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R x : The Road to Success Through Health and Education

R x : The Road to Success Through Health and Education. The journey of school based health centers and a community school. Bedlam Community Health Partnerships SBHC. The school based health centers are designed to serve students,

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R x : The Road to Success Through Health and Education

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  1. Rx:The Road to Success Through Health and Education The journey of school based health centers and a community school

  2. Bedlam Community Health PartnershipsSBHC • The school based health centers are designed to serve students, family members, extended families and community who enroll into the program, regardless of ability to pay for service. • No school program is exactly the same but every clinic offers…

  3. Comprehensive Primary Care • Preventative & Acute • Mental & Behavioral Health Care • Health Promotion & Education • Oral Health & Education

  4. How it must work

  5. Components of a SBHCUnder one Roof & Accessible • Health Services Comprehensive Primary Care / Preventative • Health Education / Literacy • Physical Education & Nutrition • Behavioral / Mental Health • Social Services • Health Promotion Staff and Community

  6. Poor Health Reduces Educational Attainment • Children in poor health miss more school days and have lower cognitive development • Lower educational attainment contributes to lower wages and lower labor force participation • Thus increasing the likelihood of not being insured as an adult and increasing the odds of continued poor health • KAISER COMMISSION ON Medicaid and the Uninsured, 2002

  7. The Purpose and Design • Connect Health with Education • Improve Student Outcomes • Remove Disparities • Increase Access to Care • Break Cycle of Poverty

  8. Ensuring Success • DEVELOP Partnerships • ESTABLISH Common Mission / Vision • INCREASE Awareness of Benefit to Students and Community • INCREASE Access to Healthcare and Services to Students and Community

  9. Expected Outcomes • Improved Academic Performance • Decreased Absenteeism • Decreased Behavioral and Discipline Referrals • Decrease Barriers and Improve Access to Health Care • Promote Awareness of Healthy Lifestyle • Eliminate Health Disparities


  11. RAPID GROWTHSupports a Community in Need Aug 2003 Evening Safety Net Clinic Aug 2004 First SBHC in Tulsa Public Sept 2004 Second SBHC Jan 2005 First SBHC in Union Public Mar 2005 Public Housing Primary Care Clinic 2005 To 2006 Five more SBHC

  12. Dollars & Cents Bedlam Evening Clinic FREE School Based Health Center Bill insurance or Medicaid, if none FREE • No Direct Federal dollars received • No Direct State dollars allocated • Philanthropic, private, grants, gifts, awards

  13. Lack of Local Medical Care Poor Public Transportation High Student Mobility Lack of Community Partnerships RACE 40% Hispanic 35% African American 15% Caucasian 10% Other AGE & GENDER 63% Women & Children 35% Over 18 yrs 65% Under 18 yr EDUCATION < HS 48.2% HS 29.1% > HS 22.6% INCOME 86% FPL or Below Needs AssessmentThe Roy Clark Community

  14. BEDLAM PATIENT PROFILERoy Clark ElementaryUnion Public School District (UPSD) Total Clinic Enrollment = 2,900 • 48% Medicaid • 49% Uninsured • 3% Private Insurance

  15. On Examination • Lack of Primary Care Providers • Misconception of UPSD Economics • Very Poor Age Adjusted Death Rate • Gang Violence • Large Multicultural Community • Grandparents as Guardians

  16. COMMUNITY RISKS High health risk behaviors Elevated disease rates Elevated death rates (heart, cancer, infant mortality, etc) Regional geographic disparities (north – east – west)

  17. The Reason Why The School Setting is the Perfect Setting Health + Education = Healthy, Smart, Motivated Families!

  18. FOR OUR CHILDREN “Every child has the right to quality healthcare - including comprehensive primary care, mental & behavioral health, and dental & oral health.”

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