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Roger (Chief and Instructor Management) Budget IM - Pay - Hire - Transfers - Vacancies Unit Reports JCLC Composite Risk Assessments Approve/Disapprove All Travel DTS Approving Official New Programs JLAB Meetings with Educators Briefings/MOI’s Staff Call
Roger (Chief and Instructor Management) Budget IM - Pay - Hire - Transfers - Vacancies Unit Reports JCLC Composite Risk Assessments Approve/Disapprove All Travel DTS Approving Official New Programs JLAB Meetings with Educators Briefings/MOI’s Staff Call Bi Weekly Updates Telecons (BDE and JROTC Directorate) Supervise Desk 847 688 3328 ext 127 WK Cell BB 847-903-6577 Personal Cell 262 337 1601 roger.a.rabiego.civ@mail.mil Barry (Operations) Assist the Chief Calendar Competitions (including JLAB) JCLC Smart Cards Defense Travel Administrator Curriculum Manager Briefings/MOI’s Marksmanship Distance Learning Rappelling Automation at schools Alt BO for all programs GPC Set Ups PUBS 100% Inventories Update Sharepointe Desk 573 596 0131 ext 65202 Cell 417 234 1023 Blackberry 573 586 7054 barry.s.vandenberg.civ@mail.mil Tyrone (Log and Unit Management) JCLC GPC Cardholder Unit Orders Logistics - Travel, meal, lodging requests - JCLC Contracts Cadet Challenge Superior Cadet Master Training Schedules Unit Directories Management Control Reports PUBS JSOCC DTS T-Enter (Instructor Travel) Instructor Education Instructor Certification Desk 573 596 0131 ext 65221 Blackberry 573 586 9109 tyrone.s.middleton.civ@mail.mil Things we all do Password Resets (send email) Help Desk Unit Visits/Accreditations