Step1: Create a project named OrderedListAsArrayTestStep2: Copy and paste the ADTs folder in OrderedListAsArrayTest folderStep3: Define a class OrderedListAsArrayTest in which:You create the main() method1- Instantiate the OrderedListAsArray class with an object named mylist with array size equals 5.2- Fill mylist with the integers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (use the method insert(Comparable object)).3- Display the elements of mylist: use the hasMoreElements() and nextElement() methods of the interface Enumeration and a whileloop.4-Remove 10 from mylist (use withdraw(Comparableobj) method).5- Display the elements in mylist (use the accept() method of the interface Visitor.).6- Remove the element at position 0 from mylist (use MyCursor class and withdraw() method). 7-Display the elements in mylist (use the accept() method of the interface Visitor.). 8- Insert 5 after the first element of mylist (use insertAfter(Comparable obj)).9- Insert 7 before 8 (use findPosition(Comparable obj) to locate the position of 8 and insertBefore(Comparable obj)).10- Display the elements in mylist (use the accept() method of the interface Visitor.).