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Scientific English Writing Section VII. The relative clause. Ⅰ . Connectives. that which who( whom) whose as but. Relative pronoun. that which + not who. ※ =. There is no complicated problems but can be solved in a few hours. 英语中没有无例外的规则。.
The relative clause Ⅰ . Connectives that which who( whom) whose as but • Relative pronoun that which + not who ※=
There is no complicated problems but can be solved in a few hours. • 英语中没有无例外的规则。 There is no rule in English but has exceptions. • There was no single movement of hers but was beautiful.
2. Relative adverbs mathematical expressions,equations, formulas, “这里”,“式中” place, extent, degree, point, case, situation ··· where when wherein = in which whereby = by which whereon = on which whence = from which (comes)
可以使用小型计算机的场合似乎是无止境的。 The places where small computers can be used appear endless. • 我们必须懂得这里使用该电路的原因。 We must understand the reason why this circuit is used here. Electromagnetic induction is the means whereby nearly all the world’s electric power is produced.
The relative clause Ⅱ . The correct choice of the preposition before “which” • “ of which” as adverbial in the sub-clause consist of be composed of be made of be made up of be constructed of capable of descriptive of representative of characteristic of symptomatic of be +
Specific diseases of which these abnormal muscle contractions are symptomatic will be discussed later. • 构成水的两种元素是气体氧和氢。 The two elements of which water is made are the gases oxygen and hydrogen. • 这是该晶体管所能给出的最大放大量。 This is the maximum amount of amplification of which the transistor is capable.
2. “ of which” as attributive in the sub-clause • 我们能够找到几个条件,其中只有两个是必要条件。 We can find a few conditions only two of which are necessary. ※※ 其每一点的 Y 坐标均为零的曲线就是 X 轴。 The curve the Y-coordinate of every point on which is zero is just the x-axis.
3. other prepositions + which • 这取决于电流流动的容易程度。 This depends on the ease with which a current flows. • 这是能量守恒定律适用的一个过程。 This is a process to which conservation of energy law applies. • 铁是我们最熟悉的金属之一。 Iron is one of the metals with which we are most familiar. • 必须确定人眼最敏感的波长。 It is necessary to determine the wave length to which the eye is most sensitive.
Ⅲ . None-restrictive relative clauses some commonly used patterns: in which case … at which time for which reason =because of which from which as a result of which ··· (main clause), • I1远大于I2,在这种情况下,I2可以忽略不计。(neglect) I1 is much greater than I2 , in which case I2 can be neglected.
A beam of white light is separated into beams of various colors, from which we conclude that white light is actually a mixture of light of these different colors. • 有些物质的电阻很高,因此可以用作为绝缘体来防止漏电。 Some materials have a very high resistance, because of which they can be used as insulators to prevent the leakage of current.
Ⅳ. other special connectives 1. As “正如 ··· 那样” “这一点” (1) • As we stated earlier, matrices can be used to solve systems of equations. • Transistors are small and efficient, as is well known to us.
shows indicates implies suggests as the name “顾名思义” such the same … as … (2) • 我们用来测量电流的这类仪表称为电流表。 Such meters as we use to measure current are called ammeters.
2. since • 自从本书首次出版以来的这十年间,电子工业已发生了巨大变化。 During the ten years since this book was first published, significant changes have been seen in electronics industry.
Subjunctive mood Ⅰ . The conditional subjective mood • 人类如能把太阳光全部利用起来,那么就不需要煤和其他燃料了。 If man made use of all the sunlight, he would have no need for coal or other fuels. • 如果当时采用了这种方法,就会节省好多时间。 If this method had been adopted at that time, much time would have been saved.
※※ A pattern should were to (sub-clause)if … … , … 万一,一旦,如果 • 一旦这些轰炸机遇到这样的空防系统的话,其后果会是致命的。 Should these bombers encounter such an air-defense system, the results could be fatal.
Ⅱ. Subjunctive mood in nominal clauses Blank filling: • They consider it necessary that this point _____(ground). • It is of paramount importance that correct measurement ______(carry) out at every step. • Their suggestion is that the water level ____(raise). • Long long ago, a scientist suggested that the earth ____(be) round.
Ⅱ. Subjunctive mood in some adverbial clause as if (as though) whether (omitted) … or lest + v.( base form) • 当时看起来那个题的答案好像是错的 At that time it looked as if the answer to that problem had been wrong. • 任何物质,无论是空气、木头还是水,都具有重量。 Any matter, be it air, wood or water, has weight. • 应该把电池放在干燥的地方以免走电。 Batteries should be kept in dry place lest electricity leak away.
Assignment: P.69 Ⅱ . 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18 Ⅲ . P.77 Ⅱ . 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 Ⅲ .