government department (built and natural environments, health & social care), discipline (social / life sciences) and profession (planning, social work, housing, building regulations, policing, community development) – and personal values

  18. Shifting Meanings of Home • At present, notions of well-being provided by social constructions of the home tend to be primarily driven by the previous dominant economic and physical quality focused discourses that framed housing policy • Meaning of home highly differentiated - individual and household contexts, life-cycle and life-world experiences • eghome as site of care delivery in the context of an ageing society - personal private space has thus become semi-public. • eghome as a place of employment • Risk of overlooking home in relation to enhancing family life and relationships, and home’s importance as a place of sanctuary and ontological security, and mental well-being.

  19. Project - Home not Housing: Engaging with well-being outcomes (i) the personal determinants of well-being (ii) the environmental determinants of well-being. To: • rethink the relationships between personal and environmental factors in housing form, model, use and location through an appreciation of individual perceptions of belonging, identity and personal autonomy; • discuss alternative housing solutions for improving individual flourishing and associated socio-economic wellbeing; and • identify priorities for action to promote and embed improved well-being through public policy, academic research, and private developer and third sector action.

  20. Invitation Our first seminar will take place on Tuesday 13th May 2014 in the Scottish Universities Insight Institute, University of Strathclyde, Collins Building, 22 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ. http://www.scottishinsight.ac.uk/Programmes/Wellbeing2014/HomenotHousing.aspx

  21. Final Thoughts Metrics are supposed to help our quest to create a better world but they will never be a substitute for public dialogue and thinking about what makes for a good society. (Stiglitz, 2012, 4th OECD World Forum, New Delhi)

  22. Home as a core component of well-being: Benchmarking the evidence base Deborah Peel*, Douglas Robertson** and Beverley Searle* *School of the Environment, University of Dundee **School of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling Housing Studies Association Conference 2014 ‘THE VALUE OF HOUSING’ University of York, 15-17 April, 2014 Home not housing: Engaging with well-being outcomes http://www.scottishinsight.ac.uk/Programmes/Wellbeing2014/HomenotHousing.aspx

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